Web 2 0 Tools

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The Use of Web 2.0 Tools in the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills

Justify the use of Web 2.0 tools for the development of higher order thinking skills

According to (Anderson, 2012), Web 2.0 is the platform for which ICT applications can
capture the collective intelligences of users. It focuses on the knowledge it generates in
individuals and groups and the facilitation of collaboration, it also features a list of collaborative
technologies or web tools such as blogs, wikis, tagging and social bookmarking, multimedia
sharing, audio blogging, and podcasting, RSS and syndication and new web 2.0 services and
applications which according to (Drexler, Baralt, & Dawson, 2008) allows users to create, upload
and share content on the web. In addition, research show that it essential in promoting user
participation and knowledge production and is aligned with the social-constructivist pedagogical
In the last few years technology has played a significant role in education in the areas of
learning and teaching. Technological tools such as web 2.0 provide countless benefits for the
user to learn collaboratively as well as interactively which is appropriate for the development of
higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in students which is based on Bloom's Taxonomy. It is
posited by (Jonassen, Howland, Marra & Crismond, 2008. p7) that an individual's learning can
only be meaningful if they are actively engaged in real life tasks in an authentic context . It is
also inferred by (Alavi, 1994; Johnson & Johnson, 1996. p7) that group collaboration is
responsible for effectively building individual knowledge. Furthermore, studies have indicated
that web 2.0 tools support and facilitate the enhancement of critical thinking skills with tools

such as wikis, blogs and other web tools. It presents students with opportunities to collaborate,
discover, evaluate and share learning resources.
Firstly, the web 2.0 tool that is instrumental in the development of higher order thinking
skills are weblogs or blogs. According to (Boling et al, 2008), blogs allow learners to make links
to new information and understanding course content. Also it can be a platform for which users
can read information, give feedback on other people's work, express their thoughts and feelings,
and solicit comments and suggestions from others while solving a problem, which is acquired
through tasks that are carefully designed, internet sources, and interaction with others. This
process is instrumental in learners effectively developing critical thinking skills.
Secondly, web quest is an inquiry-oriented activities online tool for learning that is
focused on group work and HOTS. The most integral characteristic of web quest is its
organization, learners must use HOTS to complete the task. In addition it provides an authentic
context for which learners can synthesize information and apply to real world situations and
complete significant tasks.
Thirdly, wiki is a website that can be edited online by anyone with access to a computer
and a web browser. In relation to the development of HOTS it utilizes a characteristics called
wisdom of crowds according to (Surowiecki, 2004. p 217), users can come to a higher level of
thinking if these four elements are introduced: diversity of opinions, independence of opinion,
decentralization of information and a mechanism, such as wiki, for accumulating the
In summary, research has shown that web 2.0 tools can facilitate the development of
higher order thinking skills when learners search, share information and knowledge, collaborate,

develop discussions and socialize. In addition, it transforms learning allowing learners to be

active participants instead of passive recipients.
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