Constitution 11-09-14

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NOVEMBER 11, 2014

Taylorian Constitution / pg.1

We the members of the Taylorian Council do hereby declare that it is a
privilege not a right to be a member of our society, a citizen of our Land. This
privilege is earned by participation in the community. The limits, boundaries,
and requirements of the participation, along with the benefits to be laid out in
this constitution.

Taylorian Constitution / pg.2

Articles of Constitution
Legislative Branch
Section 1.01. Structure. The structure of our government will be a bicameral system including a
House of Doods* and a House of Misters*. Our House of Misters will be similar to the U.S.
senate and the House of Doods similar to the House of Reps. Our House of Misters will be based
on equal representation and our House of Doods will be based on population. There will be 60
senators in the House of Misters, based on 3 per province. While the House of Doods will have a
rep for every 100,000 people.
Section 1.02. Nominations and Elections. Delegates are originally appointed based on
standardized testing scores and thereafter run for election. For the House of Doods (HOD), reps
will serve 3 year terms and will be limited to 5 terms. The House of Misters (HOM) senators will
serve 5 year terms and will be limited to 3 terms.
Section 1.03. Powers. The King will have power to veto a bill passed through both Houses. The
power to declare war will rest with the HOM with a 2/3 vote which the King can also veto. The
federal government will have the power to tax and start a draft.
Section 1.04. How Bills Become Laws. Anyone can propose a bill, they must present it to anyone
in either house or anyone that works for anyone in such a position who chooses to take the
responsibility of researching the bill. The bill is sent through various committees to be voted on
and discussed. Thereafter, the bill is sent to the HOD, voted on, if passed by at least 4/7ths, the
bill progresses to the HOM where it must be passed by the same ratio. After which, the bill is
signed by the King, if not vetoed, and the bill becomes law.
Executive Branch
Section 2.01. Structure. Our Executive branch is going to be based on having our reps being of at
least 30 years of age for either the HOD or the HOM and our original people set forth for the
position will be appointed by scores on aptitude tests and passion by the individual to want to be
a part of the position they qualify for.
Section 2.02. Nominations and Elections. Henceforth the entire Branch will be split into four
parts and every year there will be an election for only one part, so that each member will come
up for re-election every four years.
Section 2.03. Powers. The King is ultimately in control of all tax revenues, however the day to
day budgeting for roads or schools or military funding will be left to the Executive Branch.

Taylorian Constitution / pg.3

Judicial Branch
Section 3.01. Structure. There will be four levels of courts. Each performing specific duties.

Local courts will deal with minor legal infractions.

County Courts will handle Local appeals and heavier infractions..
State Courts handle the County appeals along with the more serious crimes.
Federal Courts will be responsible for the last phase of appeal. Except for a
direct appeal to the Throne also known as the Royal Court.

Section 3.02. Nominations and Elections. There is a minimum age of forty years old to hold a
seat in the Judiciary system. Elections will be held every three years. Except for the Royal Court
which consist of thirteen Judges, these Judges are appointed by the King Himself. He will
appoint new Judges as needed, such as death or retirement of presiding Judges.
Section 3.03. Powers. Our Judicial branch is going to be very similar to the U.S. including
checks and balances and judicial review. Our Judiciaries will be the interpreters of the laws set
forth by our HOM and HOD.

Article # IV
Section 4.01. Structure. Every citizen will receive proper education. Our education system will
be very much different from that in America, our children will start schooling at age 3 and will
be gradually analyzed by their teachers and through their aptitude testing. We wont start
aptitude testing until grade 5. Our high school system will be different in that kids wont be
taking classes they arent interested in, rather, as soon as a child is interested in a certain topic we
will try to give them the best education in one or two subjects in order to make professionals out
of them as quickly as possible.
Section 4.02. Funding. The funding for education will come from Local, State and Federal Taxes
as well as certain State Lotteries designed specifically for this issue.
Section 4.03. Curriculum.2). Schools will teach a well-rounded curriculum, with Mathematics
along with Local, State, Federal, National and World History and Government. There will be
Science and Literature as well as physical fitness training. There will also be Arts, Music and
Drama Theater courses. We want to have a well educated society.
Article # V
Military Branches
Section 5.01. Structure. Taylor Land will at all times maintain standing military forces, which will
include: Army (land force), Navy (sea and river forces) and an Air force along with both State
and Federal Reserves of each branch.

Taylorian Constitution / pg.4

Section 5.02. Protection of Boarders.
Section 5.03. Draftin.. We will enforce Drafting. At the age of eighteen years old, (prior to
nineteenth birthday), Citizens will enlist into active duty and continue to further their education
in Military School according to their Aptitude and Interests testing. Everyone will serve a
minimum of five years active duty.
(a) At fifteen years of age a person may choose to join the Military to begin their
mandatory five years of military service.

Article # VI:
Section 6.01. Structure. Every citizen will receive adequate health care. We will give the basics
of medical treatment to all citizens. Through local clinics and hospitals.
Section 6.02. Funding. 1).

Article # VII
Section 7.01. Structure.
Section 7.02. Policies, Laws and Procedures. All citizens are free to come and go with proper
credentials. Visitors can stay up to 90 days, at which time they must apply for citizenship
Section 7.03. Citizenship.


I Amendment. Right to Speak and or Petition. The prohibition of laws that will impede the
liberties and rights, such as Freedom of Speech, Petition and
II Amendment. The Right of Peaceful Assembly. To maintain and sustain personal rights.
III Amendment. Right to bear Arms. The right to efficiently wield a firearm for mentally
balanced citizens, who have been productively involved in the community.
IV Amendment. Right to Privacy. The right for military and authority powers to conduct a
reasonable search for procured items. Through the use of a warrant.
V Amendment. Equal Rights. The right of any and all people to equal protection and liberties
under the Taylorian Constitution, regardless of age, race, sex, or religion.

Taylorian Constitution / pg.5

VI Amendment. Employment
(a) : Positions Jobs and Careers will be decided by Interest, Aptitude, and Personality
evaluations. It is understood that each citizen will have their own areas of expertise.
This will in essence assure us of a well-rounded overall citizenship.
(b) Pay scales will be according to Specialties of Trade.
(c) We must, each and all, hold the Throne and our Country above all else, for it is by
the grace of God that we are citizens here.
a) Littering is in no way acceptable in this land of ours.
VII Amendment. Right to Legal Counsel. Every citizen will be afforded adequate council and
protection under the Law. All persons accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty in a
court of law.

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