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Alma Vargas

Professor Hunter
CHD 201
November 25, 2014

What have I learned about Observing Young Children and Assessment?

What I have learned about observing young children is that more children should have
the opportunity to be in preschool. Parents usually think that having their children in preschool
is a waste of time, they do not see the benefits that children gain. Having the opportunity to
observe a child I was able to see the change that a child can have in just a couple of weeks of
being in a preschool environment. I also understand how crucial it is to observe children and
being able to target any weakness a child might have. This is a way a teacher can help a child
and plan a curriculum that will benefit a child. Seeing the childs interest a curriculum can be
planned accordingly. A child can also have a strength in a certain domain and as a teacher she
can help the child to the next level.

The simplest thing can make a difference in a childs

development and future. Building a curriculum for that one child can also benefit the other
children and that child will not feel different. I was also able to see the importance of children
playing, how children are learning and developing strengths in their domains.

Also, the

importance of building a relationship with the family, so that the family and the teacher can work
as a team. Sometimes parents do not know or understand that their child has a disability.
Through the observation a teacher will be able see if a child has a disability and will be able to
notify the parents.

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