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Capter 5 Review Sheet Answers

1. The three causes to the decline of feudalism: bubonic plague, 100 years war,
Magna Carta.
2. The first king to rule without absolute power was King John.
3. Three problems King John had were: Fight w Pope, War with France, Taxes
4. The 100 years war was fought between England and France.
5. The effect the 100 years war had on Europe was the decline of feudalism by
helping shift the power from feudal lords to monarchs and to common people,
Military technology such as the longbow and feelings of nationalism which
shifted power away from lords.
6. The Magna Carta was a written legal agreement signed in 1215 that limited the
English monarchs power.
7. The results of the Magna Carta included:
a. The first time the king would not rule with absolute power
b. Established the idea of civil rights and liberties that even the king could
not violate
8. Dirty conditions in which people lived contributed to the spread of the plague.
9. A decline in population, trade and commerce slowed, shift in power because
there was a need of workers, and peasant rebellions were all effects the plague
had on Europe.
10. Habeas corpus is the legal concept that an accused person cannot be jailed
indefinitely without being charged with a crime.
11. The English were able to win the 100 years war because of the longbow.
12. The effects of Europe after the political change included strengthened English
common law, the role of judges and juries, the idea of rights and liberties, and
gave commoners a say in the government.
13. The Model Parliament is a governing body created by King Edward I of
England that included some commoners, church officials, and nobles.
14. Where did the plague originate? Central Asia - China
15. Joan of Arc bought for the country of France.
16. The Germans blamed the Jews for the plague.
17. King John ruled England.
18. Henry II improved English law by focusing on legal reform. (Jury)
19. King John and the Pope fought over how to run the church.
20. The nobles struck back against the king because of taxes.
21. 25 million people died from the plague.
22. People had a few days to live after being bit by a flea.
23. Know Vocab
24. The political, economical, and social effects of the plague were that 1/3 of the
people died. There was a need for many workers to rebuild Europe so there was
a shift in power from feudal lords to common people.
25. The symptoms of the plague included a rosy red rash in the shape of a ring on
the skin (Ring around the rosy), pockets were filled with sweet smelling herbs
(or posies) which were carried due to the belief that the disease was transmitted
by bad smells. The term "Ashes Ashes" refers to the cremation of the dead

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