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Studio Art

Roundtable Presentation

By Yanwei Yang

My inspiration of my nature object, a shell, it
has a very soft line of itself, it doesn't have
very complex texture, and its color is my
favorite color, white. These special things let
me have many inspirations of it, such as
ocean, deep ocean, it looks like a mask, and
one interesting fact of shell is the protective
casing around sea creatures called mollusks,
and it remained me I can make a shield. While
I was thinking should I make a shield or not.
There is an amazing idea came out in my
mind, it's hill! Its has soft line and its shape is
similar to the shape of ellipse. Therefore I
decided to make a hill.

After I decided to make a hill.
However, there is a problem came out in
my mind, how can I make it? I need a 3dimensional structure, how can I make this
3-dimensional structure? And while I was
brainstorming with my brain, there is
another amazing inspiration came out in
my mind, how about use the way to make
topographic map and 3-dimensional map
to make it, I think it is the best idea to
make my sculpture, a hill, because when
we are using the map in iPad, it shows us
3-dimensional and real map.

After I knew the about way to
make my sculpture, I started to think
what materials can I use? The first
thing I want to use is paper, because
the shape of paper, the size, the
texture, if I use paper, these things
can be very easy to make. And there
is one more thing came out in my
mind, it's a television program, it let
me remembered I can use some glue
and mixed together, I can make
tissue becomes very hard.

I used the cardboard and tissue to make my model, I
cutted a base for my model, and add cardboard sheet by
sheet on this base, and used glue-water to wetted tissue
and evenly covered my cardboard model with it, this was
the most challenging part of making my model, because
cover it evenly you have to be very careful. And when it
dried, it became very hard and it has the texture I want. I
made the same size as my nature object, sea shell.

Revision Process
In my final sculpture, I decided to add a
base under my model, because I wanted
to make a sea landscape of my
structure. Also I covered this base with
tissue either in order to make some
texture and visual effects. I tried to use
water color to color it and mixed
different colors in order to make special
visual effects, such as when I was
drawing sea for my structure, I mixed
white and blue, therefore it would looks
like it has real waves.

Artist Statement
The object I was inspired by was a sea shell. For my
final sculpture we wanted to make a 3-dimensional
landscape, because I decided to make a hill, I think if
I can make a 3-dimensional thing, it can be awesome.
The size of my final sculpture is not very big, because
a 3-dimensional landscape is very hard to make, if I
tried to make a big one, I don't have enough time to
finish it. Therefore, my sculpture's size is, length is
25cm, wide is 15cm. Also I made a special texture for
my final sculpture, coarse, it is closest real texture of
a 3-dimensional landscape, on the other hand when I
was coloring it, it could let my sculpture's color could
give people a special visual effect. The lines of my
final sculpture are very soft because it is circle.

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