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Characteristics of Scientific Articles Worksheet (Part 1)

Name: ______________________________

ID: _______________________________

Department: Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Computer Science, Computer Engineering

Due Date: 10-10-2012

Instructions: Please answer the following questions and bring to your scheduled library session.

Research topic to be investigated:


How did your team decide on this topic?


Why is your research topic important?


At this early stage of the research process, what do you think you will you need to find out, or learn more about, in
relation to this topic?


Remember you will be researching as part of a team. What will be your role in the research process?


How do you rate your current research skills?

My current research skills are... (select ONE option from the list below)

1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Average
4. Fair
5. Poor

AUS Library. July 2012

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Characteristics of Scientific Articles Worksheet (Part 1)


Locate one scientific article which discusses your research topic in detail
Provide a full reference (citation) for this source in the box below:

Note: Criteria for source selection:

a) source selected must report on the topic from an engineering viewpoint
b) source selected must be recent, reliable and credible


Provide a short, descriptive paragraph (100 words) explaining the process you used to search for and locate this source.


Explain in a short paragraph how this article relates to your topic (from an engineering perspective).

AUS Library. July 2012

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