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Curriculum Plan

Title of Lesson_A book about Me

motor skills, creativity

Targeted Domain _literacy, fine

To make a story book that will enhance children creativity and literacy skills

Children will create their own book about themselves

Transition Plan
Teacher will have a discussion during circle time about asking questions about what
is an author? What do you think an author job is? How to write a book

Teacher will give each child a blank book. All materials will be passed out to every
child. Teacher will give instructions about how to start the book. Children will write
their name on the front of the book where they picture will be placed in the middle.
Each child will decorate their book freely.

Advanced Preparation:
Teacher will prep all materials a day before class. Activity will start in the beginning
of class. The blank book will have sentences where the child has to fill a word
describing them. (example: the color of my eyes are, then they would write brown.)
Pictures of each child are taken two days before activity begins

List Materials:

Color pencils
Straps of confetti
Picture of child

Your Name: __Erica Ross____________________________

Curriculum Plan
Blank Book

Developmental Benefits:
Children will enhance literacy skills; fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination. They
will learn how to be creative in their own way

Future Plans:
Have children to share their books with their peers. They will take home

Learning Center_________

Age of Child (ren) ___5 year olds___

Your Name: __Erica Ross____________________________

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