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Review of References: Foot Care

Aaron Phillips
Ferris State University



It is important for nursing to use credible sources while conducting nursing research. In this
paper I have defined what credible resource is what makes a source credible. I have reviewed
my EBPP paper from NURS 324 and evaluated if the resources I have choose were credible. I
also have looked at these articles and how they have and can impact nursing practice. The intent
of this paper is to reflect on my past work and to build upon the knowledge of how to choose and
use credible articles while conducting research in my BSN program.


Reflection Paper: Foot Care

In my studies I have heard that we as nurses must draw from nursing knowledge. I have
been told if we use nursing knowledge in our research it can make our papers stronger and more
credible. The purpose of this paper is to re-evaluate my references from my EBPP assignment
from NURS 324. I must look at my resources and analyze them for their credibility, worth, and
the impact that these articles have on nursing practice. After the completion of this assignment I
hope to have a better understanding on how to choose and use future resources in my practice.
In nursing 324 I completed my EBPP paper on foot care within the Michigan Department
of Corrections (MDOC). I looked for articles that would help support my belief that providing
better foot wear and foot care would increase patient satisfactions and decrease foot complaints.
My intent was to choose article that were both scholarly and credible. According to
Nieswiadomy, peer reviewed articles are the gold standard when it comes to choosing scientific
articles. Nieswiadomy (2012), describes pear reviewed articles as articles that are reviewed by
experts in that field before the study is published.
I will also attempt to determine if the articles are qualitative or quantitative studies.
According to Nieswiadomy (2012), qualitative studies focus on attempting to understand the
perspective of the individual of certain events. Quantitative studies attempt to manipulate and
control events were they can reproduce data. Our text recommends using both qualitative and
quantitative when conducting studies (Nieswiadomy, 2012).


Article One
The first article I am reviewing is from the journal Clinical Rehabilitation, Randomized
controlled trial for clinical effects of varying types of insoles combined with specialized shoes in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis of the foot. The double blind study was conducted at the
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan
University School of Medicine, Soule, Korea. The study was conducted by physicians and one
nurse, therefore this paper contains mostly borrowed knowledge (research that is not conducted
by nursing). This quantitative study did have useful nursing information on what was and was
not helpful when educating patients on foot care.
Article Two
The second article I chose, The effects of a foot and toenail care protocol for older
adults, was from the journal Geriatric Nursing. The qualitative and quantitative nursing study
was completed at the Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, China. This study is relevant, but only received an impact factor or 0.79. The study
showed treating minor foot problems early reduced patient discomfort and reduced major foot
complications in the future (Chui-wah et al.,2012).
Article Three
The third article that I used was, Inmate overutilization of health care is there a way
out? from the Journal of Correctional Health Care. Dr. Paris was a board member of the
Nations Commission on Correctional Healthcare (NCCHC). This article is borrowed knowledge
because the author is not a nurse, but it is relevant to nursing within the correctional setting. I
believe this source is credible and it has a lot of good insight. Dr. Paris (1994) claims that, two


thirds of all referrals to physicians from nursing are related to prisoners attempting to get
prisoner perks. The article being over 20 years old may diminish credibility, but I believe the
data is still relevant.
I believe as a whole my articles were from quality sources. All of my articles were from
respectable journals and were relevant to my topic of foot care within MDOC. I had a difficult
time determining if they were peer reviewed. I do know that some of the recourse from the
Ferris Library lets you only review peer reviewed articles, but that is not where I selected my
articles from.

I choose articles that were from nursing research and from the Journal of

Corrections Health Care because I thought it was best to have professional opinions from both
areas of study. I do not find a lot of nursing studies from nursing within corrections.
I feel that my first two articles are articles that could directly guide practice decisions.
My first article from Clinical Rehabilitation was a double blind study which is one of the highest
levels of evidence. My second article from Geriatric Nursing is directly related to foot care and
discusses nursing protocols that direct self-care (2012). My third article from Correctional
Health Care tied in health care related areas to my subject of foot care and the over utilization of
health care related to foot complaints (1994). Overall I believe there is plenty of room for
improvement in my article selection, but overall I thought my articles were sound choices.



Cho, N., Hwang, J., Chang, H., Koh, E., & Park, H. (2009). Randomized controlled trial for
clinical effects of varying types of insoles combined with specialized shoes in patients
with rheumatoid arthritis of the foot. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23(6), 512-521. doi:
L., F., F., Chui-wah, M., Kwok-man, L., Man-wai, L.(2012). The effects of a foot and toenail
care protocol for older adults. Geriatric Nursing, 33(6), 446-453.
Nieswiadomy, R. M. (2012). Foundations of nursing research (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson
Paris, E. (1994). Inmate overutilization of health care is there a way out? Journal of Correctional
Health Care 1.1. 73-90. doi: 10.1177/107834589400100106.

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