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Political system in Ukraine

Prokopenko Marina

Ukraine is a republic under a semi-presidential

system with separate legislative, executive, and
judicial branches.

The highest government body of the executive branch is

the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine not the president.

The legislative branch is represented by a unicameral

parliament, Verkhovna Rada, consisting of 450 People's
Deputies (members of parliament).

The judicial branch is very complex and has two independent court
systems such as constitutional, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and
general, the Supreme Court of Ukraine.
the Constitutional Court of

the Supreme Court of Ukraine

The Ukrainian legal system is based on the civil

law and the judicial review of legislative acts.

The Constitution of Ukraine was adopted

June 28, 1996

The current president of Ukraine is Viktor Yanukovych (since January 23,

2010). The president guarantees the state sovereignty, territorial
indivisibility, the observance of the Constitution as well as human and
citizens' rights and freedoms.

State symbols

Coat of arms

Ukraine has not yet perished, nor her glory, nor
her freedom,
Upon us, fellow Ukrainians, fate shall smile
once more.
Our enemies will vanish like dew in the sun,
And we too shall rule, brothers, in a free land of
our own.
Souls and bodies we'll lay down, all for our
And we'll show that we, brothers, are of the
Cossack nation!
We'll stand, brothers, in bloody battle, from the
Syan to the Don,
We will not allow others to rule in our
The Black Sea will smile and grandfather
Dnieper will rejoice,
For in our own Ukraine fortune shall shine

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