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Choose the correct answer.

1. Shirley is very friendly / creative / courageous. She should be an artist.
2. Paul is very patient / adventurous / organised. He never gets angry at his employees.
3. Thanks for helping. I really needed the retirement / assistance / appearance.
4. Brenda is a very reliable / calm / ambitious person. She plans to be president one day.
5. I cant call him because he didnt give me his job requirement / university degree / contact information.
6. To be a translator, you need a knowledge of physical strength / personality characteristics / languages.

Match the sentences in A to sentences with similar meanings in B.

1. Peter said that he wanted a job with flexible working

a. You must be very strong in order to do this job.

2. This position requires a lot of physical strength.

c. He said that he was very pleased with his job.

3. John has been out of work for a month.

d. You earn more money if you work more than eight

hours a day.

4. Youre paid extra for overtime.

5. He said that he got a lot of job satisfaction.

b. He hasnt had a job for four weeks.

e. He said that he wanted to be able to start work at

different times each day.

Complete the sentences with the words below.

helpful productive employee steady job apply for employer
1. Bob decided to the job of bookkeeper, even though he doesnt have experience.
2. My friends father has never had a . Every year he works at a different company.
3. Mr Thomas is an excellent . He works very hard, is always on time and gets along with everyone.
4. The factory workers arent very . They dont seem to get a lot of work done.
5. Why didnt you wash the dishes? You arent very .
6. Saras pays her a good salary.

Choose the correct answer.

1. John will retire from / apply for his job when hes 70 years old.
2. Dan has two years of work experience / job application as a clerk.
3. Steve is finally being fired / going back to work and will be in the office tomorrow.
4. His job title / company is cook, but he really manages the restaurant.
5. She wants a professional / part-time job. She doesnt want to work eight hours a day.




Choose the word that doesnt belong.

1. productive responsible helpful workable
2. employer salary employee worker
3. promotion appearance retirement employment
4. unemployed experienced knowledgeable ambitious
5. steady job part-time job full-time position job application

Complete the sentences with the words below.

reliable retirement challenging fired experienced hired
1. She has been a solicitor for twenty years. Shes very .
2. When he reaches age, he will stop working.
3. John has found a great job. He has been as a writer for the National Geographic magazine.
4. Medical school is very , and many students dont complete their studies.
5. Jim was from his job and is unemployed at the moment.
6. Isabel is a worker. You can always count on her to get the job done.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use the suffixes -tion, -er, -ed,
-ment, -able or -ance.
1. He said that he wanted to get a (promote).
2. Dan is (knowledge) about computers.
3. He is looking forward to his (retire).
4. She is a very (organise) person.
5. She is too worried about her (appear).
6. Eva is a good (work).




Choose the correct answer.

1. Dan said that he will meet / would meet us at ten oclock.
2. Paula told Jack that she has been waiting / had been waiting for him for an hour.
3. They said that they didnt find / hadnt found work yet.
4. Tony told Mrs Brown that the cat is drinking / was drinking her tea.
5. Sara asked James whether he had made / made an appointment the previous day.
6. Ellens parents asked when she was coming / is coming home that night.
7. Sam enquired whether we had ever seen / ever saw the film March of the Penguins.
8. The ski instructor asked how long it had been snowing / has been snowing.

Complete the sentences. Use reported speech.

1. Stop making so much noise, the teacher told the students.
The teacher told the students ................................................................................................. .
2. Dont turn on the television, Tims mother said.
Tims mother told him ............................................................................................................. .
3. Lets meet at the caf after work, Anne suggested.
Anne suggested that ............................................................................................................... .

Write sentences using the words below.

1. they / had / the / museum / that / been / all / Sandra / working / week / said / at
2. whether / raining / children / was / asked / the / it
3. told / mum / clean / house / my / me / to / the
4. that / playing / Brian / friends / his / basketball / said / were
5. pizza / dinner / night / suggested / a / that / David / ordering / for




Complete the sentences in reported speech.

1. Will Dans father drive us to the party tonight? Louise asked.
Louise asked whether ............................................................................................................. .
2. I havent seen Paul since 2001, Andrea said.
Andrea told us that she ........................................................................................................... .
3. Dont look at your partners answers, the teacher ordered the students.
The teacher ordered the students ........................................................................................... .
4. The football team has been practising since six oclock, Jim announced.
Jim announced that ................................................................................................................ .
5. When are you finishing work tonight? Sue asked me.
Sue asked ............................................................................................................................... .
6. Lets buy a new TV, suggested Brian.
Brian suggested that ............................................................................................................... .

Write the sentences in direct speech.

1. I asked Regina where she was going for her holiday.
2. Everyone asked Susan what she had done the day before.
3. They said that they wouldnt go to the party unless Sam invited them.
4. The manager ordered Gina to finish typing those letters by five oclock.
5. Albert told us that he had finished the last Harry Potter book the week before.
6. Tina suggested that we make Lucy a surprise party.

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