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Family as a social

Values, belief, norms, and marriage

What is Family and its origins?

First of all the definition for family is defined as:
A primary social group consisting of a men and a women
and their offspring, the principal function of which is
provision for its members
In other words it consist in the head of household which is
the father, the mother, and the children they create in their
marriage, A traditional family consist of these members.
Many argue that family has been in existence for about
100,000 years and others say it is a mighty thing. q

family values are important.

In the 19th century family was seen as sacred and was
respected by its members and their community.
Within our family we learn moral and ethical principals that
are transmitted generation through generation that form
our identity, some of the values thought in the family are:
Honesty, loyalty, respect for others and ones self.

Social values like working in teamwork(when ask to help

clean our room with our sister)
All these values will help define our behavior in the future.

How we see marriage as a

Marriage is part of the past, many just want to try out what
it feels like to leave together and marriage is not an option
until later in life. If the relationship does not work, the
couple simply split up and conflict ends.
Marriage is a second option, education is now becoming
the priority for many.
women have delayed the option of marriage because we
want to pursue our education and open career
opportunities in the Business world and believe that
getting marry will createe a barrier in between.

Why have marriages

Over the last 50 years we have seen a decline of traditional
families where the mother used to stay home and the father
went out to win the bread of the day by working hard.
Lack of affection. Without gestures of love, the couple losses
interest in one another.
Dual work couples in marriages leaves no times for the couple
to spend together.
Disrespectful behaviors we usually judge our partners by
criticizing their behavior instead of finding solutions to the
Many couples want to test the waters before drowning
themselves into a relationship that might not work.

Statistics in the decline of

7.8 million couples are living together without being
married(census data from 2012)
Many couples want to test the waters before drowning
themselves into a relationship that might not work.
20% of women today have an independent earning and
this is due to the increase number of women entering the
labor force.

Fators affecting marriages.

With the outgrowth of lesbian marriages, many are just
willing to cohabitate
86% say that a single parent and a child constitute a
family(decline of marriagenew families)
changes in the family have been a center of controversy
in religion to who is included a family.

What has changed?

Being mature is a synonym of a long lasting marriage
About 44% percent of marriages will last for more than 10
years.( Only half first marriages last)
Definitively this modern society has brought many factor
affecting the thought of marriage that it has influence our
behavior. Thinking that we are self-sufficient and do not
need anyone on our side to survive.

Marriages will work betters

when social equality arises.
As long as society keeps moving towards a more open
minded society where lesbians, gays, and heterosexuals
are able to conform and marry, the system will work just
It is still difficult for gay/lesbian couple to marry and
therefore do not have all the right other marriages have,
but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel for them and
in some coming years their marriages will be accepted


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