Unit Plan Beccah Lynne

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Unit Plan

The objectives of this tenth grade unit plan for English II are to understand imagery, symbolism,
foreshadowing, conventions of Standard English grammar, nuances, word relationships, and parallelism
through the reading of Things Fall Apart. During this unit, students will be working individually, in pairs,
and also in small groups. Learning activities will include several assignments: a partner project on Things
Fall Apart, a group study of Chinua Achebe and his writing style, several short grammatical lessons, a
group quiz on characters from Things Fall Apart, and various individual writing assignments on short
stories in collection 7 of their textbooks. Real world representations and critical thinking skills will be the
main focus of this unit
My predominant goal of this unit is to have my students relate problems and obstacles from
other cultures to their own. I want students to understand the voice and style of several writers from
different geographical areas, and I will improve their overall writing, thinking, and reading skills during
this unit. Also, I would like to see my students embrace their own creative talents in a productive
manner. The entire unit will be bound together by Chinua Achebes novel, Things Fall Apart.


Once students have read Chapters 15 of Things Fall Apart and have
also read Life is Sweet at
Kumansenu, they should be able to
compare and contrast these pieces
of literature with the African
proverbs from their textbooks.
When students have completed their
graphic organizers, they should be
able to write a two paragraph
response to the essential question
with direct quotes from the text
included and cited.

Pre- I will begin by asking
students if they are familiar
with the traditional African
culture and correct citing
for direct quotations in
essays. During- I will check
for students understanding
throughout the activities
that I have planned. Post:
Students will turn in their
responses for

Students will demonstrate

their understanding of the
text on four levels: actual,
interpretive,critical, and
personal.( CCSS.9-10.
SL1. Initiate and
participate effectively in a
range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led)
with diverse partners on
grades 910 topics, texts,
and issues, building on
others ideas and
expressing their own
clearly and persuasively.

Students will individually write a

short paragraph that explains why or
why not they feel that Okonkwo has
a right to loathe his father. I will ask
for evidence from the text to defend
their opinions. Once they have
completed the task, I will ask them
to split into two opposing sides, and
briefly discuss what they will use as
evidence to support their claims (pg.
numbers.) Then we will move to the
empty lab room, and the students
will participate in a debate activity.
(Philosophical chairs).

Students will take a short

comprehension quiz on the
four chapters that were
assigned. I will ask students
to individually write a short
paragraph that explains
why, or why not they feel
that Okonkwo has a right to
loathe his father Evidence
from the text to defend their
opinions is necessary.
Essential question: How
does Okonkwos
character/culture affect his
view of Unoka? Do you
agree/disagree with his
perspective? Why?

Students will enrich their

vocabularies and improve
their understanding of the
novel through the
vocabulary lessons
prepared for use in
conjunction with it.
(CCSS9-10. RI4.
Determine the meaning of
words and phrases as they

I will divide class into two

teamsand use the Things Fall Apart
vocabulary words with their letters
jumbled as a word list. Student 1
from Team A faces off against
Student 1 from Team B. I will
write the first jumbled word on the
board. The first student (1A or 1B)
to unscramble the word
wins the chance for his/her team to

Students will complete a

quiz on the vocabulary

Through reading Things

Fall Apart, students will
analyze characters and
their situations to better
understand the themes of
the novel.( CC 9-10.R.2
Determine a central idea of
a text and analyze its
development over the
course of the text,
including how it emerges
and is shaped and refined
by specific details; provide
an objective summary of
the text.)



are used in the text,

including figurative and
connotative meanings;
analyze the impact of
specific word choices on
meaning and tone,
including words with
multiple meanings or
language that is
particularly fresh,
engaging, or beautiful.
(Include Shakespeare as
well as other authors.)
Students will answer
questions to demonstrate
their knowledge and
understanding of the main
events and characters in
Things Fall Apart. (CCSS
9-10.SL.4 Present
information, findings, and
supporting evidence
clearly, concisely, and
logically such that listeners
can follow the line of
reasoning and the
organization, development,
substance, and style are
appropriate to purpose,
audience, and task.)
Students will practice
writing through a variety of
writing assignments.
(SCSSE2-4 The student
will create written work
that has a clear focus,
sufficient detail, coherent
organization, effective use
of voice, and correct use of
the conventions of written
Standard American
Students will read aloud,
report, and participate in
large and small group
discussions to

score points. If 1A wins the jumble,

I will go to student 2A and give
him/her a definition. He/she must
give me the correct spelling of the
vocabulary word which fits
that definition.

Students will get their ipads from

the cart, and be put into groups of
four. Next, each group will be
assigned three terms/characters.
Once the groups have their terms,
they will research their list for thirty
minutes; they will be expected to
take thorough notes on each term.
When all of the groups have
completed their research, they will
present their findings to the rest of
the class. The rest of the class will
take detailed notes on the remaining

Pre- I will begin by asking

students if they are familiar
with the traditional African
During- I will check for
students understanding
throughout the activities
that I have planned. Post:
Students will take a
matching quiz on the
provided names and terms.
I will also review group


When students have read over half

of Things Fall Apart and a choice of
writing prompts, students will be
able to create a five paragraph essay
on their choice of prompt. Students
will be expected to write in MLA
format, use correct grammar, and
have sufficient organization.

Students will share the

document on Google Docs
with me and one other
classmate, so that they can
peer edit. I will monitor
their progress.


Students will write a story in which

they correctly use as many
vocabulary words as possible.
Students will then read their

I will assess the stories

using a rubric that we
created together as a class.


improve their public

speaking and personal
interaction skills.
(SCSSE2-4 The student
will create written work
that has a clear focus,
sufficient detail, coherent
organization, effective use
of voice, and correct use of
the conventions of written
Standard American

compositions orally. This will be

done in groups of four.

Student accommodations for Special Education, 504s, and ELLs:
Extended time on tests
Use of specialized dictionaries at all times, even on vocabulary quizzes
Open book tests
Small group
Preferential seating
Academic vocabulary
Special large print copies for students with dyslexia or vision issues
Support materials for students with 504s in reading
Arrange for a textbook to keep at home for students with reading accomodations
Individual assistance
Special grade scale for particular assignments
Support websites and apps for supplemental study for understanding
Gradual increase of rigor for struggling students

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