Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface

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Teredo tunneling pseudo-interface

July 2014

Teredo tunneling pseudo-interface

Teredo is a technology use to encapsulate IPv6
packets in IPv4 packets when the network devices
do not support IPv6 standard. This allows the
transmission of packets via devices using address
translation or on the Internet using IPv4.
IPv6 and Teredo installed by default on
Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
*These drivers can't be uninstalled!
However, if IPv6 support is not enabled on
your OS, the Teredo client is activated (but remains idle).
It is automatically activated when an application need to use IPv6. Once enabled it will
need to find the IPv4 address corresponding to each IPv6 address.
This is achieved by performing a DNS query to teredo.ipv6.microsoft.com. If you use a
firewall (like ZoneAlarm), it will block the connection and prevent the client from running.
This usually results in a yellow exclamation mark in the device manager.

Enable IPv6 on your Firewall

In the settings of your firewall, click Advanced Options and make sure the "Enable IPv6"
checkbox is check.
Reboot if necessary.

Disable Teredo
If you do not want the client initiate the connection or you do not want to use Teredo (most
software work without it), you can disable the Teredo client: Via the Device Manager:
Open the Device Manager
Open the "Network Adapters"
Click on the View menu > Show hidden devices.

Right click on the device and select "Disable" button.

Using the command prompt:
Click Start > All Programs > Accessories .
Right click on "Command Prompt" and select "Run as administrator".
Type the following command:
netsh interface teredo set state disabled
This document entitled Teredo tunneling pseudo-interface from Kioskea (en.kioskea.net) is made available under
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license, as this note appears clearly.

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