Using VLAN and Adv. Routing Tech. On Vyatta

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Using VLAN and advanced Routing techniques on Vyatta


Figure 1.
I. Implement a virtual network as illustrated on figure 1.
1. Create all VM`s needed.
Use only one physical interface on each router; configure it as host only.
2. Configure networking on all stations (vlan, ip-address, mask, gateway)
3. Create VLAN sub-interfaces on all routers and assign IP-Addresses to
Follow Vyatta Lan Interfaces reference guide.
4. Setup VRRP protocol on router R1 and R2 for Subnet A.
Follow Chapter 2 of Vyatta HA reference guide, use as a virtual IPAddress for VRRP Group.
5. Add static routes on R3 and R4 to Subnets F and G.
Use PMCIO Lab 16 Exercise or Vyatta Basic Routing guide for reference.

6. Setup dynamic routing in subnet E based on RIPv2 protocol.

Use PMCIO Lab 16 Exercise or Vyatta RIP guide for reference.
7. Setup dynamic routing in subnets B,C and D based on OSPF protocol.
Use PMCIO Lab 16 Exercise or Vyatta OSPF guide for reference.
8. Setup redistribution options for RIPv2 and OSPF.
Use Vyatta RIP and OSPF guides for reference.
9. Setup Policy Based Routing (PBR) on R5. (Optional)
Packets coming from Subnet F should be sent always over R3 and packets coming
from Subnet G over R4.
Follow Vyatta PBR reference guide.
II. Analyze configuration
1. Analyze network with Wireshark.
Capture RIPv2, OSPF and VRRP messages.
2. Test for High Availability (HA) by switching off network components
and/or interfaces.
3. Test PBR by using traceroute. (Optional)
Powerpoint presentation
Work-log with command listings and screenshots
Vyatta router settings and filtered Wireshark capture files as appendix
Vyatta reference guide,
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