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World Geography

Quiz- Development

Name: ____________________________

Look at this picture. What is one health issue that might
be affecting the people who live here? What is one thing you
would do to solve this issue?

This is a picture of a health clinic in India. There is no full
time doctor there. What effects will this have on the life
expectancy of the people? Please list two effects.
Peoples life expectancy will probably be___________
because _______________________________________. It will
also be __________ because
3.What does this picture tell us about the education system in
this country? What are two things that you can think of to
improve the education in this country?
First, I would suggest that ________________________
_________________________________. I would also try
to _________________________________________
4. Please look at page 52 in your atlas. What country has the highest level of education in South America? (Pick one)
What country has the lowest? (Pick one.)
The highest level of education in

The lowest level

5. We found out that a major factor in inequality was the government of a country. Using your worksheets, what is
one way the government can affect inequality?

6. Look at the inequality adjusted HDI sheet. In what continent are most of the highest countries? In what Continent
are most of the lowest countries?
Most of the highest countries
Most of the

7. Please explain one thing that you think should be done to help the countries that are lowest on the Human
Development Index.

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