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Production Title: Trick or Treat

Group Name: D.B.R Productions

Date 12/2/14

Producing A Plan Diary

1. Crew Names & Roles
Dayo Awoyale Cameraman/Editor/Director
Editors work very closely with the Director before shooting begins
on a short film, deciding how to make the screenplay as good as
possible. On the first day of principal photography, Editors begin
work in the cutting room which could sometimes be at the location
of the film, looking at the previous day's rushes which are
developed overnight at the Film Lab and synced-up (synchronized,
the alignment of sound and image) by the Assistant Editor so
everything goes in time, doing this keeps everything in time so
nothing pays out of place which will give off a poor production on
the movie. Dayo was chosen for this role as he has a lot of
experience with editing and his can get the best edits into the film
which will make the film look professional and slick.

Bradley Bablee Director/Producer/ Editor

The skills you may need as a Producer are good knowledge in anything
you may be doing, experience in the job and also personal motivation
trait. strong problem-solving skills and the ability to make decisions
quickly so time isnt wasted, flexibility to deal with unexpected changes
such as the wrong lighting being brought by our camera crew, a calm
approach during big problems occurs sorting it out as quick as possible
removes hassle, the ability to balance the creative and practical in making
decisions, handling requests for funds, negotiating skills will come in
handy if too much money is being spent, the ability to work with many
different types of people, commanding respect and providing
encouragement keeping everyone motivated and also a willingness to
work long hours week in, week out. Bradley was picked as the producer
because his has good leadership skills and he also knows what he wants in
a movie.

Renata Magalhaes Pereira Runner/Director/Editor

The skills that directors must possess are good organizational skills,
the director must sometimes step into the chief executives shoes.
The director must contribute constructively to the overall creation of
the movie scene by scene, telling everyone their priorities,
improving process of filming, the budget of the setting and
performances. Directors must also stand back from the practical
which is taking place and think of what can make the scene better
whether it is the location, the props which are being used in the
scene, the characters posture and the way the cameras are laid out.
Directors must also spot the differences in changing environments,
social and political, they may need to change a couple things which

Production Title: Trick or Treat

Group Name: D.B.R Productions
Date 12/2/14
may go on in the movie so they dont offend the viewers who could
possibly watch it, and this is being one step ahead. Renata was
picked for this role as she has great visuals and she knows how to
make her idea into a movie. Her ideas are simple with eccentric
tricks which keep the viewer hooked to watch on.

Potential Actors
Paul Actor
Adam Actor
Nai Actor
Sam Actor
Lauren Actress
Daynah Actress
Rhoda Actress
Vivian - Actress
Kelly - Actress

Last Four
Paul - Actor
Daynah - Actress
Adam - Actor
Rhoda Actress

Final Two
Rhoda She was picked to do the role of the girl
Lauren as she does drama and we saw good potential in her
acting skills however she doesnt have a main role another
because once shooting started, the shots we had werent that
great so we had to reevaluate our film.

Production Title: Trick or Treat

Group Name: D.B.R Productions
Date 12/2/14
Adam Adam was perfect for the role as he also does drama,
he captures he audience on the camera, his tone of voice is
also good as people want to listen to him once he starts

Rhoda Arthur Actress - Is an Assistant Manager who finishes

work on a cold misty night, shes is black female with long
black hair. She has a happy, jumpy personality however; she is
very paranoid with her looks and appearance
Adam Actor - has a very secretive personality, keeping
everything between him and his partner Lauren although; he
has a funny personality with great communication skills. He is
only really comfortable around Lauren as they have known
each other for a decade of their lives.

2. Production Title? Production Length? Subject Matter?

Target Audience?
The production Title is Trick or Treat which is based around
Halloween. Trick or Treat is based on a woman called Lauren who
comes back from work on the night of Halloween. She goes to a
party with her partner then finds herself in some trouble, she ends
up killing her Boyfriend however, and the killing was within a dream.
Before she wakes up, noticing shes in a dream, she turns to her
Boyfriend to find out what had happened but then she sees the
killing she had carried out on him. Once she realizes its a dream
within a dream she wakes up with a bloody knife in her hand
wondering what she must have done during the scary knight of
Our short film will be about 5 to 6minutes long, engaging the
audience with little information about the characters, Adam and
Lauren. The subject matters in the film will be Lauren Falling into a
dream, waking up and repeating what she had already done on the
Halloween night she came back from work, murdering her boyfriend
(Adam) with a knife which she has with her Costume and then

Production Title: Trick or Treat

Group Name: D.B.R Productions
Date 12/2/14
waking up in a bloody bed with and next to her and the knife in her
The target audience to the film is around 15 to 19; people who
answered our questionnaire were in this age range but gave us a
new concept of a film to record. This helped us make our film better
with the perfect age range for our audience to understand what
they are watching and what is going on in the film.

3. Production Content / breakdown

Act 1- Beginning (Disequilibrium)

Right at the beginning of the film we see the ending where Adam
(Laurens Boyfriend) about to kiss with a Two Shot Close Up, Once he
had been stabbed with the knife, the audience watching are
unaware of what is happening and why Adam had been stabbed.
In the next scene we see Lauren coming back from work then
checking her calendar then crossing of the 31st of October and over
the shoulder shot so the audience see the day and what could
possibly happened in the duration of the short film which will end
with Adam Dying.

Act 2 Middle (Equilibrium)

Once Lauren is ready for the party she heads out in her costume
with her partner Adam, she feels cautious as they had out on their
way to the party, everything thing makes her jump but then she
tries to calm herself down, enjoying the night ahead. The couple
attempt to take a shortcut through the woods as she has calmed
down which was a bad idea. They go through the wood together but
Adam tries to surprise Lauren by spooking her, he jumps out and
says Trick or Treat however, by the time he reaches her, Lauren
stabs him in the kidney.

Production Title: Trick or Treat

Group Name: D.B.R Productions
Date 12/2/14

Act 3 End (Resolution)

Lauren then wakes up from the nightmare wondering what had went
on, as she panics in bed, breathing heavily and also in a state of
shook. All at the same time she finds a bloody knife in her hand
which she used to murder her Boyfriend, Adam. Lying in pool of
blood on the bed she tries to wake him up, she screams then we go
into a blackout.

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