Script: Black-Extra Details - Background Music, (Vox Pop) "Everyday" "Everyday " Appearing On The Screen Blank Screen

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Before creating our draft, we researched into how scripts

were written; we decided to put which shot we would be using with

what part of narration we would use in order to make it clearer and
easier to understand. Now that we have produced our script draft we
have a much clearer idea of where our documentary is going and
what it will be leading up to, this will aid us when editing as we know
how long certain clips need to be etc.
We understand that this script will change slightly once we have
edited our documentary as we may decide that different clips make
more sense and therefore the script will have to change to
accommodate this, however for now our script is a useful guide for us
to follow.
Blue- Footage used

Red-Narration Black-Extra details

Archival footage - background music,

(Vox Pop) "Everyday" "everyday appearing on the screen
Blank screen Skipping through Archival photos "Todays society as changed
dramatically, teenagers that were once roller skating and hanging
out with their friends at the cinema are now communicating via mobile
phones and social media networks. Around 72% of all internet users
are now active on social media. This drastic change in media
platforms has allowed us to become well connected, but how much
do we know about the effects on us? This is what we are going to be
Birdseye view shot of students in college " With more than a billion
users on some social media networks, they have fast become apart
of our daily lives, personally and professionally. With 71% of users
accessing social media from a mobile device, and 18-29 year olds
having an 89% usage. are we becoming obsessed with social
media? "
Panning shot of Sixth Form College sign
"We spoke to guidance councilor Julie Maitland about her opinions on
social media"
(Cut to Julie talking about social media how she defines obsession)

Shot of Grace using her phone in a class room "But are we blinded
by the effects, we got our generations opinion by talking to students
at the sixth form college Solihull "
Vox pop
Vox pops answering how they think social media effects them, (short
snappy) -variation of female and maleInstagram image "One of the worlds leading social networking sites,
famous for photo editing and is Instagram. The apps popularity has
grown by 25% in recent years, with around 200 million monthly active
users - which is about the entire population of Brazil!"
Scrolling through Instagram on the phone
"So what is it that entices people? We spoke to Emma Plenty who is
an Instagram activist about her opinions on the social networking
Cut to Emmas interview - Emma will talk about the positives of
Instagram and how it has affected her
over the shoulder shot of someone on Instagram "its clear that there
are many positive uses of the social networking site or it wouldn't be
so popular, however does seeing a photo of someone else dressed
up or going out leave us feeling envious or angry?
Cut to Julie talking about people having low self-esteem
and depression and those who are most vulnerable
Cut away to news paper article - highlighting powerful words such as
'depression' 'loathing' as Julie is talking
Footage of article According to research carried out at a German
university a photo can very powerfully provoke immediate social
comparison, and that can trigger feelings of inferiority. That you can't
get from a status, after all a picture is worth a thousand words. What
promotes this endless cycle of loathing, there is a theory that If you
see beautiful photos of your friend on Instagram, one way to
compensate is to self-present with even better photos, and then your
friend sees your photos and posts even better photos, and so on.
Self-promotion triggers more self-promotion."
Cut to Paul - Talking about how social media may affect peoples
cut away to students using phones in class room/ canteen-" so are
we cool and confident or secretly loathing other peoples posts, we
decided to ask students whether it matters to them how many likes or
comments they get on a photo and whether they think it effects them
in this way "

Cut to Vox pops- discussing whether it matters to them how many

likes they get, or whether it gives them a feeling of self confidence.
"So we've looked at whether a social networking site can make us
feel superior or in fact lower out self esteem, but what effect will it
have on the long run, will it prove as a distraction or will social media
networks take over and become part of the norm for the future"
Cut to Paul- discussing how social media is used for educational
Cut to students using phones in the library/Classroom
"its obvious that social media is a growing phenomenon as There are
684,478 pieces of content shared on Facebook; 3,600 new photos on
Instagram; during every minute of every day, but how is the
information we share with others affecting us?
Cut to Paul talking about using Facebook to look up people for
job applications
"But can all the publicity be bad. perhaps they will see photos of you
working with leading charities, or travelling the world helping the less
fortunate, either way we are being judged everyday by the things we
so easily post to social networking sites, so the next thought is
whether social media will ever stop growing, and whether we will ever
sop using it"
Cut to Julie- discussing what lies in the future for social media
(summarizing sentence)
Cut to panning shot of college "so is the problem that social media is
becoming too accessible, and will it eventually effect everyone to a
level where we don't know we've been effected? After the break we
will be looking at the obsession with Facebook (cut to Facebook logo)
and talking to someone who's life has been changed drastically over
the course of this year.

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