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BINUS International School Simprug

Class 4A, Term

Term 2, Week 7: December 1-5, 2014
Topics for this week:

a., Multiplication and division of fractions
b. Fraction word problems

2. Literacy
a. Spelling contract
b. Publishing recount in Storybird
c. Novel Ties That Bind, Ties That Break (chapters 9 -finish)
d. Reading comprehension on ancient Egypt
3. UOI
a. Arts and Recreation in ancient Egypt
b. Recount writing

Important reminders:
Please read your childs reflection on the PYP attitude enthusiasm
Home Reading log due on Monday, 8 December Ties That Bind, Ties That Break
Spelling Contract due on Monday, 8 December. Spelling quiz on Tuesday, 9 December.
Parent-Teacher Conference on December 10 and 11
Last day of school on December 12. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m.

Ms. Corita

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