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Axel Perales

Mrs. Bradley
English 8 - 2
12 December 2014
Dialogue Excerpt from Bonds on Trial, by Axel Perales
Meanwhile, Trevor walked back up the carpeted stairs to his bedroom after hearing
their conversation in secrecy and continued his research of Rhode Island. His Macs screen
brightened with pictures of museums, stadiums, notable buildings, and landmarks which were
all very interesting. His discovering would be interrupted by another deafening ring of his cell
phone. Ugh, who could it be this time? Trevor groaned, slumping down his chair. He looked
at the screen, and the call was from his girlfriend Suzie.
Hey, she said in a panicky voice, can you come over to my house? My kitchen is,
well on fire.
What happened?! Trevor nearly yelled from worry.
Well, I was cooking some eggs and then my frying pan just caught on fire.
Is there anyone else in the house? Trevor was sweating out of fear, his dark brown
hair becoming soaked little by little.
Um, nope.
Pfffff. Trevor heard Suzie trying to put out the fire with a fire hydrant, but it seemed
that it was impenetrable.
Is there any damage so far?
Not yet. In Suzies dwelling next to the stove, there was a vase that is a present for
one of her dads good friends. It began wobbling on the tiled table due to the amount of force
the fire brought.
Ill be right over, Trevor quickly grabbed his jacket and phone, told his parents about
the situation, and ran out the door to Suzies house. It was only a few houses away since they
lived in the same neighborhood, so it wasnt that much of a run. Easily bursting through the
empty street that was brightened by the sunlight, he arrived at her door. Once he got to her
house, he was shocked by what he saw., the 17-year-old boy struggled to speak, awed by the pan that was the
base to a humongous, roaring flame. They then rapidly looked for something to take the big
fire and the little flames out, until Suzie found a towel. The towel had little holes, but was
Trevor then grabbed the towel, dampened it with tap water, and attempted to take out
the little specks of the inferno out. He was taking out the dots one by one quickly, dominating
the fire. He would be able to be depicted as Marshawn Lynch, who was running quick as he
dodged and rammed past the New Orleans Saints defenders. Trevor then tried to confront the
huge flame, but he instead had to retreat, the fire tempting to scorch his face.
Suzie then ripped the towel from his right hand, grabbed a lid for the pot with her open
hand, and attacked the fire. She topped the pan with the lid as she grabbed its handle with the
kitchen mitten, turned off the stove with the toweled hand, carried the pan to her backyard,

opened the lid, and ran for the gardening hose. The erupting flame looked undefeatable, until
Suzie overwhelmed it with winter-like water shooting out of the hose. Trevor only looked on in
awe. Dang, shes awesome, he thought.
Suzie let out a sigh of relief, knowing the bonfire was out. Were a good team, she
panted out.
They then brought the pan back to the stove, not turning it back on. Im just asking,
Trevor began, do you know how to cook? Before Suzie could answer, Trevor then clumsily
tripped on the fire hydrant, knocking the vase off the kitchen table as he fell flat on his back.
Oh boy, Trevor rolled his eyes at the sight.
Suzie only nodded her head in laughter, Yes, I know how to cook. Meanwhile, Im not
sure if you know how to keep an eye on where you step.
Trevor then colored himself concerned, Suzie, did you call the fire department before
calling me?
Er, she scratched her head, they said they had too many calls going on.
Mmm-hmm, Trevor nodded, not believing her claim. Excuse me for getting mad,
but why in the world didnt you call 911?!
I was worried they wouldnt make it on time. The fire was pretty bad, you know. There
was no chance the house could last long enough for them to come.
Trevor raised his hands in disbelief, Suzie, come on. Theyre the fire department, for
Christs sake. Theyre allowed to speed past others to resolve emergencies.

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