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College students at the University of North Texas are looking for a pick-me-up at all hours of the
day. A few coffee shops nearby and on campus offer what students need to fulfill their busy
schedules, but many students do not have time to wait around in lines between classes. Here we
will compare the different coffee vendors to determine the most convenient coffee shop around
UNT campus based on three measured variables: wait time from order to coffee in hand, distance
to location starting from the Onstead Promenade, and the price per Oz of black coffee from the
three coffee shops (Big Mikes, The Study, and Starbucks).

Overview of the Options

Statement of the Criteria

We tested three coffee shops within walking

distance from the Onstead Promenade:
The Study in the Library
Big Mikes Coffee
Starbucks at the BLB

We chose the best value coffee by comparing:

Price per ounce of black coffee
Distance from the Onstead Promenade
Time from order to arrival of order

These criteria represent the needs of an average UNT students low-budget and busy schedule
when in need of a quick cup of coffee. Our readers should be able to relate to this report through
similarities in schedules and financial ability.

Method of Gathering Information

When gathering data we timed how long it took to walk from the Onstead Promenade to the counter
of each coffee shop chosen in this comparison and recorded the time under the distance. We
recorded how long it took to receive an 8Oz regular coffee after placing an order. Lastly, we
compared the prices printed on our receipts.

Comparison of Options
Names Of Coffee Shop

Price per oz of coffee

The Study
Big Mikes Coffee
Starbucks at the BLB

$ 0.25
$ 0.19
$ 0.31

Conclusion and Recommendation

Distance from Onstead

Arrival of product after
Promenade (minutes walking)
order (minutes)

If you are looking to save as much as possible, Big Mikes Coffee is the place for you. An 8oz regular
cup of coffee is only $1.50 and the longer walk offers a lovely view of the campus. Starbucks coffee,
conveniently located in the BLB, is one of the more popular choices on campus. You can find many
UNT students hanging out, studying, and enjoying a hot cup of joe that costs $2.50. However if you
are looking for a cheap cup of coffee at the shortest distance possible, we recommend The Study
located in the Willis Library. Cups of coffee go for $2.00 with only a two-minute wait after placing
your order.

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