Midterm Reflection

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Lara 1

Emmanuel Lara
Professor Cummings
College 1
2 November 2014
Midterm Reflection
An assignment that has pleased me and made me feel the most successful during these 8
weeks of college is my 2nd test for Japanese 1. In this test I scored 79/100 points, which is better
than my previous test in which I scored 69/100 points. I felt very successful due to the fact that I
had gone to tutoring and had been spending much of my time trying to understand Japanese
particles. I had also implemented much of my time to studying the set of Hiragana that was
assigned, but the only portion I seemed to lacking was learning how to create sentences or in
other words translate English into Japanese. Within this test, my score rose by 10 points which is
technically a whole letter grade.
With the extra time input into learning the Japanese language, the score I received on my
Math 7A was lower than I expected. Much of my time had been placed onto focusing for the
Japanese test, so when the time came around to take my mathematics test, I did worse than I
expected. Rather than experiencing an inline in points, I experienced a decline, from 85/100
points (in my first test) to 77/100 points (in my second test). I had dropped a total of 8 points, but
this showed that I had dropped a whole letter grade. When it comes to mathematics I love to
score highly and having received a C letter grade made me feel terrible. I had never received a C
in mathematics. The reasoning to why I did not do as highly as I expected was because I had lost

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a whole 10 points on one question, it was based on Geometry, a course I took in high school over
a summer for about 8 weeks and forgotten. I did go to the TLC for tutoring, but after a certain
experience of not obtaining the help I was looking for; I decided not to go back.
In order to improve in mathematics I need to seek help, I can try attending the professors
office hours in search of assistance. I can also go to the TLC and get a different tutor as opposed
to the one I had at that time. My third option is to maybe reread the section and somehow hope to
understand it.
Reflect: In all of your courses so far this semester, name an assignment or experience that made you
feel the most successful and one that made you feel least successful. Explain the parts of the
assignments that made you feel most and least successful. Articulate three specific things that you need
to do (strategies, people that can help you, etc) to help the least successful area become more
successful by the end of the semester.

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