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Russian Sleep Experiment. n.d. 28

September 2014.

Throughout history, people have been fascinated
by tails of ghosts, the macabre, and death. One
notable form is the urban legend which
epitomizes the ultimate in riveting accounts. It
goes one step further than the average ghost
story, by claiming to be true. The Russian sleep
experiment is a disturbing example.


Supposedly, in the late 1940s, Soviet researches

attempted to keep five subjects awake for fifteen
days using the experimental Nikolayev gas. The
subjects were political prisoners who were
falsely promised freedom after the experiment
was finished. During the first five days,
everything went smoothly. The prisoners began
to discuss increasingly traumatic events in their
lives, but the conversations progressively took a
darker turn.




We are you. Were the chaos

that exists within you all,
begging to be free at every
moment in your deepest animal
mind. We have been that which
you hide from in your beds
every night. Were what you
sedate into silence and
paralysis when you go to the
However, after the fifth day, all
conversations stopped. The subjects
developed an extreme paranoia and began
whispering into the microphones about
their fellow captives.
On the ninth day, things took a strange
turn. One of the prisoners began running
around screaming until he tore his vocal
chords. The others calmly pasted papers
covering the portholes completely, and the
screaming stopped. All sounds stopped.
Finally, on the fifteenth day, the researchers
decided to open the chamber. They first
emptied the chamber of the Nikolayev gas and
filled it with fresh air. Instantly, voices began
screaming and begging to have the gas turned
back on. Soldiers were sent in to retrieve the

nocturnal haven where we

cannot tread

What they found was truly disturbing.

None of the food was eaten, one of the
subjects was dead, and the drain in the
floor was clogged with the deceaseds
flesh, resulting in four inches of blood and
water in the chamber. Reportedly, the
survivors had suffered massive selfinflicted wounds on their fingers and
abdomens, a result of tearing out many of
their organs.
Subjects desperately pleaded with the
researchers to turn the gas back on, afraid
they would fall asleep. The three survivors
were heavily sedated and given medical
treatment. The researchers did not know
what to do with them. Under much
protest, they put the subjects back in the
chamber with heavy restraints. One by
one, the subjects brainwaves flat lined
when they fell asleep, until only the last
remained. One of the officers pointed his
gun at the last subject who smiled. The
subject simply said, We are you. Were
the chaos that exists within you all,
begging to be free at every moment in
your deepest animal mind. We have been
that which you hide from in your beds
every night. Were what you sedate into
silence and paralysis when you go to the
nocturnal haven where we cannot tread
(russiansleepexperiment.com). With that,
the soldier shot him, and he finally died.
(Russian Sleep Experiment)

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