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Analysis of Online Learning Articles

Natalie King
Regent University
December 4th, 2014


Analysis of Online Learning Articles
This article, from the University of Illinois, discusses the positive effects online learning
can have for the student. Caroline Haythornwaite, a professor at the University, specifically
discusses the benefits of online learning at the college level. Online learning allows the teacher
to have a different role; they are not the lecturer, they can simply guide the students in their
learning process (Ciciora). This applies to me as a future educator because as this article
mentions online learning has already infiltrated the lower levels of education, meaning less than
college. As I progress into running my own classroom I will be expected to incorporate some
form of online learning. By the time I am teaching almost every child will have complete access
to technology at home and feel very comfortable using it as an educational tool. I think that this
article is important because online learning is starting to become a larger section of the
educational field. More and more teachers are opting out of the traditional classroom instruction
methods. Even in elementary schools teachers are flipping their classrooms to combine face-toface interaction and online learning. In and high school and college I feel that it is very
beneficial to have online classes available. It allows students to take classes that arent offered in
person. Also in college it allows students to take classes no matter where they are in the world
and not get behind in their studies.
This article, from the Journal of Advances Academics, discusses how online learning can
benefit gifted students and learners. There have been two studies conducted in the past about
how gifted students learn. Both found that gifted students prefer, learning by insight, prefer
abstract themes and concepts, and understand complex interconnections of ideas (Thomson).
It also found that gifted students are more flexible and open when it comes to school work and
are more responsible for getting work done on their own (Thomson). Online learning allows


these gifted students to work at their own pace, as one student said online learning allows them
to move forward rather than having to wait for other students to catch up (Thomson). I feel that
this is important to me as a future educator because online learning for gifted students would be a
great way to differentiate my classroom. By allowing my more advanced students to complete
more advanced work online it will ensure they are being challenged while still making it possible
for me to combine that with my whole class traditional instruction. Online learning for gifted
students is an important topic because it allows these students, who are more advanced and
responsible for their own work, to complete assignments at their own pace and take as much time
as needed on assignments. This could also lead to schools creating completely online classes
offered for gifted students in higher grades, such as middle and high school, to take instead of
another class that is not as challenging.
This article, by the Hunter College and Graduate Center, discusses the impact online
learning has played in K-12 education. According to this study 75% of all participating public
schools offer online or blended courses with students currently enrolled (Picciano). It also states
that online learning provides students with the opportunity to take AP or college-level courses as
well as meets the needs of those students who may need extra help or are retaking a class
(Picciano). These findings are important because online learning is becoming very popular and
widely used. As this study mentions data and research needs to be collected on its effects, both
positive and negative, to ensure it is being incorporated in the correct way (Picciano). There
should be state wide planning and farming to make sure we are providing the best thing possible
for our students. This may impact me as a teacher because online learning will soon be used in
every school, probably even at the elementary aged level. I will be expected to learn how to
incorporate and utilize this mode of instruction in some way in my classroom.


Ciciora, P. (2008, November 26). E-Learning can have positive effect on classroom learning,
scholar says. Retrieved December 4, 2014, from News Bureau Illinois:
Picciano, A. G., & Seaman, J. (2009, January). K- 12 Online Learning: A 2008 Follow-up of the
Survey of U.S. School District Administrators. Sloan Consortium. Retrieved December 4,
2014, from
Thomson, D. L. (2010, Summer). Beyond the Classroom Walls: Teachers and Students
Perspectives on How Online Learning Can Meet the Needs of Gifted Students. Journal of
Advanced Academics, 21(4), 662-712. Retrieved from

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