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Creativity Portals 20 Questions Interview

1. Whats your name?

2. Where are you from?
3. Who are you today?
4. What do you do? (Elevator speech)
5. Whats your story (how did you get here)?
6. Why is creativity (art, writing, performing, or ____) important to you?
7. When/how did you realize you had a creative dream or calling to fulfill?
8. How did you embrace it?
9. How did that feel?
10. Where has your journey taken you?
11. What challenges have you faced?
12. What worked for you?
13. What didnt work for you?
14. What three tips can you share with those starting on a similar path?
15. What are you working on now?
16. Whats coming up for you in the next year?
17. What else do you desire/dream to do?
18. How will you make that happen?
19. What question would you like to be asked (or are just itching to answer) thats not on
this list? (Please list and answer question below.)
20. Whats your Web site and/or blog address?

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