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GLCE.3 H3.0.4 Draw upon traditional stories of

American Indians (e.g., Anishinaabeg - Ojibway
(Chippewa), Odawa (Ottawa), Potawatomi;
Menominee; Huron Indians) who lived in
Michigan in order to make generalizations about
their beliefs.
GLCE.S.IP.03.16 Construct simple charts and
graphs from data and observations.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.2b Develop the topic
with facts, definitions, and details.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.2d Provide a
concluding statement or section.

TSW: identify each of the tribes beliefs
through traditional stories

Learning Targets
I can. Tell the beliefs of the different tribes
through stories

TSW: Read stories from the Huron,

Odawa, Ojibwa, and Potawatomi Tribes

I can. Make a chart about the same and different

things for two tribes.

TSW: Pick two tribes and make a Venn

diagram comparing/contrasting the two.

I can. Tell the beliefs of the different tribes

through stories

TSW: construct a paper with facts.

I can write a paper with facts.

TSW: produce a paper with definitions.

I can write a paper with definitions.

TSW: build a paper with details.

I can write a paper with detail

Lesson Plan 1
Title: Michigan Native American Tribal Directory
Subject: History
Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Time Allotted: 55 minutes

Materials Required:
-The Legend of the Sleeping Bear by Kathy-jo Wargin
- Copies of the childrens magazine The Mitten, a publication of Michigan
History Magazine which focuses on the Ojibway tribe, Odawa tribe, and
Potawatomi tribe.
- Copies of Native American Facts for Kids: Menominee Indian Fact Sheet
-Copies of the childrens magazine The Mitten, a publication of Michigan History
Magazine which focuses on the Huron Tribe.
Michigan Curriculum Framework: GLCE:
3 H3.0.4 Draw upon traditional stories of American Indians (e.g., Anishinaabeg Ojibway (Chippewa), Odawa (Ottawa), Potawatomi; Menominee; Huron Indians) who
lived in Michigan in order to make generalizations about their beliefs.
TSW: identify each of the tribes beliefs through traditional stories
I can Statements:
I can. Tell the beliefs of the different tribes through stories
Instructional Procedure:
Essential Element
5 min.
1. Anticipatory Set:
You are there.
Close your eyes and imagine this is you. Your mother needs your help this
morning shelling the corn she cut down yesterday. As you make your way
outside, you wonder where you left your bowl. You remember using it to rinse

the beans your family ate for supper last night. But where is it now?
You see your brothers bowl lying on the ground, but where did you leave
your bowl? You have to carry the corn a long wayfrom the cleaning near
the river to the hut your family uses for storing nuts and corn. Maybe you can
carry the corn in your hands. But its a long way to walk, and you cant lose
any corn along the way. If you could just find that bowl, your job would be
much easier!
Now how is that different from your life?
2. State Purpose and Objective(s) of Lesson:
For my students to understand and explain the beliefs of the different tribes
that first lived in Michigan.
5 min

3. Plan for Instruction:

After You are there, I will have the students discuss with the whole class
how they get their food, and who cooks their meals. I expect the children to
have answers such as the grocery store, a restaurant; my mom and dad buy
the food and cook it. Once the students are engaged, divide the class into
their reading groups.

20 min

I will group the children into groups so that they will be able to read the
The Mitten articles published by the Michigan History Magazine: The Three
Fires and the Huron Indians along with the Native American Facts for Kids on
the Menominee tribe. I will be walking around to make sure they are staying
on task and see if they have any questions on the readings.
When the students seem to be ending their reading, ask the students for
thumbs up if they understood their articles, a thumbs down if they need help
comprehending it, or thumb in the middle if they think they understand it.
Michigan Tribal Directory

15 min

Although all these tribes lived in Michigan, they all were very different.
As you read, each tribe had their own way of living. We will be making our
own directory. (Make sure students know what directory means?)
The students will be filling in a paper discussing different facts about the
tribes they read about. This will be used for their homework in tomorrows

class. Remind students they will need to turn these in before leaving for the
4. Differentiation Considerations (accommodations):
For students who finish their assignment early, they will be allowed to go on
the website to read fables from the Potawatomi tribe.

5 min

For students who are struggling with the reading, I will pair them with
students who are better at reading. I will also assist.
5. Assessment:
Michigan Tribal Directory
I will be checking to make sure the information they put on them was
correct and adding to their work if I need to so they can do the next days
6. Closure:
I will ask the kids what they found most interesting from todays
reading. Then read The Legend of Sleeping Bear by Kathy-jo Wargin to class

Michigan Tribal Directory

Name:__________________ Date:_____________ Number:_____
Directions: Fill out the following information about the
tribes. Use the text you have been reading.

Huron Tribe
Live: ___________________
Beliefs: __________________
Types of houses:
How long the house is:
What do they eat:

Men outfits:
Women outfits:
Suffered from:
Interesting fact(s):

Michigan Tribal Directory

Name:__________________ Date:_____________ Number:_____

Ojibway Tribe
Live: ___________________
Beliefs: __________________
Types of houses:
How long the house is:
What do they eat:

Men outfits:
Women outfits:
Suffered from:
Interesting fact(s):





Michigan Tribal Directory

Name:__________________ Date:_____________ Number:_____

Odawa Tribe
Live: ___________________
Beliefs: __________________
Types of houses:
How long the house is:
What do they eat:

Men outfits:
Women outfits:
Suffered from:
Interesting fact(s):





Michigan Tribal Directory

Name:__________________ Date:_____________ Number:_____
Potawatomi Tribe
Live: ___________________
Beliefs: __________________
Types of houses:
How long the house is:
What do they eat:

Men outfits:
Women outfits:
Suffered from:
Interesting fact(s):





Michigan Tribal Directory

Name:__________________ Date:_____________ Number:_____
Menominee Tribe
Live: ___________________
Beliefs: __________________
Types of houses:
How long the house is:
What do they eat:

Men outfits:
Women outfits:
Suffered from:
Interesting fact(s):





Lesson Plan 2
Title: Tribal Stories
Subject: ELA
Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Time Allotted: 55 minutes

Materials Required: Shingebiss An Ojibwe Legend book

Michigan Curriculum Framework:
3 H3.0.4 Draw upon traditional stories of American Indians (e.g., Anishinaabeg Ojibway (Chippewa), Odawa (Ottawa), Potawatomi; Menominee; Huron Indians) who
lived in Michigan in order to make generalizations about their beliefs.
S.IP.03.16 Construct simple charts and graphs from data and observations.
TSW: Read stories from the Huron, Odawa, Ojibwa, and Potawatomi Tribes
TSW: Pick two tribes and make a Venn diagram comparing/contrasting the two.
I can. Make a chart about the same and different things for two tribes.
I can. Tell the beliefs of the different tribes through stories
Instructional Procedure:
Essential Element
10 min 1. Anticipatory Set:
I will read the book Shingebiss, An Ojibwe Legend
Once the book is over, ask class, How does the ending relate to the
Was there anything they did that changed the way the end could have gone?
2. State Purpose and Objective(s) of Lesson:
The purpose of this lesson is to have the students be able to understand the
story of the Native Americans who lived in Michigan. I want the students to
be able to pick out the key things in the stories and compare them to another
tribal story.
3. Plan for Instruction:
10 min The teacher will give the students their Michigan Tribal Directory back. Talk to
the students about the different tribes and what they ate, wore and believed.
Ask the students; Were all the tribes the same? (No) Look at the Venn
diagram on the board. I want you to try to remember what we worked on

20 min

10 min

yesterday between the tribes. The students will then tell the teacher
differences between the Huron tribe and Odawa Tribe. (answers will very)
Now tell me how they are alike as well. (Both grew the three sisters; corn,
squash and beans)
The students will then use their school books as well as the articles on
the tribes to work on their own. Say to class, now you will do this on your
own. Once you are done reading your books, pick the tribes you want to
compare and contrast. Remember to do this work on your own. Each student
will be getting a Tribe Comparison Venn diagram. Walk around and make
sure the students are staying on task. If a student seems to be struggling, find
out what tribes they are using, and help them focus on only those two. They
will turn these in at the end of class, be sure to remind them.
4. Differentiation Considerations (accommodations):
For students who struggle with writing, they can use the computer to type out
their assignment. Also the students who cannot write or use the computer,
they will be able to use Talk to text on an iPad.
Students who finish early will be able to read more books about the Native
5. Assessment:
Tribe Comparison- Rubric is attached
6. Closure:
We will watch a video of one of the tribes songs to show how they sang.

Lesson Plan 3
Title: Learning to Write
Subject: ELA
Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Time Allotted: 55 minutes (2days)

Materials Required:

-Writing Centers

Michigan Curriculum Framework:

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.2b Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.2d Provide a concluding statement or section.
TSW: write a paper with facts.
TSW: write a paper with definitions.
TSW: write a paper with details.
I can write a paper with facts.
I can write a paper with definitions.
I can write a paper with details.
Instructional Procedure:
Essential Element
1. Anticipatory Set:

15 min

5 min

2. State Purpose and Objective(s) of Lesson:

I want my students to be able to take the things they are learning about and
write about them in a clear, precise and in depth essay.
3. Plan for Instruction:
The class will do popcorn reading from the text about the Michigan
Indians. After we will discuss the different tribes. Ask the students recall what
they worked on the day before. Which tribe did you like the best? (various
Each corner needs to be labeled with a tribe and the middle as another
tribe. The students will go to various corners to pick which one they would like

40 min

45 min

20 min

35 min

35 min

to write about.
Once the students have picked have them sit down close to students
who are writing about the same tribe. The students will have their previous
assignments pertaining to the Indians. Students will start jotting down ideas
on what they would like to write about. They will be given the Simple Six
Revision Sheet to follow as they start writing their papers. They will also
write their papers on Pick a Tribe this will allow the students to write down
their facts about their tribe. At the end of class they will put their papers in
their writing folders to continue with the next day. At the end of the day, ask
the students how far they are. If the student has finished writing down all their
ideas, thumbs up. If the student has their ideas but not all written down, but
has not started the paper, thumb to the side. If the student is not finished with
their ideas, thumb down. This will help gage the start of tomorrows lesson.
Day 2
Students come in and bring out their papers they were working on the
day before, and get back into their groups. Each student will get the My Tribe
paper. This will help them get started on their assignment. Have the class
start writing their paper. The teacher will be walking around the class helping
any student who seems to be struggling. Be sure to remind the students to
follow the Simple Six Revision as they do their paper. Students will finish their
papers and trade papers with someone in their group. Their partners will take
the Simple Six Revision sheet and check over their classmates. Have the
students who are correcting their friends put their name at the bottom of the
paper to show they revise a friends paper. Students will put their paper back
in their folders for tomorrow to write their final draft.
Day 3
Have the students get their rough draft paper out. If the student has
questions about their paper, they can meet with the teacher at the writing
center. For students who do not, they can start writing their final draft.
Remind them that this one will be graded by the teacher! The students need
to be back into groups for the last time and finish their papers.
Then we will take the test.
4. Differentiation Considerations (accommodations):
For students who struggle with writing, they can use the computer to type out
their assignment. Also the students who cannot write or use the computer,
they will be able to use Talk to text on an iPad.
Students who finish early will be able to read more books about the Native
5. Assessment:
The other assessment will be their paper they write. Whether they are able to
get the ideas across clearly. I will go off the checklist I give the kids to make
sure they are following it.
Michigan Tribal Test.
6. Closure:
Day 3: Michigan Tribal Test

My Tribe
Name:__________________ Date:_____________Number_______
Writing Prompt:
Based off the tribe you have chosen, create a two paragraph essay
about their way of life. You must write about where they live, what
they eat and what they wear. Follow the Simple Six Revision Step
sheet to get full credit.









My Tribe












Simple Six Revision Steps

Answer each question on the line provided. If the answer is
no, write suggestions on how you could change your
paragraph in the space below. Then make the changes!
1. Did I stick to the topic? _____

2. Did I include facts about my tribe? _____

3. Did I give detail of the tribes, where they lived, what

they ate? _____

4. Did I use capital letters at the beginning of each

sentence? _____

5. Did I include a definition of at least on word? _____

6. Did I write a conclusion sentence? _____

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