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Annotated Bibliography

1. "Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor." - UNESCO World Heritage Centre. N.p., n.d. Web. 21
Oct. 2014.
- The first qin emperor was Qin Shi Huang which was important as he was the one my project is
centered around.
2. "Qin Shi Huang-Di." Historic World Leaders. Gale, 1994. Biography in Context. Web. 20 Oct.
- His methods of leading and his legacy contributed to my project as it helped me define him and
how he ruled.
3. Science and Its Times. Ed. Neil Schlager and Josh Lauer. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Biography
in Context. Web. 20 Oct. 2014..
- This gave me an insight on how he preserved the soldiers around his tomb and why he needed
4. "Quin Shi Huang-Di." Almanac of Famous People. Gale, 2011. Biography in Context. Web. 20
Oct. 2014.
- This website provided me with an insight to how famous his legacy is and how it got so famous.
5. Jarus, By Owen. "Terracotta Warriors: An Army for the Afterlife." LiveScience. TechMedia
Network, 13 Dec. 2012. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
- The Terracotta warriors were used to guard Qins tomb in order to save him from the spirits
which proved my point.
6. "Secrets of the First Emperor." Top Documentary Films RSS. N.p., July-Aug. 2002. Web. 21 Oct.
- I watched a 1hour video of the legacy of Qin Shi Huang and it gave me insight as to what type of
person he was.
7. "Ancient China." Biography for Kids: Emperor Qin Shi Huang. TSI, 10 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 Oct.
- I learned how Ancient China developed with the Qin dynasty as Qin Shi Huang got more power
8. Szczepanski, Kallie. "How Qin Shi Huang Became China's First Emperor."About. N.p., Apr.-May
2009. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.
- This showed me how prince Zheng became Qin Shi Huang and the emperor of China.
9. Shapiro, Sydney. "Qin Dynasty, First Emperor of China." Qin Dynasty, First Emperor of China.
New World Press, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2014.
- This showed me the First Emperors family life in china and allegations against his family.
10. Li, Xiuzhen Janice, et al. "Crossbows and imperial craft organisation: the bronze triggers of
China's Terracotta Army." Antiquity 88.339 (2014): 126+. Gale Power Search. Web. 20 Oct.
- This showed me all of the equipment used to kill Qins enemies in battle and war.
11. Qian, Sima. "Memorial Annexation of Feudal States." Memorial of the Burning Books (1999): 14.Http:// Columbia University Press.
- This showed me how many states he annexed and why it was so easy to do so.
12. Qian, Sima. "Longman World History." Longman World History. N.p., Mar.-Apr. 2005. Web. 11
Nov. 2014.

- This showed me China vs the rest of the world in expansion and exploration.
13. Ouellette, Patrick. "Power in the Qin Dynasty: Legalism and External Influence over the
Decisions and Legacy of the First Emperor of China". 2010. Available electronically from http://
- This showed me why the power in the Qin Dynasty was so strong and how it was held.
14. Gracie, Carrie. "The Chinese Emperor Who Burned Books." BBC News. BBC News Bejiing, 14
Oct. 2012. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
- This showed me the tyrant side of Qin Shi Huang. Who burns books?
15. Hardin, Max. "Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor." - UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
UNESCO, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.
- I saw the excavated pictures from the tomb of Qin Shi Huang.
16. Wekselman, Kathryn. "Yang, Liu. China's Terracotta Warriors: The First Emperor's Legacy."
Library Journal 1 Apr. 2013: 79. Gale Power Search. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.
- I saw the amount of Terracotta Warriors that were uniquely built.
17. "The Emperor's Silent Army: Terracotta Warriors of Ancient China. (Children's Books)." Kirkus
Reviews 15 Mar. 2002: 422. Gale Power Search. Web. 20 Oct. 2014.
- The silent army played a huge part in Qins legacy as an emperor.
18. "Macmillan/McGraw-Hill: California Vistas 2007." Macmillan/McGraw-Hill: California Vistas
2007. McGraw-Hill, 2007. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
- This gave me a primary source being a quote from Qin Shi huang which I put on my website.
19. "Qin Shihuangdi
Ruling an Empire." British Museum. Trustees of the British Museum,
2009. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
- This showed how and what steps Qin took to rule an empire.
20. "CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS FOUNDATION Bill of Right in Action." BRIA 15 4 B The Law
of Shi Huangdi, First Emperor of China. Edison International, Oct. 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
- This gave me an example of Chinese common law and how Qin disregarded it to create his own.
21. Wei, Li. "Secrets of the First Emperor." Top Documentary Films RSS. Top Documentary Films,
May-June 2010. Web. 04 Dec. 2014.
- This held primary voiced accounts of people who were at the excavation and found out secrets of
the emperor.
22. Szczepanski, Kallie. "How Qin Shi Huang Became China's First Emperor."About. About
Education, 12 June 2014. Web. 2 Dec. 2014.
- This showed me how he actaully went about gaining the title of the first sovereign emperor.
23. "Ancient China for Kids: The Great Wall." Ducksters. Technological Solutions, Inc. (TSI), Dec.
2014. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. <>.
- This showed me information on how the wall was built, how many people it took to build, and its
impacts on Chinese society today.

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