Chap 6 Terms

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End of Cold War

1. Dtente
a. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
b. SALT I talks (1972)
c. Helsinki Accords (1975)
2. Ronald Reagan & Strategic Defense Initiative
3. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1979-88
4. Reasons for Fall of USSR:
- Economy failing, communism cant
- Too much military spending
- Gorbachevs reforms
5. Gorbachev
6. Glasnost
7. Perestroika
8. Boris Yeltsin
Canada 80s-90s Economics
9. PM Brian Mulroney
10. FIRA scrapped; replaced by Investment
11. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) 1989
12. North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA) 1994
13. Pacific Salmon Treaty 1985
14. Jean Chretien
15. Team Canada trade missions
16. Globalization
17. G8 Countries
Health Care & Canadarm
18. Canada Health Act (CHA) 1984, user fees &
transfer payments
19. Health care system options: Two-Tier and
20. Canadarm (1981)

21. Kim Campbell
22. Montreal Massacre
23. Marc Lepine
24. National Day of Remembrance and Action on
Violence Against Women
25. Canadian Multiculturalism Act 1987
26. Criteria for Immigration to Canada
27. Refugees & the office of the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees
28. Asylum
29. Geneva Convention
30. Immigration Act 1976 & changes to Refugee
Law 1989
31. Chinese Boatpeople
32. Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
(IRPA) 2001
Foreign Aid
33. Official Development Assistance (ODA)
34. Canadian International Development Agency
35. Canada Fund for Africa
*We will also look at this in our Human
Geography unit
36. Peacekeeping (and shift to peacemaking)
37. Gulf War & Desert Storm (Iraq/Kuwait, 1991)
38. Yugoslavia breaks apart, 1992 & ethnic
39. Somalia 1992 & Canadian Airborne
40. Rwanda 1994* & Romeo Dallaire*
41. Kosovo 1995
42. Sept 11, 2001 WTC Attacks, Operation
Enduring Freedom (USA) & Canada in
43. US Invasion of Iraq 2003 (Against UN)
44. Landmines
45. War Crimes Tribunal & International Criminal
Court (ICC)

Canada: 80s - 2000

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