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Hartlepool Association

We thought that it was important we share as widely as possible the
guidance from the Secretary of State about Ofsted, what they expect to
see and importantly for us what they dont!
This advice gives us a real opportunity to do something about our workload, and the pernicious accountability culture that drives down our
work/life balance.
There are some key areas that ALL MEMBERS need to be aware of...

Ofsted does NOT expect to see individual or previous lesson plans, nor does it specify how planning should be set out or level of detail they are
interested in its effectiveness, not how it looks


There is no requirement for a set amount of lesson observations, nor do the seek details of the
pay grade of staff observed during an inspection



Ofsted does NOT expect to see a particular frequency of work in pupils books, nor do they expect to see unnecessary or extensive written dialogue. Feedback should be appropriate and used
to promote learning.
Ofsted does NOT grade individual lessons. There
is no expectation that schools use the Ofsted
evaluation schedule to grade teaching or lessons

Did you know all of this?

Calling all young and early

career teachers...
#RECT15 - 23-25 January 2015
We will be discussing some of these
key workload issues at RECT
(Regional Early Career teachers
Weekend)... If you have any new or
young teachers in your school who
you think might be interested then
do encourage them to sign up
quickly as places are limited and this
course is always massively oversubscribed. The last few places for
#RECT15 are still available. Priority
is given to members who have not
attended previously so if thats you
go to

For More information:

If you would like to know more about
the NUT in your area, get in touch...
Hartlepool NUT Division Secretary:
Pat Smedley

Do members in your school?

NUT Northern Regional Officers

Do your school leaders recognise and respect this?

Ian Donnachie/Elaine Ward
Hartlepool NUT Pre Christmas Social Event
11 December from 4.00pm onwards
The White House
Wooler Road
Hartlepool TS26 0DR


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