Unit Plan Final

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Douglas Liguori

Dr. Cynthia Kosso

History 205
Unit Plan Final
World War I
(1-Week Total)
Monday: (Causality) Causes of World War I
YouTube video (2 Minutes): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCTIaiiGB4o

Students will watch this video on the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, a

profound cause of WW1.
The teacher will review the videos content

PowerPoint on (15-20 Minutes):

Nationalism (Primary Source)
Alliance System
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Worksheet on WW1 Causality (5 Minutes):
What is causality?
How do long-term causes compare to immediate (trigger) causes?
Questions retaining to WW1 causality
Concluding Discussion (5-10 Minutes):
Students and the teacher will talk about causality in World War I, the differences
between an immediate cause and a long-term cause, and the legacy of the causes
of WW1
Arizona State Standard: PO 1. Explain how the following world movements led to
World War I:


Formation of alliances

Tuesday: Military Technology in World War I

Prezi on:

(20 Minutes)
The role of early airplanes during the war
The role of poison gas (Chlorine, Mustard etc.)
The role of trench warfare
Submarine warfare during WW1
YouTube video (3 Minutes): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-LxzD6Luj4

The YouTube video describes military technology during WW1. Students and the
teacher will discuss what was in the military technology video

Wednesday: Diseases in a Drawn-out War

Primary Source Photography of WW1 soldiers in the trenches with disease
(10 Minutes)
Students will have to analyze and determine the notion of the photography to
understand the treacherous conditions of the War
Spanish Influenza WW1 Article (10 Minutes): http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine29541235

Students will gather in groups of 3 to read an discuss the role of Spanish Influenza
during WW1

YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TxNPcZb5cg (8 Minutes)

Students will watch the video on diseases in WW1 (Trench foot, influenza,

Concluding Discussion (Summation):

Students and the teacher will discuss how WW1 was plagued by not only military
confrontation, but from a variety of diseases. (10-15 Minutes)

Thursday: Major Battles of WW1 (Stalemate)

YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UamKIlTsKgA (7 Minutes)

This video explains the role of different battles in sequential order as World War I
played out

PowerPoint (20 Minutes) on the major battles:

The Battle of Liege

The Battle of Tannenberg

The Battle of Marne

The Battle Gallipoli
The Battle of Verdun

From the PowerPoint, students will understand the significance that many
battles ended in a stalemate along the Western Front

Movie: All Quiet on the Western Front (January 1929 Version)- (20 Minutes)

Students will watch this historical movie to understand the significance of war
and its devastation

Poem (5-10 Minutes):

Students will have to come up with a poem based on the devastation of the movie
All Quiet on the Western Front.
Students will be allowed to use their own creativity, but must show that they
understand that WW1 was a long, devastating, and unforgiving war

Arizona State Standard: PO 13. Describe important events associated with World War
Friday: Treaty of Versailles/The Aftermath of WW1
WW1 Death toll worksheet (10 Minutes):

Students will answer the questions given on the worksheet in order to understand
that WW1 left a significantly high death toll in France, Germany, Russia, and
others participating
Students will discuss the effects this had on declining birthrates leading up to

YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soFhWkxSZAY (5 Minutes)

This video is a concluding video giving a general review of World War I. The
video goes through the major content of the war, including its ending with the
Treaty of Versailles
Students will ask any questions about the video and WW1 content

Computer Lab (35 Minutes):

Students will go to the school computer lab and look up the following website:
While in the lab, students will analyze the Treaty of Versailles, a primary source
excerpt that ended World War I

Students will have to write a short essay based on the outcome. Who was
punished? What were the agreements? What can you infer based on what youve
learned from this unit?

Treaty of Versailles Video (2 Minutes): http://www.history.com/topics/world-wari/world-war-i-history/videos/treaty-of-versailles-end-world-war-i

Arizona Standard: PO 2. Summarize the outcomes of World War I:
Analyze the major causes of World War II:
a. Aggressive search for Treaty of Versailles
(e.g., restrictions on Germany, end of the Ottoman Empire,
b. Economic issues (e.g., national debt, spread of socialism)

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