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3g & < z z NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL NOTE 2912 Jinw Rpt UeL , 19S¢ THE NORMAL COMPONENT OF THE INDUCED VELOCITY IN THE VICINITY OF A LIFTING ROTOR AND SOME EXAMPLES OF ITS APPLICATION By Walter Castles, Jr. and Jacob Henri De Leeuw Georgia Institute of Technology FoR REFERENCE 2] sox vo ms nme Doe Ta BA NAA Tipnany Gff7 Washington March 1953 iT My gn TECHNICAL NOTE 2912 ‘THE NORMAL COMPONENT OF THE INDUCED VELOCITY IN THE VICINITY GF A LIFTING ROTOR AND SOME ‘EXAMPLES OF ITS APPLICATION By Walter Castles, Jr. and Jacob Henri De Leeuw SUOIARY ‘This paper presents a practicel method for computing the approximate values of the normal component of the induced velocity at points in the flow field of a lifting rotor. Tebles and graphs of the relative magni- ‘tudes of the normal component of the induced velocity are given for selected points in the longitudinal plane of symmetry of the rotor and on the lateral rotor axis. A method is also presented for utilizing the tables and graphs to determine the interference induced velocities arising from the second rotor of a tandem- or side-by-side-rotor helicopter and the induced flow angle at @ horizontal teil plane. INTRODUCTION Tais work, conducted at the Georgia Institute of Technology State Engineering Experiment Station under the eponcorship end with the finan- cial assistance of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, was undertaken in an attempt to obtain a better understanding of the induced flow in the vicinity of e lifting rotor. Previous investigations, such as those of references 1 and 2, demon- strated that the solution of the integral for the normal component of the induced velocity at the center of the rotor could be obtained in an ele mentary form provided certain approximations were made as to the distri- bution of vorticity in the wake. However, the value of the integrel for ‘the induced-velocity component at an arbitrary point in the rotor flow f4eld cannot, in general, be expressed in terms of elementary functions. Tts numerical evaluation for a specific case presents considerable difficulty. De Leeuw, in reference 3, investigated the feasibility of calcu- lating the induced velocity et erbitrary points in the vicinity of the 2 NACA TW 2912 rotor by an alternative method which consisted of (1) numerically inte- grating the increments induced by the vortex ring wake elements within @ given distance of the point and (2) suming up the effect of the remainder of the wake by en epproximate integral. ‘This approach is quite general in that it can be applied to any wake vhich can be approximated by an essenbly of vortex rings. Tt vas found that the method afforded satisfactory accuracy with the expenditure of @ reasonable ancunt of effort, since the values of the normal induced-velocity component for the isolated rings may be precomputed and tabulated for repeated use. Tne scope of the present paper is limited principally to @ consid- eration of the values of the normal component of the induced velocity at points in the longitudinal plane of symmetry and within the region likely to be occupied by the second rotor of a tandem-rotor helicopter. In addition, the values of the normal component of the induced velocity were calculated for points on the lateral axis of the tip-path plane over the distance of interest for the case of a helicopter with laterally disposed rotors. In view of the present lack of experimental evidence as to the actual wake distribution of vorticity, the calculations for the present paper were based on the same ascumptions for the wake shape as those found in references 1 and 2. These assumptions were that the wake vortex distribution consists of a straight elliptic cylinder formed by a uni- form, continuous distribution of vortex rings of infinitesimal strength, lying in planes parallel to the tip-path plane and extending dovastrean to infinity. SYMBOLS a constant term in Fourier series for blade flapping angle 6 coefficient of cosine term of Fourier series for blade flapping angle § where B= 05-0, coo¥-b, sin¥-.. my coeffictent-of sine component of flapping angle c ee D, rag of fuselage NACA TN 2912 Cr 4% B(r) K(r) XYZ nondimensional shortest distance from a point P to a vortex ring, \/z* +(x ~-1)? (fig. 1) nondimensional largest distance froma point P to e vortex ring, 2? + (x +1)? (eig. 1) complete elliptic integral of firct kind complete elliptic integral of second kind radius of vortex ring; also radius of rotor radial distence of a point P from exis of a vortex ring (eig. 1) nondimensional radius vector in rotor X¥-plene rotor thrust velocity of helicopter along flight path normal component of velocity induced at a point P by whole wake increment of normal component of velocity induced at a point P by thet portion of wake which is beyond the range of table I normal component of induced velocity at center of rotor vediel component of velocity induced at point P by a vortex ring axial component of velocity induced at a point P by a vortex ring gross weight of helicopter slope of longitudinal variation of nondimensional induced velocity in plane of rotor rotor axes (fig. 2) nondimensional radial distence of a point P from axis of @ vortex ring, Rp/R (fig. 1) 4 NACA TN 2912 x'jy')2" _-nondimenotonal coordinates of a point P with respect to rotor axes (fig. 3) y slope of Isteral variation of nondinensional, induced velocity in plane of rotor 2 distance of a point P from plane of a vortex ring 2 nondimensional distance of a point-P fron plane of a ‘vortex ring, positive in direction of Vy, Zp/R (tig. 2) a engle of attack of plane of zero feathering induced angle of attack fuselage angle of attack angle of attack of tip-path plene i angle between radius vector from center of rotor to a point P lying in XZ-plane and positive X-axis, positive above rotor (rig. 2) vortex strength - » = (V sin a - v)/oR dy = (Vein a, - v)/aR b= V cos o/aR by = ¥ 608 e/a ° density of air a =a . Bre Bo angle between flight path and horizontal, positive below horizontal x angle between axis of the vake and normal to tip-path plane (fig. 2) NACA TH 2912 5 ¥ azimuth angle measured in XY-plane between radius vector ‘to a point and positive X-axis, positive in going from positive X-axis to positive Y-axis a angular velocity of rotor, redians/see Subseripte: 2 values of back rotor of two rotors in tendem F values of front rotor of two rotors in tanden ¥ values taken with respect to virtual axis of rotation or ‘to tip-path plane ANALYSIS Velocity Induced by a Vortex Ring 5 It is shown in reference 4 (ch. VII, sec. 161, p. 237) that the stream function et a point P (fig. 1) in the flow field of a vortex ring of strength [ and radius R may be expressed ae v= = BQ + apf) - ay] a where R is the radius of the vortex ring, aR and aR are the least and greatest distances of the point P to the vortex ring, ae = (2) and x(r) and E(t) are the complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds, respectively. The flow field of a vortex ring ts axially symmetric end thus the axial and redial velocity components v, and v, at a point P, heving en axial distance Zp from the plane of the vortex ring end a radial distance Rp from the axis of symetry, are given by --24 we (3) It 1s show in reference 3 that equations (3) and (4) may be expressed as where ‘r = Ya" Gon? * = Ets! Ye" Ban’e * A=K(t) -E B-X=1 ay cnara NACA IN 2912 i Rp Zp cur) cor’) (7) +2 +41 a2 2 1-7 aide G+ xa? + (a ~ x)ag? xd dg (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) (20) (22) Qa) (3) NAGA IN 2912 e 7 a, = ye? + (x - 1)? (ay) le = + (x +1)? (as) xX nondinensional radial distance of P from exis of vortex ring, Rp/R 2 nondimensional aistence of P from plane of vortex ring, taken post- ‘tive in direction of v, on ring exis, 2p/R The values of v, end vy given by equations (5) and (6) becone indeterminate for points on the vortex-ring axis where x= 0. In this case it follows from the symmetry of the flow that the radiel component of induced velocity is zero, and the axial component of induced velocity is show in reference 5 to be (v2) x-0 = HI — (26) Numerical values of v,R/P, whieh 48 nondinensional factor expressing the normal component of the induced velocity v, in the vieinity of a vortex ring, are given in teble I. The table includes a Tange of nondimensional axial distances of -l.2- 2 $11.2 and of nondi- mensional redial distences of 0< x 5.0. The increments of 2 at Which the velues of v,R/P are given are sultable for mmerical inte- gration ty Simpson's rule. ‘The tabulated values were obtained by calcu- ation or by interpolation as indicated in the table. With the exception of those points which are close to the circumference of the vortex ring, the calculated values are accurate to four places. Normal Component of Induced Velocity in Vieinity of a Lifting Rotor Tt 1s assumed in this report, as in references 1 and 2, that the rotor wake vortex distribution consists of a straight elliptic cylinder formed by a uniform distribution of en infinite number of vortex ringe 8 NACA TN 2912 of infinitesinal strength, lying in planes parallel to the tip-path plane ana extending downstream to infinity. The above-described vortex dietri- bution is equivalent to a vortex sheet of uniform finite strength per unit length d1/@Z measured in the 2-direction. This sheet forue a straignt elliptic cylinder coinciding with the boundary of the wake. Within the limitations of the initiel assumptions, it may be shown from the results of references 1 and 2 that ORC ARC, ww 3-3) Bis Where the subscript v denotes values with respect to tip-path-plane coordinates. The increment “of the normal component of velocity at a point P in the vicinity of the rotor, induced by the wake vortex rings within the distance from P covered by table I, may thus be found by graphical or numerical integration. This ineresent constitutes about 95 percent of the totel value of the normal component st the center of the rotor and a large part of the total value for most pointe within the region con- sidered in thie paper. \\ me contribution of the vortex rings beyond the range of table I ko the induced velocity at P may thus be sumed, with email exror in the final result, by an approximate expression whieh Je integrable. The value of the velocity potential Ap at P due to a closed vortex elenent of strength I is shown in reference (ch. VII, see. 150, P. 212) to be = Lo (28) where w 4s the solid angle eubtended et P vy the closed vortex element. It is a good approximation for those wake vortex rings at distances from P beyond the range of table I that the subtended solid angle at P is equal to three times that volume cut off the cone, determined by P and the ring, by a plane which is parallel to the plane of the ring and which is located a unit distance from P. It follows thet oT NACA TN 2912 9 what _w2R an op EE (ea (as) Consequently, the increment to the normal component of velocity induced at P by that portion of the wake extending from the limit of table I, et z= 2, to z= may be obtained from the integral «it. Lat 2x? a; . ae wv Tt 41s shown in reference 3 that equation (20) may be integrated to obtain the value of AV; et a point P having coordinates x', y', and 2' from the center of the rotor end that the result is hac =) , OF = Bee) ag tb o eaks/? (ay where a = (xt - 2' ten x)? + (y")? (22) b= -2x! ten x (23) c= 1+ tan?x (2k) (es) (26) end @1) 10 NACA TN 2912 For the point P(0,0,0) the value of AV, given by equation (21) decones indeterminate. Tt is possible, however, to substitute the zero coordinstes in the equstion before integrating. Doing so yields (6¥2)o,0,0 = - Pa SE 2083x(3 cos®x - 2) (28) Tae normal component of the induced velocity at any point P(x! ,y',2') may thus be found in terms of af/aZ by adding the increment obtained trom the mmericel integration of the values induced by the wake vortex rings within the renge covered by table I to AV,, obtained from equa~ tion (21) or (28). In the present analysis where the rotor wake vortex distribution is approximated by straight elliptic cylinder there erises the question as to whether the wake angle should be teken as that at the rotor or that in the ultimate wake. As the induced velocity distributions in the vicinity of the rotor are more sensitive to changes in position of the adjacent vortex elements than to changes in position of the vortex ele- ments at the grester distances, the wake engle at the rotor will be used in the present analysis. It follows from figure 2 that, for x < 90°, or dy =% cos a) + sin a, <0, _ tex) = tpn (3 (29) a end, for x > 90°, or A, = cos ay + u sin a, >0, x« oe) = cot (2t) = a (30) In the above equations a, 4s the coefficient of the cosine term of the Fourier series for the blade flepping angle B=a,-e, coo ¥-b, sinv-... vhere p is measured from the plane of zero feathering. 7 \f NACA TN 2912 ~ nn £ For x = 90°, equation (21) is indeteminant. However, by replacing ar/az in equation (20) by ite equivellent ¢ tan X after performing ‘the indicated differentiation with respect to z, it can be shown that for this wake angle avs -Ie RIB Ge ee wp? a) where the integral now covers the region from x =x, to x=© and _ Ay a NR aVeieal— 7 w= dn? 0-227 RESULTS Re ‘The results are presented in the form of tables and grephs of the ratio of the normal component of the induced velocity V, at any point P(Pp,X/R or Pp, ¥/R), as in figure 2, to the normal component of the Induced velocity v at the center of the rotor. It is shown in reference 2 thet ARC ae, a eet (32) t-F Eien Gh e Consequently, the value of V, at P may be easily computed from the values of Vj/v in the tables end graphs. Table IT gives the values of Vy/v for -3.2 $ X/R $3.2 and ten fp = -1/2, -W/4, 0, 1/4, and 1/2, Table IIT gives the values of V4/v along the leterel exis of the tip-path plane. Figures 4(a) to 4(4) show the Lines of constant values of V,/y in the longitudinal plane of symmetry for vake angles having tengents of 0, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, =, -ky 12 NACA TN 2912 and -2. Figures 5 end 6 show the veriation of Vi/y with X for points on the longitudinal and lateral axes of the tip-path plane. APPLICATION OF RESULTS Determination of Mean Value of Normal Component of Induced Velocity Over Front end Back Rotors of @ Tandem-Rotor Helicopter Making the approximation that the mean values of the induced velocity: ere the values at the centers of the respective rotors, and being given the flight-path velocity, climb engle, gross weight, fuselege drag, fuselage angle of etteck, thrust and tip speed of the front and rear rotors, and the geometry of the helicopter, the mean values of the induced velocities may be found as follows: The angles of attack ay of the tip-path plenes of the front and rear rotore are very nearly : De cos f, ay = By WB, ein By Dp ein Be (33) fy engle vetween flight path and horizontal, positive below horizontal Dp drag of fuselage Wo gross weight - Denote values of the parameters of the front rotor by the subseript F and of the back rotor by the subscript B. Then typ * @, 08 Gy (34) (35) NACA TN 2912 13 As a first approximation, the interference induced velocity at the front rotor due to the thrust of the back rotor may be neglected. Then Ye Acar (36) where the value of vp is given by equation (32) or, for ty, > 0-25, «42% Care Orr) (37) The value of Xp may then be obtained from equation (29) or (30). When X) Gy, Gp, Vp» end the geometry of the helicopter are mown, the position of the center of the rear rotor with respect to the front rotor can be determined. Then the nondimensional velocity V4/v induced et the center of the rear rotor, because of the thrust of the front rotor, may be obtained by interpolation from one of figures (a) to 4(i) for the eppropriste value of Xp. The approximate value of vp... is then “ua * (li) +8 (8) where Vg can be obteined from equation (32) or (37). The approximate values of y,, Xp, and, thus, the interference induced velocity at the front rotor my be found to evaluste vp, .,,- In general, it vill be necessary to iterate vp... for an accurate result, because of the rapid variation of the interference induced velocity et the rear rotor with change in the wake engle of the front rotor and with position of the rear rotor with respect to the tip-path plane of the front rotor. For a tandem-rotor helicopter, having approximately equally loaded rotors of equal size spaced approximately 1 rotor dieneter spart with small vertical offset and operating in the high-speed flight range, it 4s seen from figures 4(f) and 4(g) that ub NACA TN 2922 Feotan __O-¥ Tp ( 39) ‘OR 6 -3 ?) "Beotan , 2-250 —_ = 40) OR 32 (Hoy By (Qh = By Determination of Longitulinal Variation of Horm Component of Induced Velocity Over Front and Back Rotors of @ Tender Rotor Helicopter If the normal component Vy of the induced velocity at P(r,¥) on the rotor disk is approximated by the expression Ma et Rt ein + wr cosy Qa) 4% may be shown from the results given in reference 2 that, for @ single rotor, ve-Ho nee Y-es (uz) The increments in w arising from the second rotor_of a tandem-rotor helicopter, to be added to the values given by equation (42) for the front and rear rotors, may be obtained in the generél case from the values of Vi/v from'the figures at r= 0.75 end ¥=0 end = on ‘the respective rotors. ‘Thus, (43) NACA TN 2912 as For high-speed flight and small overllapa between the rotor disks 1 %B ei B a dig 2 2 (a) and, with less accuracy, om B (as) Bhi Determination of Induced Flow Angle at @ Horizontel Tail Plane When the values of ay, v/MR, X, end =p for the rotor or rotors in question have been determined and when the helicopter flight condi- t4on under consideretion is known, the geometric position, and thus the values of 2/R and X/R, of the horizontal tail plane my be calculated and the value or values of v/v found from the figures. Then the induced angle a4, ,, at the tail plane is approximately ane CONCLUDING DISCUSSION The assumption thet the planes of the wake vortex rings remain parallel to the tap-path plane ie the only one of the various initial assumptions es to the wake distribution of vorticity which appears likely to affect the engineering accuracy of these results at the higher flight speeds. It is the opinion of the senior author that the present investi- gation and that of reference 1 indicate thet the plenes of the vake vor- tex rings mst be tilted to the rear as they leave the rotor, possibly approaching = tilt angle in the ultimate wake of half the wake angle xX. The quantitetive effects of such a tilting of the wake vortex rings my not be large, as the increments of the radial components of the induced velocity introduced because of the tilt of the wake vortex rings will tend to compensate for the decrease in the norms component . 16 WACA IN 2912 For the lover-speed flight conditions the initial assumptions as to the wake distripution of vorticity are compatible only with the sssum- tion thet the genereting rotor ie lightly loaded and has blades with content oizeulation along the radii. Cpubionghauld therefore be exer cised in epplying the results of this énalysis to points oF (OEE tO~ ‘the Gtek of cific rotor wach Is opereting-et the Lover flight~patn, velocities. At the center of the rotor, vhere the values of the induced velocity calculated by the method presented in this report could be compared with ‘the values obtained from the exact integral, the error vas in every c: Yess than 1 percent. However, for those points in the flow field that Lie close to the wake vortex sheet, there are irregularities in the ‘tabulated values of Vy/v caused by difficulties with the interpolations tn the table of the values of the normal component of the induced velocity for the vortex rings. It should be noted thet the present analysis neglects the effects of the lateral dissyumetry of the blede-bouné vortices ana the consequent laterel dissymetry of the wake vortex elements which occur in forward flight. Numerical celeuletions show that the effects of these lateral dissymetries on the induced velocity distributions are small at points of interest outside the boundaries of the rotor disk or vake but should be taken into account in computing the longitudinal and lateral distribu- tions across the rotor disk. The first-order effects of the lateral variation in the strength of the blade-bound vortices are accounted for by equation (42) and the first-order effects of the lateral variation in the strength of the wake vortices may be taken into account by use of a value of in equation (42). In order to construct figures 4 to 6 it was necessary to compute a large number of values of V,/v in addition to those listed in table II. However, as these additional points vere at scattered locations, and consequently of little use for any other purpose, they have been omitted from this report. = Since the wake angles of the rotors of helicopters operating in the upper helf of their speed range fall in @ narrow band between 60° and 85°, it would be useful to have the induced velocity distribution for a wake angle of, say, 82°. However, investigation showed that in order to obtain sufficiently accurate values for this wake angle it would first sr NACA TN 2912 LT ‘be necessary to compute a large number of additional values of the induced velocity of the vortex ring for the region within two-teuths of a ring radius from the periphery of the ring. The computations for the 62° wake angle were therefore too lengthy for the results to be included in the present report. It appears from the results of this investigation that the inter- ference induced velocity et the rear rotor of a tandem-rotor helicopter in high-epeed flight, due to the thrust of the front rotor, is of the sene order of magnitude an of the sme sign as the self-induced velocity. |} Consequently, the interference induced velocity should be taken into account in longitudinal stability calculations and in computing the i equilibrium values of the mean blade angle and torque coefficients. The = | interference induced velocity at the front rotor of a tendem-rotor heli- copter in high-speed flight is of the order of 7 percent of the self- = induced velocity and is opposite’ in sign. + ‘The longitudinal gradient of the interference induced velocities et both rotors of a tandem-rotor helicopter in high-speed flight is of opposite sign to the longitudinal gradients of the self-induced veloc- ities, and, consequently, will have the effect of reducing the required equilibrium values of bj, the coefficient of the sine component of the flapping angle. For side-by-side-rotor helicopters in high-speed flight the mean values of the interference induced velocities are of the order of 15 per- cent of the self-induced velocities and are opposite in sign. The lat erel gradients of the mitual interference induced velocities are large for the edjecent portions of the rotors. These large gradients my ceuse early tip stell if the rotor rotation is such that the retreating blades ere in this adjacent rotor position. The normel component of the induced velocity inside the wake of a helicopter rotor in high-speed flight appears to reach its maximm and final velue of about twice the value at the center of the rotor at a @istence of about 1 rotarradius dowmstream from the center of the rotor. | For hovering and the lower forverd speeds the induced velocity inside | ‘the wake reaches ite finel value of about twice that at the center of the rotor at a distance of about 2 rotor radii downstream. Georgia Institute of Technology ‘Atlante, Ga., August 11, 1952 18 NACA IW 2912 ‘REFERENCES 1, Coleman, Robert P., Feingold, Arnold M., and Stempin, Carl W.: Evaluation of the Induced-Velocity Field of an Idealized Helicopter Rotor. NACA ARR L5#10, 1945. 2. Drees, Meijer, Jr.: A Theory of Airflow Through Rotors end Ite Application to Some Helicopter Problems. The Jour. Helicopter~ Assoc. (Greet Britein), vol. 3, no. 2, July-Aug.-Sept. 1949, Pp. 79-10. 3. De Leeuw, Jacob Henri: The Normal Component of the Induced Velocity Neer a Vortex Ring and Its Application to Lifting Rotor Problems. Master's Thesis, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aero., Ga. Inst. of Tech., Dee. 198i. 4, Lamb, Horace: Hydrodynamics. Sixth ed., Dover Publications, 1915. 5. Glauert, H.: On the Contraction of the Slipstrean of an Airscrew. R.@M. lio, 1067, British A.R.C., 1926. NACA TN 2912 [rem + fl om x ‘AADDORITONL, VIED GF MOB. COCRERE cr exes YOR UF IEOMEY OF A Yee ORD a sclesmneetcanamt) |[2|6 ts HESEEREICREE ‘ =| RTT = Renna ao aRaTAT te aReneeaegeaE . te = sc geeaenaeam| ale Ha # aa Bg anne 2o| OSSRRSSEOEE aeReeaaeantg is] SERRE CEE Sagyaegaaetd de] BORSREACNGTE | [ha PERRGNETES fo) PREURORDERGEG | 20] SHATHETMGAEE Brercrnenrery ‘yunune opted by aalaulatiae. yan Steatnad y Ssterglation. (F sMDUCaD WatocsMY IN VICINIEY OF A YORDEX RING - Conclude ‘sua Z.~ conetuded NIMES VARS CF NORMAL COMECRE x30 w SBERBSOEGHEG! parry eot2 | xeha | woh | wane ] xcté | act @ ey ) &@ ° | one -a-co30 | 0.0008 | -0.0006 a | one “p00 | “=:o0e8 | “Sooo 2 | loon “ani | “loca | “ioees By Sto Toms | Toes | “cen | Loge Sor | Tooes | “ees ca | Loom Sms | Too | 2 ao | Tago “owe | Tooet | Tocco x3 | Nowe Stomp | “one | “om x8 | Cons cms | Sloms | “souk 22 | Nowe Sranap | “e009 | “e009 2% | Nom Ttamas | Toes | loves as | ons ‘oom | “com | 3) 2 | cm ‘os | “cook | °.comk ‘Noes obtained ty caloulation. Piatues obtained by Asterplation. oz 2162 NG VOWN NAGA TN 2912 2. ARLE I NORDIENSIONAS VALS OF NORMAL CCMECREN OF TIOUCED VELOCHY IN LaNGTOUDIU PLANE OF SOOGIEY OP A LIFTING ROTOR FOR x $ 90° [Fer ritent conattione Zor whieh x > 90° ana dovetozed wae exis! values of Vi/r for (% 1/R, fy) are the mane cs tote for G8 =m, Hy 4] V,/* for values of tan bp of - wR ale ° ah ae ° 11.000 ‘000 1.000) ho L220 1000 "688 ‘20 2555, .000 632 190 11683, (200 ‘S05 100 +500 1363 io veh as3 iiz0 "380 [380 260 088 ‘oy 2100 1083 036 3.20 Tous) oiz wr values of tan fp of - xR ale ° Ys we ¥= i =3.20 ool 0.001 ~9.020 Z2'00 028 loz =1062 “aco ‘ost ‘ 230. ctie0 fge 089, ala32 ='80 1383 fsa Laks =o crs [835 059 ° 2008 11000 11000 ho 3262 Len “380 ‘20 1626 avg cn ulz0 an iho = 160 "aa 2:00 21033 ors 3120 =oot lost Syaiue of Vi/v changes 2.000 unite in passing through bouniary of vake. Values are axially oymetric about rotor axis and entioymatric about tip-path plane; values bout watch they are entieymetric are 1.000 for H/R <1 ani 0 for X/R>1- Pyalue of Vi/¥ changes 1.940 untte in passing through boundary of wake. NACA IN 2912 PLANE CP BOOGIE CF A LING noDOR Pa 90° ~ Conta om ie fon wien of isa By oe ae we 8 = pend ik 2383 es 2s wn ae ve 2 ee =] ef 4 ped 5 ai cate “ 3089 foo Wo 13 2] & & i 8s at rs —— 2 2 a me aya aie ve 32 “ ap 28 co a x8 se 3 e ag ie oD 3a. “49 TNO. Sty Le 388 ae 33 Hed ie Hed 2 Sreave of Tyr changes 2.709 unite Se passing through Younlacy of wake. Graton or Wy) cmegve 2.404 waite tn pausing through Dountesy of wae. erase ot Yy/y chmoges 0.054 unite tn passing through boublacy of wae NACA TN 2912 ABLE IT.~ Concluded ONDIMENSLONAL VALUES OP NORMAL COMPONNT OF INDUCED VELOCTY IN LONGITUDTIAL FLANE OF SMAGIRY OF A LIFEING ROTOR FOR x $ 90° - Concluted Vy/y for values of tan Bp of - aye af ° ye we X= TS.9T? (tan x = 4) (f) ko te0 "20 "60 00 20 RAUB STS RIES a Wo i ane aiag3 ‘80 2 2664 11266 ulz0 2 123602 206 2.60 "B04 Li3sh 2 135k “Bok 2100 tag 37s 2 Lis tag 3:20 i328 Te a ccs :38 Fvalue of Vj/v changes 0.N05 untte in passing through boundary of wake. Syaluee of Vi/v ere symetric about tip-path plane; for pp = 0 they are antisymetric about the value lat X= 0. Values for pp = 0 obtained by extrepolation. Sa 2h NONDIMENSIONAL VALUES OF NORMAL COMPONENT OF TABLE IIT MAGA TN 2912 INDUCED VELOCITY ON LATERAL AXIS OF A LIFTING ROTOR Vi/¥ for values of tan x of - a/R ° L 2 7 2 ° 1.000 } 1.000 | 1.000 1.000 1.000 s4o | 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 2.000 1.000 .60 | 2.000 718 +80 | 1.000 +904 1ao | o -To2 | -2.072 | -1.399 azo | o -.235 | -.5K8 -.693 --809 aso | o =.158 +39 = hon = 28 1.60 | 0 -au | -.239 = 286 = 281 2.0 | 0 -.068 | -.119 = = 18h 3.20 | 0 ~-026 Ol ~.049 =.083 4r NACA TW 2912 VORTEX-RING AXIS Figure 1.- Coordinates for vortex ring and teble I. 25 26 Figure 2,_ NACA mw 29.2 x Vi wp “< LANE OF ZERO FEATHERING —LIP-Par, THRLANE x Sa Geometry of ake, NACA TN 2912 ar UNIT RADIUS TIP-PATH PLANE Zz Figure 3.- Nondimensional rotor ccordinstes. (a) x= 0° = tan“ 0. Figure h.- Lines of constant values of isoimiuced velocity ratio W/v in longitudinal plane of symmetry. ez 2162 NE Vow ts 2 4 o x R (b) x= U4.08° = tenn) 1/h, Figure 4.- Contimed. 2162 NZ YOUN 62 (c) x= 26,56° = tan 1/2, Figure 4.~ Coutimed. of z162 NL VOW n VA NI J KN i | REESE R (4) x = 45.00° = tan“! 1, Figure 4.~ Contimed. 2162 NL YON a (e) x = 63.43° = tan 2. Figure .- Contimed. ae 2162 NG VON. (£) x = 75.979 = tan” 4, Figure 4.- Contimed. is 2162 Ab vovN se BS ® (s) x = 90.009 = tanh o, Figure 4. Contimed. ae 2162 NL Yorn 2162 NG VOW (n) x = 104.03? = ten“ 4, Figure 4.~ Continued. se CEOS NCE ' Nool/ Ie ECit PASAKMI Tea ACTH WEL LEER ecg IS NSS ia Z A TN art al a9 Hy REM T | me ie t (4) x = 116.57° = tan"! -2. Figure |. Concluded. 9f 2162 NL vovN NACA IN 2912 3 2 aT ax! Figure 5.- Induced velocity distributions along X-axis. at 368 NACA TN 2912 Ty Ves pes M v 2 9 ff et 5 = HI et £ LL oi | ° ' 2 3 Figure 6.- Induced velocity distributions along Y-axis. NACA-tangey = 329-58 000

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