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Daniella Abad Camero ENG 112-79 Connie S. Douglas, Instructor Rhetorical Analysis September 1, 2014 Border Fencing Border fencing is defined as a wall or fence built to control the movement of ind viduals across a border between countries. In this case specifically, the United States’ border with Mexico. Some people argue that there should be a fence built between the U.S.-Mexico border ‘ensuring American security. Others think that there should not be a fence built in the border. The following two articles will present these two sides and their reasons in favor or against Border Fencing. The first article titled, “Border Fencing is a Bad Policy,” written by Melanie Mason, appeared in The New Republic in 2008. The second, titled “Border Fencing is Crucial to Ensure American Security,” which appeared in the webpage in 2907 was written by Duncan Hunter. The intention of these two atticles is to persuade their audience and generate an idea to their audience of th ynigration crisis occurring in this country. Mason's states that the fence will not stopp£4‘illegal immigrants while Duncan's article claims that if a fence is built in the border with Mexico; it wil stop ilegal immigrants and drug trafficking from come to this country mame ©”) Mason's article states that immigrants are determined to cross the border, and they the amount of illegal immigrants that are crossing the border because illegal immigrants are determined to crose/the fence will aggravate the problem instead of moderate it becatse there he will be more male Mexicans crossing the border, building @ fence its coldhearted, enormously expensive since it would cost approximately 49 billion dollars to build only a 700 mile fence, the environment will be damage if a fence is built because the border region is an environmental sensitive area, Additionally the article mentions how the fence building is becoming legally dubious because there are some organizations from the opposition that have tried to present their case to the Supreme Court and they would not even listen to them. JHfs article is well writing, presents a very strong arguments against fencing the border, they have evidence of what they are claiming, and explains with detail why is fencing the border will be a very bad decision, so anyone can understand their point of view (Mason). Hunter's article “Bordering is Crucial to Ensure American Security" ties to convince their audience thatthe U.S. needs a fence because if we buy we wll stop illegal imrigrants from entering the country. Hunter tres to base all his argument comparing the results ofthe fence built in San Diego, California border and how it affected their rates of legal immigrants He claims that that fence helped San Diego decrease the percentage of smuggling of people and norostic. efertcle uses only that foc as a valid argument. Adctonally, He argues that f there were a fence built the country will be more secure. One ofthe weaknesses ofthe article is that they give vague information about certain reports that have been done atout people plotting a terorst attack against the U.S., targeting soldiers and using the border as an entry 10 the country, The article Is well written and organizhowever it does not have enough justification to say that the fence will work or not. Even though, they tried to explain his opinion of why the fence is necessary, he did not do a good job (Hunter). In conclusion, the article that best fulfil its intention to persuade and is more appealing to its audience is the one written by Melanie Mason because her article shows more credible A proof of her position and explain valid reasons for why the fence is unnecessary and won't work, ‘While the other article is weak, tries to generalize what happened in San Diego and the proof he gives to support his position its vague. Each of the articles shows how the current culture in ‘America it’s cut in half some people are against immigration reforms and immigrants coming to J bien needed this country and they don't care how the government gets rid of the problem as long as they do it, while others are more tolerant with the issue and want a good way to solve the immigration problem. Bibliography: Mason, Melani “The Border Fence Folly." New Republic 30 June 2008: n. pag. Rpt. in Homeland Security. Ed, James D. Torr. San iego: Greenhaven, 2004, At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 Sept. 2014. Hunter, Duncan. "Border Fencing Is Crucial to Ensure American Security." Homeland Security. Ed. James D. Torr. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004 At Issue. Rpt. from “If We Build It They Won't Come." 2007. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 Sept. 2014. Revision Checklist for Rhetorical Analysis The ofwrting:__Rorder Ferciny Authors Name: DANE _ Ban RevisersName:__ 10 rorth, Gi hey In the boxes, write a "Y" for YES and an “N" for NO. In the comments section, the reviser is to explain his/her answer. [ Revision Checklist ‘Comments (the more the better) Read the text. REALLY read it “Ask: what isthe one thing the writer is trying to say in the piece of writing? One thing: Byitding Fen a Fence at the border will not address the real Issues “Ask: Is this piece of writing clear to someone Yes, + explams the encountering the subject for the first time? ed eyes hee, points Does the introduction fully explain the issue? If not, Ye E aS th ‘what could be added? As the reader, do you understand es, + expla i the issue? two different views of building a Fence Dees the writer fully explain the perspective of the How? ssuor in paragraph one? Hating 38 acliele explaining Does the writer fully reflect on why the article was best? | the two di eferent vitws oF +he fence 3+ the border. Yes ‘Does the writer fully explain the perspective of the author in paragraph ope? & Does the writer fully reflect on why the article was How? Nes, he paragraph states that the article lacking? didn't provide eovugn information ‘Doss the conclusion explain the writers perspective? | How? < ce Does the writer suppor his/her perspective? le Y \ wp -samaby “SOs |, the acdiate refered to Cepeda —eseice bur leling a Fenee cloesnt control 4he achuity ax the border

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