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Case Number: 89 Date: 04/03/2014

Reporting Officer: Danny Mouse Rank: PC

Summary of Incident: Robbery at new Tech East High
On tuesday 4thMartch 2014 I attended a call to new tech east; on arrival horrid
henry was seen climing through a window on the wright side of the building. In his
hands was five students bags and a boys coat. I tryed to pull him back in the room
by his legs but their was a struggle that meant he got away
I gave chace around the parking lot and we must of run around in circles for thirty
minutes. eventually horrid Henry through the bags down behind him witch made
me fall over After getting back up Horrid Henry had ran too far for me to catch him
and he got away with the boys coat.
I collected the five students bag that were in the playground and went back to the
classroom were I closed it of to be inspected by Scene if Crime Officers (SOCO).
I took a statement from Mr. Hatch; unfortunately there were no CCTV footage. After
this is returned to the station where I requested assistance to track down and arrest
horrid Henry at his home.

Signed: Date: ..
Signed Line Manager: . Rank: .
Date: .

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