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Dickie 1

Salina Dickie
Professor Wertz-Orbaugh
UWRT 1103
30 October 2014
How I Write
When people write, you can usually look at a piece that they have written and tell that its
theirs. Regardless of the format of the material, word use is something that is hard to mimic.
When writing for a multimodal project, you must follow guidelines of formality, but as a writer
style tends to be cohesive. Writing has become effortless to society and as a writer, I dont really
recognize change in my style because usually the style aligns with my mood and I dont really
think much of it. I usually hear more complaints about creative writing and less complaints about
writing essays.
Writing essays were always highly stressed in High School. My education background
really highlighted the importance of writing, and I think this is the generation where writing has
taken a whole different meaning. We document every occurrence in our lives through social
media. Writing is changing, and we are finding better ways to become more efficient and
entertaining writers. Through trial and error, we have discovered that multi-dimensional writing
are more informative and less boring than just a plain essay. When writing a traditional essay, I
usually tend to just follow questions during the prompt, but when writing a multimodal
assignment I think that my writing becomes easier to read while becoming more informative.
Even though writing is transformed with the different ways, the writing process is usually
pretty similar. When you are given restrictions for a writing assignments, you usually focus on
what you are supposed to write about and not if you are being a good writer. Eventually you can

Dickie 2
edit an essay or a project you edit it to make your point come across more. Therefore I believe
that the end product is different but the process itself is extremely similar.

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