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Data Trends: ina bt 2.1%) spose are wtieg i pte ‘sje dctrg acho ig cose n eng poppe Conclusion: Younger people tend to be wiling to pay less for photographs. {As wal, men seem less ike o be viling to pay large amounts of mon- ey fr photographs. Through analyz- ing individual responses as well as data trends on the question graphs, itcan easily be concluded that price is a major factor in decsing when/if to use a photographer as well as, what photographer. The pice also plays a rte for what events pho- tographer is hired, For example, the majority of respondents picked ma. jor events lke weddings to hire @ Photographer and didnot hire pho tographers on a regular basi 80.77% of respondents answered that they used thelr phone as their ‘primary mode of photography, ‘seeming to verily my hypothesis that those wit higher level photog apy equipment would be wiling to pay more. S PORTRAIT PHOTOGRPAHY Courtney Smith ISM Period 6 Survey Monkey

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