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Brett Pino

Valerie Johnson
Yoga I
September 8, 2014

I've managed to accumulate many titles in my young life, ones in which created an outer image
that is not realistic or pleasant, you may begin to act from these lens because you're are lost
from true awareness of self. Sometimes the world around us has a way of getting in our minds
with words or representations that are twisted and eventually, for some, manipulate you into
either wanting to be that or just believing you're who they say. I can remember hurtful things that
people said to me many years ago that still affect the way I view myself or even act in certain
situations. Media has also somehow succeeded to wedge into my life and create insecurities
that are illogical.
When I quiet the echoing noise around and inside me and just listen I understand my true
intentions, the vibrations I send out. I'm always following this long winding path and now and
again I change to accommodate the certain conditions around me, but I know who I really am all
the time underneath. Another big factor that plays into connecting to who are is opening your
mind and heart to allow newness to be bestowed and release the blocks. Finally, Self love plays
an important role in finding out who you are.
I'm the warrior of truth, I know it's my duty to always share honesty. I'm the messenger, a tunnel
of communication from a high source, I allow eternal wisdom to flow through the advice I give. I
internally carry a balance of masculine and feminine energy. I have passion that burns hotter
than fire inside, it powers my inventive creativity but can be tamed with the adjustment of a
solid-earth energy, like the roots from a tree. I'm a dreamer, I live as a child in my indigo world.
A big combustion of my subconscious runs thick like blood through my soul and I live by it. I am
philosophical, I ask why with every idea or concept I hear. My soul leaks it's evidence of past
knowledge that it has collected from past lives. The eternal strength that I have is overwhelming,
the things I've been through in this life seem to be dealt with already. Lightning must be my
brother because I am impulsive. I believe in love that is soft, free, light, and unconditional, the
thread to all that is; therefore, when you are aware you can have unlimited supply to give and
take, I am love.
I lack confidence in certain areas of my life due to traumatic experiences I've been through. I'm
unusually full of thoughts and constantly lose focus. I'm a conversationalist, meaning I talk a lot,

this life has offered me this gift that turns into an opposition in some situations. I'm not very
close to my family and others for that matter; however, this life has given me opportunity to be
these things. I am confident, I am a listener, I am focused, and I am open hearted with others.
If one takes the time to hush the surroundings that are telling you who you are, you can really
open yourself up to all the qualities that resonate deeply within the souls core. There you
discover the only qualities that you can picture having in the next life or the one before this, the
concrete character that you wish to be on a day to day basis is the real you. Who you have
been and you you have set out to be are along the same path, as long as you stay true to
following the efforts along the way, who you dream to be is who you are.

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