Alcohol Is A Drug That Can Create Dependency and While Affecting Almost All Major Organs of The Body

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Alcohol is a drug that can create dependency and while affecting almost all major

organs of the body, because alcohol consumption falls directly into the
Alcohol affects the cerebral cortex, limbic system, cerebellum, hypo-tala-musul,
pituitary and spinal cord, and other parts of the body because the brain is
responsible for many functions of the body. Alcohol consumed by a woman
during pregnancy can harm the fetus, causing low birth weight frequently and in
some cases malformations or mental retardation. Excessive alcohol consumption
was correlated with sexual dysfunction, decreased libido, dementia and muscle
The main symptoms that may indicate a tendency towards alcohol abuse and
dependence are: alcoholic beverage consumption, a faster rate than others,
spending large amounts of alcohol, and problem denial of guilt or remorse
appearance, related to their own consumption .
People who have a family history of alcoholism, should avoid or limit alcohol
consumption as much, because they have a significantly increased risk of
developing addiction.
Unfortunately, most people are aware of the negative and harmful effects of
alcohol, but nevertheless continues to drink.
To quit drinking, it takes a lot of willpower, perseverance and support from family
and society. It is recommended that a program of treatment, support or
counseling. Most alcoholics drink can not leave without supervision from
In some cases, when withdrawal symptoms are severe and do not disappear after
a certain period it is necessary to administer medical treatment, easily accessible,
but with dangerous side effects if the person in question continues to consume
Psychological counseling, integration into a group of anonymous aloolici and
appropriate education, are used throughout the recovery. At this time, relapses
are most frequent. Although often with relapses occur and feelings of guilt,
abandonment of treatment is not considered an option. Maintaining abstinence
from alcohol is a lifelong process.

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