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Enough is enough
Say, everyone was the same. They have the same colour skin, same size and
same hair! It would be a boring world, but stereo-types are trying to shape
everyone to be exactly the same! How to dress, how to eat, how to sit, how to
look and how to act! We need to stop I mean, enough is enough.
Being a girl is great, but many people despise the fact. Many girls get stereotypes all the time. The saying like a girl is commonly used and considered an
insult. Why is it an insult? Because stereo-types suggest that a female is not
example, Cathy Freeman and Betty Cuthbert also known as golden girl for all
the gold medals she won, this is just naming two of the millions out there.
These stereo-types are harmful and untrue, just because you are a certain
gender does not make you less of a person
Stereo-types are not right; they are rude and untrue to boys as well. Boys are
pressured to be a picture that stereo-types have made, which is strong and
tough, but no one can be all tough. Why cant some people cry in a sad movie?
Just because youre a certain gender does not mean you cant have feelings.
Did you know that %40 of boys excursive to get muscles and %38 use protein
supplements and %6 steroids? Stereo-types are not helpful but harmful.
Stereo-typing race is one of the worst stereo-type ever! It is an awful to think
about it but, STILL, people make jokes about race. It is RUDE and MEAN and
certainly NOT NICE. It can cause depression in others and make people feel like
they dont belong. Everyone is different, if someone is a different colour/race
is not a reason to dislike someone.
Somebodys choice of religion is theirs entirely and shouldnt be judged for it.
Stereo-types against religion are the worst of all. Some wars are caused by a
dislike of a religion. Such as Hitler with the Jews in world war two. Its
absolutely horrible if we stop this we can prevent further wars.
We shouldnt stereo-type it is wrong and mean. It is not nice. It shouldnt be
normal to stereo-type people. It has got to stop! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Micaela Sotelo

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