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Dana Goldman

Smith ELED 3111

Clinical Reflection
Fall 2014
Observation Summary
This semester I was placed at Allen Brook Elementary, a Title I school in West Charlotte.
Allen Brook is a very urban school in a high poverty area. The population consist of 565 students
from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. The average class size is 25. Out of the student
population 72% are African American, 10% Latino/Hispanic, 5% white, 10% Asian, 2%
American Indian, and 1% Native Hawaii/Pacific. Ninety-six percent of the students are
economically disadvantage, 14% LEP (limited English proficiency), 13% classified as EC, and
only 1% are academically gifted. Despite the many challenges this school faces they are part of
the L.I.F.T. program (Leadership and Investment For Transformation) within CMS. Through this
program schools receive extra funding for technology, specified training, etc. L.I.F.T is
implemented in six west Charlotte schools total and the main goal is to raise the test scores at
these schools. Thus far Allen Brooks test scores have risen from 30% to now 70%. Although
these scores are not ideal, it is still progress.
The technology use at Allen Brook is phenomenal. When placed at this school and
knowing the poverty level and area where the school is I did not expect to see any of the
technology that I saw upon walking into the school. Two major pieces of technology used are the
SMART boards, chrome books, and XOs. Each classroom uses a SMART board; there is not a
single white board throughout the entire school. Using the SMART board allows teachers to get
through more lessons and activities in a shorter amount of time since all of the work for the day
is preloaded easily accessed. Attendance is also recorded on the SMART boards and viewed by

administrators in the office, a step towards using less paper. The boards are beneficial for
students as well as teachers. Students are allowed to be interactive with the smart boards which
helps them to pay attention and want to learn more. Connect is another installation used at this
school. Each week classes are allotted one class period when they are sent to Connect. When
each student logs into their chrome book it is preloaded with activities and work by their teacher.
These activities differ per student and is way for teachers to make sure that students who are
struggling in different areas are receiving extra practice, teachers are can track the progress of
students and better prepare lessons during class time. Along with chrome books there are XOs,
which are similar to a childs laptop. Although these cannot be preloaded with specific activities,
there are general games and activities for all students to complete helping them reach basic levels
of achievement. XOs are not used with older students on for grades pre-k through second.
For students at this school technology is an incentive for them to behave, better behavior
leads to extra time using technology. There are numerous benefits to using different
technologies. Not only are teachers able to see where students are struggling but most of these
students have not been exposed to the technology within the school. Since for some this is the
only exposure to technology they will receive students are very engaged in their work and eager
to learn more after each experience. After what I witnessed in this school my opinions have
shifted and I believe that the use of technology should be instilled in more schools and could
produce better education for students.
Instead of using direct instruction lesson plans, teachers school wide use mini lessons. In
this type of environment it is crucial to use mini lessons, because of the behavioral issues
students will not pay attention long enough to get through an entire lesson. Using mini lessons
allow teachers to be able to get through the curriculum in way that students will not lose

complete focus and still be able to benefit students. These mini lessons are the same throughout
each grade, every teacher does not make their own lessons for every subject though. Each
teacher writes lessons for their specified subject. All of the lessons and groups of teachers are
overseen by a learning coordinator whom they must meet with on Fridays to go over the
following weeks schedule. The learning coordinator also serves as a disciplinary. While students
know that being sent out of the class reaps no benefits, they also know they will be going to the
LCs office. The LC also pushes students to be very stern with students and make sure that they
are abiding by the school wide behavioral program which aims to build respectful young men
and women.
Through these mini lessons teachers differentiate for their students. A lot of small group
work takes place during literacy lessons and activities. Students are divided into groups where
students all have the same needs, or students are gifted, though at this school most are struggling
to different degrees. Students are differentiated for in different ways. The second visit I had to
this school to complete observations I was able to be a part of this differentiation. It was test day
in the class I was observing, there was a student who struggled more than the rest of the class in
almost every aspect so during his test he was allotted extra time to work. On top of being
allowed extra time to work he received additional help in answering the questions. As a first time
clinical student I was able to work through the test with this student spending twenty minutes
scaffolding the student towards the right answer. After twenty minutes of diligently working it
was the best feeling when he said he finally understood the question and answered it with a smile
on his face. I cannot wait to feel this feeling over and over again as I begin my career as an

Throughout my time at Allenbrook I was also able to observe summative assessments

such as the Dibels test. Since I previously learned about this assessment in class it was
interesting to watch the test take place first hand. Students are formatively assessed throughout
the day in different activities. In the class I was observing students had a composition book
which they recorded their responses to. This composition book is a way for the teacher to
formatively assess students progress as well as to make sure they are completing and
understanding their work.
This school also has many ways which they push students to be the best person they can
be. The school has a no nonsense environment and uses positive reinforcement as key to helping
their students grow and benefit from. With so many of the students coming from broken homes,
and some not even having a home to return to pointing out their every flaw may be detrimental to
their behavior and more importantly their self-esteem. Positive praise is way the school hopes to
raise students self-esteem. Self-esteem is boosted when a child is pointed out or praised for
doing the right thing which in return pushes other students to do the right thing as well. Teachers
will point out two or three students doing the right thing before calling out the student who is not
behaving. Another way students are recognized for doing the right thing is through Hive Huddle.
There were two different Hive Huddles, one held for pre-kindergarten through first grade
and another for second grade through fifth grade. The huddle begins with the repetition of the
schools mission, Ignite, Innovate, Itterate. After the repetition of the mission statement either
the principle or assistant principle will hand out awards for students who do the right thing. The
students at this school absolutely love being recognized for the right thing, because there are so
many ways for students to be recognized they are pushed to behave better.

I was also given the chance to work with a case study student. Unfortunately this student
is very far behind his classmates. Throughout this semester I was able to complete many
activities with the student individually and in a small group setting. Basic task that most first
graders would be able to understand and completely such as a letter-sound recognition. On top of
struggling when this student gets frustrated during the day there is no way to make them happy
again. The student will stop around the classroom and eventually throw themselves into the
corner. Sadly, because of how far behind this student is they will likely struggle throughout the
rest of their school years.
From this experience I was able to become a better teacher and have the knowledge to
better prepare myself to teach in these types of environments. This opportunity reiterates the
importance of teachers and the education they provide. For some receiving an education is their
only way out of poverty and the only chance students have to become something greater.
Education is of upmost importance in these environments. The many programs combined that
this school uses allows their student population to become the best they can be. The clinical work
I completed this semester will be burned on my brain throughout my entire career.

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