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Christen Davenport

Topic: Language Arts

A Bad Case Of Stripes by David Shannon
Grade Level: 2nd grade
NJCCC Standards:

Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text
(e.g., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence).
Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided
sources to answer a question.
Days: 1 day (40-60 min)
Students will be able to recall and discuss the events in the story
Students will be able to write out causes and effects from the story.
Students will be able to create their own cause and effect story.
A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon
Lined paper
Construction paper
Camilla Cream face cut out
1. Anticipatory Set :Teacher will ask students if there has ever been a time
when they did something or didnt do something because of what their
friends thought.
2. Teacher will read A Bad Case of Stripes out loud to students on the rug
3. Students and teacher will discuss the book
4. Teacher will review Cause and Effect with students
5. Students and teacher will discuss the causes and effects in the story
6. Students will return to their seats and teacher will handout work
7. Students will be given lines paper and will have to write 2 different cause and
effect events from the story (either ones we discussed or ones they came up

8. After students have completed writing 2 different cause and effect and it has
been checked by the teacher students will be able to make up their own
cause and effect story EX: Cause: Ms. Davenport did not wear a coat in the
winter. Effect: Ms. Davenport caught an awful cold.
9. After all the writing is done and checked by teacher, teacher will hand out
Camilla Cream pictures and color her with stripes it could be ( flag striped, a big
pill, a bedroom) then cut it.
10. Teacher will staple picture to writing
Formative: Teacher will walk around the room and observe the kids while they
work. Teacher will help children who need assistance.
Summative: Writings will be collected and graded on a rubric based on a 4,3,2,1
accuracy. Students will be assigned homework with cause and effect fill in the
blanks that we will all go over together the next day and they will earn homework
Closure: Students will come up and read what they wrote to the class. Teacher will
grade and hang up.

describes 2
cause and effect
from the book
accurately and
clearly. While
also creatively
making up their
own cause and
effect story.
Writing is very
neat and not
many grammar
errors or spelling

describes a
cause and effect
relationship in
the story. Also
includes their
own cause and
effect story.

describes a
cause and effect,
but it is not clear.
Their cause and
effect story is

Student does not

describe a cause
and effect. He or
she retells the
story instead.
Does not create
their own cause
and effect story.

Writer makes 1-2

errors in
grammar but
writing is neat.

Writer makes 3-4

errors in
grammar or
spelling that
distract the
reader from the
content. Writing
is a bit sloppy
and hard to read.


Writer makes no
errors in
capitalization or
punctuation, so
the paper is
easy to read.

Writer makes 1
or 2 errors in
capitalization or
punctuation, but
the paper is still
easy to read.

Creativity and
neatness in

The picture is
very nicely
colored with
detail. Coloring
follows teachers

The picture is
colored nicely
and pertains to
the story and the

Focus on

Grammar &

Writer makes
more than 4
errors in
grammar or
spelling that
distract the
reader from the
content. Writing
is very
unorganized and
very unclear
Writer makes a
Writer makes
few errors in
several errors in
punctuation that punctuation that
catch the
catch the
attention and
attention and
interrupt the flow. greatly interrupt
the flow.
The picture
This picture does
follows the
not follow the
directions but
directions and is
does not have
detail and looks

Topic: Language Arts

Teacher: Christen Davenport
Book Report
A Bad Case Of Stripes by David Shannon
Grade Level: 3rd grad
NJCCC Standards:
Explain how specific aspects of a text's illustrations contribute to what is
conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a
character or setting)
Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures;
determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed
through key details in the text.
Days: day 1 ( 60min) day 2( 40 min if necessary)
Students will be able to write a book report giving me the title of the book,
author, main character(s)/ setting, plot, what they believe the moral of the
story is.
Students will be able to write clear neat sentences and use correct spelling.
Book report sheet
A few books of A Bad Case of Stripes book
1. Anticipatory set: Students will come into class room and teacher will have
book reports from past classes. Students will walk around the room and
study these book reports and how they are written as an example of the book
report they are about to do.
2. Students and teacher will go over the book report and remind students what
Setting, Characters, Summary, Conclusion means and what is expected.
3. Students will each be given the book report sheet and will sit at their desk
and begin working on their book reports
4. Those who finish during this time will get the okay from teacher after it is
edited and have the students illustrate their favorite scene from the story.

Formative: Teacher will walk around the room and observe the kids while they
work. Teacher will help children who need assistance.
Summative: Students will be graded based on the proper answers given on their
report, - chracters- setting plot opinion spelling neatness spelling.
Closure: When students have completed their book reports Teacher will have
everyone sit in a circle and students will all talk about their favorite part of the story
and whether or not they would recommend this story to a friend!
Provisions for Special Needs and MI: Accommodations will be provided
according to I.E.P.s, 504 plans, and identified multiple intelligences.

Christen Davenport
Topic: Language Arts
Writing Assignment
A Bad Case Of Stripes by David Shannon
Grade Level: 3nd grade
NJCCC Standards:
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information
Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an
organizational structure that lists reasons.
Days: 1 day (60min)
Students will be able to write an informative and explanatory text in 5-10
sentences using proper grammar, punctuation and spelling to answer the
What do you like to eat even though no one else likes this food?
If you stopped eating your favorite food because you were
worried about what others thought what kind of stripes would
you develop, what would happen to you? (Colors, shapes,
texture etc.. be creative!
A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon
Lined paper
Construction paper
Camilla Cream face cut out
1. Anticipatory Set: Teacher will write on the board 5-10 sentences
answering the objective questions leaving out certain punctuations and
incorrect grammar. Students will have to re-write and correct the
mistakes in their do now.
2. Teacher and students will go over the mistakes on the board and how
sentences should be formed calling on students to come up and fix the

3. Students and teacher will then go back to the book A Bad Case of
Stripes and recall the events of the story.
4. Students will write 5-10 sentences similar to the teachers example
answering the objective questions using the proper grammar and
5. When teacher Okays the students writing they will be given a Camilla
Cream face and color them in the design in which their writing is based
around. (Ex: if teachers writes in hers that she got a red and yellow
color pattern teacher will color a red and yellow color pattern on their
Camilla face).
Formative: Teacher will walk around the room and observe the kids while they
work. Teacher will help children who need assistance.
Summative: Students will be graded based on the spelling, punctuation, neatness
and creativity using a writing rubric based on the expectations.
Closure: Students will place their stories on display on their desk and the end of the
day students will walk around the room and read their classmates writing. Teacher
will collect papers and grade them using rubric.

Provisions for Special Needs and MI: Accommodations will be provided according
to I.E.P.s, 504 plans, and identified multiple intelligences.

writes 5-10
All words are

writes 5-6

writes 2-4

one or less

Spells frequently 5 or more known Many misspelled

spelled correctly used words
spelling words


Neat and legible some stray

marks and
The story
The story
contains many contains a few
creative details creative details
descriptions that descriptions that
contribute to the contribute to the
enjoyment. .
enjoyment. .

difficult to read


The story
There is little
contains a few
evidence of
creative details creativity in the
story. The author
descriptions, but does not seem to
they distract from have used much
the story. The
author has tried
to use his

Christen Davenport
Topic: Language Arts
A Bad Case Of Stripes by David Shannon
Grade Level: 3rd grade
NJCCC Standards:
Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how
their actions contribute to the sequence of events
Days: 1 day (60min)
Students will be able to identify the character traits of Camilla Cream.
Identifying both the outside traits and the inside traits.
Students will be able to work at groups and create an organized and neat
Character trait chart with proper punctuation and grammar.
- Outside traits: Traits that can be seen on a character (How
they look, how they dress, how they act.)
- Inside traits: Traits that tell how the character feels things
that you cannot see.
A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon
poster board
Camilla Cream face cut out
5. Anticipatory set: Students will be asked to come up to the smart board and
write some examples of characters traits. (looks, personality, etc)
6. Teacher will go over the meaning of character traits with the students to
remind them about character traits. Appearance/Character traits: what shes
like on the inside and outside.
Ex: Outside traits (appearance): Brown hair, Young, Colorful etc.
Inside Traits: Scared, Mad, Sick etc.
7. Teacher and students will discuss the book A Bad Case of Stripes and go back
and recall the story.

8. Teacher will break down students into groups of 4 putting students together
by placing the students who have a little trouble with the students who stay
focused and work well.
9. Each student will receive a poster size board
10. Students together will have to title the board Camilla Cream Character Traits
11. On one side of the board students will create a list of Camilla Creams
Appearance (what she looks like on outside) and on the other side Character
traits: What Camilla Cream looks like on the inside. Each side will have to
have 6-12 traits on each side.
12. In the middle students have the option to color cut and paste a Camilla Cream
cut out OR draw their own Camilla Cream
13. When students are complete with their activity they will come to the front of
the room and present it to the class and give a little explanation of each trait.
Formative: Teacher will walk around the room and observe the kids while they
work. Teacher will help children who need assistance.
Summative: Students will be graded on the how well the students were able to
identify the character traits based on appearance and inside traits. They will also be
graded on the creativity of their poster and how well they worked together as a
Closure: Each student will receive their own paper writing how they contributed to
the group and ant personal comments about the group that they have to the teacher.
Provisions for Special Needs and MI: Accommodations will be provided
according to I.E.P.s, 504 plans, and identified multiple intelligences.

Rubric for Character Traits


Students identify
6-12 character

Students identify
only 5 character

identify only 4
character traits

identify less
than 4

Students used
correct grammar
and punctuation
with little or no

Students had 2-3

grammar and

Students had 35 grammar and


Students had
many grammar
and punctuation

Students worked
nicely in assigned
groups each
contributing an
equal amount of

Students worked
together almost
contributed to
equal amount of

together okay
and could have
had more equal
parts in

Students did
not work well
together. Only
some group
participated in

Poster is neatly
organized and

Poster is neat and


Poster is
somewhat neat
but unorgnized

Poster is not
neat and is
showing little

Total _______

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