Milk Lab Report

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Purpose: The purpose of the experiment was to evaluate different milk products for appearance,
flavor, consistency, aroma, and composition. The lab was conducted to see what takes place
when heat and an acid is exposed to fresh milk. The lab also looked at different ratios of milk to
flour to see how these ratios would affect the consistency of a white sauce. During the
experiment white sauce and milk foams were prepared. Milk foams were tested for ease of
preparation, stability, and characteristics of the foam. The lab looked to see how temperature
effected whipped cream. The lab was conducted to show how to make butter from whipping
cream. Two different vanilla puddings were made during the lab, one from whole milk and one
from a dairy milk substitute. This shows how different milk products effect vanilla pudding

Methodology: All procedures during the experiment took place in the test kitchen. The results
of the experiment were recorded in a pre-constructed lab manual. Some materials that were used
were a saucepan, measuring cups, pH stripes, Brookfield Viscometer, funnel, linespread test
sheet, whisk, electric mixer, ruler, and 100 mL graduated cylinder. During the experiment 13
milk products were tested. The milk products are as follows, kefir, soymilk, almond breeze,
buttermilk, whole milk, two percent milk, one percent milk, skim milk, Snowville whole milk,
Snowville fat free milk, coconut milk, rice milk, and goat milk. Note that Snowville whole and
Snowville fat free milk are a locally produced milk, the cattle are grass fed and the milk is
processed as little as possible. Any type of milk similar to Snowville milk can be used as an
alternative. Each milk product was evaluated for aroma, flavor, and consistency. Each label was
read and any difference in the compositions of the different milk products was noted in the lab

The methodology of the coagulation of fresh milk measuring the effect of heat is as follows. 125
mL of whole milk was added to a one quart saucepan and put on a stove over low heat. The

saucepan was not covered, the milk was not stirred, and the milk was not brought to a boil. The
milk was heated until a thick skin developed on the surface of the milk and until a precipitate
was visible on the bottom of the saucepan. It was not necessary to worry about overheating the
milk. In the lab manual it was noted what milk component was involved in the formation of the
film on the milk surface, the precipitate on the bottom of the saucepan, and the browning on the
bottom of the saucepan. The methodology of the coagulation of fresh milk measuring the effect
of an acid is as follows. One cup of whole milk was measured into a two cup glass measuring
cup. Next pH stripes were used to find the pH of the milk and the results were recorded in the
lab manual. Distilled white vinegar was used for this part of the experiment, pH stripes where
used to test the pH of the distilled white vinegar and results were recorded. Five mL of vinegar
was then added to the milk and stirred. The milk and vinegar mixture was left undisturbed for
two minutes and the pH of the milk was recorded with the pH stripes. The milk was also
evaluated for any formation of curds or thickening and the results recorded in the lab manual.
The steps of adding five mL of vinegar, stirring, letting the milk stand, and recording results were
repeated six more times until there was a total of 35 mL of vinegar added to the milk. The type
of milk component involved in the formation of the curds was identified and recorded in the lab
The methodology of the formation of a basic white sauce is as follows. All-purpose flour, butter
or margarine, salt, and whole milk where used in the basic recipe. Two tablespoons of butter
were melted in a one quart saucepan over low heat. Two tablespoons of all-purpose flour and
one and a half teaspoon of salt was blended together. The mixture of flour and salt was cooked
for three to five minutes until the mixture became bubbly. If the mixture is browned the basic
white sauce experiment will need to be stared over. One cup of whole milk was gradually added
to the mixture and blended well to prevent clumping. The mixture was cooked over medium
heat until it became thick all while being stirred continuously. After the sauce thickened it was
cooked for another two minutes. A Brookfeild Viscometer was used to determine the viscosity of
the sauces when the sauces were at a temperature of 120 degrees. The temperature of the sauce
before being ran in the Brookfeild Viscometer was recorded in the lab manual. A linespread test
was then performed, the temperature of the sauce during the linespread test was noted. During

this experiment there were three variations to the original recipe. All of the steps of the
experiment were the same, expect some of the ingredients varied. The first variation of the white
sauce used one tablespoon of all-purpose four in lieu of two tablespoons of all-purpose flour.
The second variation used three tablespoons of all-purpose flour instead of two tablespooons of
all-purpose flour. For the third variation the one cup of whole milk was replaced with one cup of
skim milk.
The methodology of the vanilla pudding are as follows. During the experiment there were four
different types of pudding cooked, they are as follows. The ingredients used during the
experiment were granulated sugar, cornstarch, salt, whole milk, butter, and vanilla extract. One
third cup of granulated sugar, three tablespoons of cornstarch, and one eighth teaspoon of salt
were mixed together in a two quart saucepan. Two cups of milk was gradually added to the
mixture and whisked to prevent clumping. The mixture was cooked over medium heat and was
stirred constantly. The mixture was then brought to a boil for one minute. The pudding
saucepan was then removed from the heat. One tablespoon of butter and one teaspoon of vanilla
extract was then added to the pudding. The vanilla pudding was then covered with plastic wrap
and put in a refrigerator before it was served. The vanilla pudding was then sampled and
evaluated for appearance, flavor, and texture. There were three separate variations of the
originally pudding recipe constructed during the experiment. All of the steps were the same
expect for the type of milk used. The first variation of the pudding used two cups of
reconstituted dry milk in lieu of the whole milk. The second variation used two cups of soy milk
instead of the whole milk. The third variation replaced the whole milk with two cups of goat
milk. The three variations of the original pudding were also sampled and evaluated for
appearance, flavor, and texture.
The milk foam methodology is as follows, 124 mL of cream or milk was beat together using an
electric mixer set at a high speed until the cream began to thicken. The speed was then lowered
to a low setting and beat until soft peaks formed. The time that it took to beat the whipping
cream until the peaks formed was then recorded in the lab manual. A funnel was lined with filter
paper and the funnel was placed in a 100 mL graduated cylinder. The height of the foam in the

funnel was recorded using a ruler. The height of the foam in the funnel was recorded again in the
funnel after thirty minutes passed. The amount of foam that drained into the graduated cylinder
was then recorded. There were five separate variations to the milk foam experiment that were
conducted. All of the steps for the first variation were the same expect a cold bowl was used
instead of a regular bowl. A medium metal bowl and beaters were chilled. 125 mL of whipping
cream was placed into the chilled bowl and then the steps to the original procedure were
followed. The second variation used a warm bowl. The steps of the originally produced were
then performed. The third variation used evaporated milk. The original 125 mL of cream or
milk was replaced with 125 mL of evaporated milk. Five mL of lemon juice was then added to
the evaporated milk at the beginning of the whipping and the mixture was beat until a stiff foam
appeared. It was necessary to use a high speed on the mixer to achieve the stiff foam. All steps
remained the same expect evaporated milk and lemon juice was used in lieu of the cream or
milk. The fourth variation used 125 mL of reconstituted nonfat milk solids instead of milk or
cream. The steps remained the same of the original procedure expect the change from milk or
cream to reconstituted nonfat milk solids. Five mL of lemon juice was added to the reconstituted
nonfat milk solids at the start of the whipping and the mixture was beat until a stiff foam was
formed. High speeds were used on the electric mixture throughout the beating process. The fifth
variation replaced the 125 mL of milk with 250 mL of whipping cream. The whipping cream
was then beat at high speeds until butter separated from the buttermilk. The time it took to beat
the buttermilk was recorded. The height and weight of the butter was recorded. The volume of
the buttermilk was also recorded in the lab manual.

Results: Refer to table one for the evaluation of different types of milk products.
Table 1:
Evaluation of Different Milk Products
Type of Milk




Dark white color, Yogurt smell



Yogurt flavor



Deep white color Not much aroma

Slightly sweet

Slightly thick

Almond Breeze

Light grey color

Faint taste, not


Sweet smell

much taste

White, creamy

Butter smell

Extremely sweet


Whole Milk

White color

Not much aroma

Rich flavor

Slightly thick

2 Percent Milk

White color

Not much smell

Slightly rich


1 Percent Milk

White color

No smell

Creamy flavor

Slightly thick

Skim Milk

White color

No smell

Not much flavor, Thin

milk flavor

Snowville Whole Slightly dark

No aroma

Rich flavor




Snowville Fat

White color

Non aroma

Less rich


Bright white

Coconut smell

Sweet coconut


Free Milk
Coconut Milk



Rice Milk

White color

No smell

Has a bite


Goat Milk

White color

Has a slight

Bitter flavor,


butter taste

butter flavor

The results of the coagulation of fresh milk when heat is added are as follows. The milk
component that was involved in the film on the milk surface was casein protein, milk fat,
phosphates, salt, and calcium. The milk component that was involved in the precipitate on the
bottom of the saucepan was the denatured whey protein. The milk component involved in the
browning on the bottom of the saucepan was caramelized lactose sugar. The results of the milk
when exposed to acid are as follows. The vinegars pH was 2.5. The most acidic the milk
became was when the milk was mixed with 35 ml of vinegar. The pH of the milk when 35 mL of
vinegar was 4.0. The milk component involved in curd formation by the vinegar was curds of
casein protein. Refer to table 2 for specific pH changes of milk when vinegar was added to the

Table 2:
Effects of Acid On Milk
Amount of Vinegar Added


5 mL


10 mL


15 mL


20 mL


25 mL


30 mL


35 mL


The results of the basic white sauce formation are as follows. The highest line spread test was
variation four which was the goat milk. The highest Brookfield Viscometer test results was
variation three which was three tablespoons all-purpose flour. Note when the experiment was
conducted variation one was note completed due to human error. Refer to figure 1 and table 3
for specific results

Linespread Test Results (INCHS)



Basic Recipe
Varia2on 2
Varia2on 3
Varia2on 4


Figure 1: The results of a line spread test on various white sauces.

Table 3:
Results of the Brookfield Viscometer test on various white sauces

Results (Measured in cP units)

Basic Recipe


Variation 2


Variation 3


Variation 4


The results of the vanilla pudding experiment are as follows. Refer to table 4 for specific results
of the vanilla pudding experiment.
Table 4:
Vanilla Pudding Results:




Creamy white film on Vanilla, sweet flavor


Reconstituted Dry

Creamy appearance

Sweet flavor

Jelly, chewy

Soy Milk

Yellowish color

Sweet, soy flavor

Soft, creamy

Goat Milk

Tan, off white color

Rich, strong, creamy




The results of the milk foam experiment are as follows. The results of the buttermilk will be
separate due to the different treatment during the buttermilk experiment when compared to the

other treatments. The highest whipping time was three minutes and this was the cold bowl
treatment. The highest foam height after zero minutes was 30 cm and the treatment was the
evaporated milk. The highest height after the foams sat for 30 minutes was 6 cm and the
treatment was the cold bowl. The reconstituted nonfat dry milk solid had the most drainage after
30 minutes with 124 mL of drainage. Refer to table 5 and table 6 for specific results.
Table 5:
Milk Foams Results

Whipping Time:



Drainage 30


0 Minutes (cm)

30 Minutes (cm)

Minutes (mL)

Cold Bowl



Warm Bowl




Evaporated Milk







Non Fat Dry

Milk Solid

Table 6:
Results of the buttermilk treatment in regards to milk foams

Whipping Time (min) Weight of Butter (g)

Volume of Buttermilk





Discussion: Milk is a fluid that contains many different chemical compounds dispersed in an
aqueous solution. Whole cow milks composition is 88 percent water, 5 percent carbohydrate, 3.5
percent protein, and 3.3 percent fat. The nutrient content varies from species to species, the
breed of the animals plays a role in the nutrient content of the milk, and based on the season.
There are two basic categories of milk proteins, whey and casein. This distinction becomes
apparent when the pH of milk is changed to 4.6. At this pH casein is insoluble and precipitates
out to form curds. The curds can be separated from the remaining liquid which is the whey
protein. The casein protein is made up of alpha, beta, and kappa casein proteins. The different
types of casein proteins are joined together to form micelles. The surface of casein micelles is
composed of kappa casein molecules and they block aggregation. Casein micelles block light
transmission in the milk which gives it its characteristic opacity. The whey proteins are
categorized into lactalbumins or lactoglobulins (McWilliams, 2012, pp. 295-299).
The compounds that contribute to the flavor of milk are volatile organic compounds including,
aldehydes, ketones, and acids. Different processes such as heating, fermentation, and storage
alter the chemical composition of the milk therefore changing the flavor. Fermentation by
microorganisms causes the formation of acid from lactose, this change alters the flavor and
texture of milk. Lipase action and oxidative changes during storage can affect the flavor of milk.
The feed the cattle is fed can also effect the flavor of the milk (McWilliams, 2012, pp. 300).
Many different types of milk exist, one being evaporated milk. Evaporated milk is sterilized,
canned milk that has been concentered to almost half of its original volume by evaporation under
a partial vacuum. Instanized dried milk is milk that has been dried, moistened until it becomes
sticky, and then re dried into spongy aggregates of solid that rehydrate readily without lumping.
Cultured buttermilk is low fat or nonfat milk that contains S. lactis and L. bulgaricus that has
been incubated to produce some lactic acid. Kefir is fermented milk that is about three percent
alcohol because of fermentation by lactobacillus kefir, which adds carbon dioxide. Soymilk is
made from whole, finely ground defatted soybeans. To hide the beany flavor of soy, flavors like
chocolate or coffee are added to the milk. Creams can also be made from milk, they are made by

centrifugation of milk to separate the varying amounts of the lighter cream from the aqueous
portion of the milk (McWilliams, 2012, pp. 302-307).
When whey protein is exposed to heat there are many changes that take place.

The alpha

lactoglobulins and beta lactalbumins precipitate gradually when milk is exposed to heat for a
long period of time. The longer the milk is exposed to heat the more denaturing takes place in
the proteins. There is visual evidence in milk of this denaturing process. When whey proteins
are denatured they leave a thin layer of precipitate that collects at the bottom of a pan when milk
is heated. This protein becomes hot quickly and scorching takes place. The color and flavor
changes take place due to the precipitated whey protein interacting with lactose in milk and
gradually nonenzymatic browning takes place. The scorching of proteins can be a problem to
chefs because the whey proteins precipitate to the bottom of the pan and produce browning
effects. Casein unlike whey protein is not effected that much by heat. Casein however does
change when it is exposed to an acid. Casein is precipitated at a pH of about 4.6 which is also
caseins isoelectric point. The pH of milk is usually above 4.6 but adding fruits that contain acid
reduces the pH. The reduction of the pH causes the caseins solubility to decrease and increase
the chances of the milk curdling (McWilliams, 2012, pp. 317-318). One study showed that in
yak milk when the pH is at 8.0 the yield of casein is at 80 percent. Also the yak milk had the
greatest solubility when the milk had pH of 8 (Liu, Zhang C., Zhang H., Guo, Wang, Zhu, 2013).
The proteins and water in milk can be made into thin films by agitation. These films enclose
small air bubble, which makes a foam in which the protein and water provide a continuous
network of the colloidal dispersion. The air is the discontinuous phase. The low surface tension
of milk allows liquid proteins to spread into thin films and the low vapor pressure reduces the
likelihood that evaporation will take place. When it comes to fluid milks the concentration of
protein is too low to allow production of a foam that has stability. Evaporated milk can be
whipped into a foam with a large volume.

The increased protein and fat concentration of

undiluted evaporated milk make it possible for a foam to be made. This foam will at some point
have some limited stability. Nonfat dried milk solids can be used to make milk foams. The
solids are joined together with an equal volume of water. This dilution makes a concentrated

protein mixture that readily makes a foam with a large volume and limited stability. The nonfat
dried milk solids get the limited stability from the high concentration of denatured milk proteins.
Although this type of foam has little flavor due to the fact that it has no fat, it is however low in
calories. Whipping cream can also be beaten into a foam, the high fat content in whipping cream
allows it to be beaten quickly into a foam and be a stable foam. The foam forms well if the
cream is chilled and this allows the foam to contribute to the rigidity of the cell walls in the
foam. The fat is important in strengthening the cell walls, so it is important that the whipping
cream is refrigerated until it is needed.

If the cream is allowed to begin to warm to room

temperature, the fat will soften, and the cell walls will weaken. If the whipping cream is too
warm the cream runs the possibility of melting into a liquid system McWilliams, 2012, pp. 319).
When it comes to the results of the evaluation of different milk products, it is subjective to the
person evaluating the milk.

There are however factors that attribute to the different

characteristics of the milk. For example the varying fat content in the milk could cause the milk
to have more rich taste, less rich taste, to have a thick consistency, or a thin consistency. When it
comes to flavor the varying fat content could also play a role. If the fat content is high, take
buttermilk for example, the flavor could be very rich, if the fat content is low, take skim milk for
example, the milk may not have much of a flavor. Also what is added to the milk can contribute
to its flavor, for example the coconut milk was sweet due to the addition of coconut flavoring.
The way the cattle are taken care of can also play a role in the flavor, aroma, appearance, and
consistency of the milk. Take the Snowville whole milk for example. These cattle are all grass
fed and the milk is as little processed as possible.

This can attribute to the difference in

characteristics of the Snowville milk compared to the commercially made milks. Refer to table
one for specific results of the evaluation of different milk products.
The coagulation of fresh milk results when dealing with the effect of heat show that the milk
component involved in the film on the milk surface was casein, milk fat, phosphate, salt, and
calcium. This is due to the evaporation of water from the heated milk. The milk component
involved in the precipitation on the bottom of the saucepan was the denatured whey.

As was

discussed in detail earlier when whey is exposed to heat it precipitates to the bottom of a cooking

pan. The milk component involved in the browning on the bottom of the saucepan was the
caramelized lactose sugar and scorched whey protein. When the whey protein precipitates to the
bottom of the pan it is exposed to the hot bottom of the pan and this causes the protein to brown,
or scorch. When it comes to the effects of acid on the milk the more acid that was added,
vinegar in this case, the more acidic the milk became. When the milk contained its max amount
of vinegar used in this experiment, 35 mL, the pH of the milk was 4.0. Refer to table 2 for
specific amounts of vinegar added to the milk with its corresponding pH value.

The milk

component involved in curd formation by the acid was casein protein. Casein protein is prone to
pH changes. When the acid was added it lowered the caseins pH value which made the casein
protein get closer to its isoelectric point which is 4.6.

When the casein was close to the

isoelectric point the solubility of the casein was very low and the casein precipitated out.
The results of the basic white sauce procedure show that the goat milk variation had the highest
line spread test, the results were 15 centimeters. Refer to figure 1 for specific results. There is
no direct correlation in the amount of flour being added or milk and the linespread test. The
linespread results could have been skewed by some groups mixing the white sauce more than
others. The groups that mixed the sauce more would give the sauce a thinner consistency which
would cause is to run farther on the linespread test. The results of the Brookfeild Viscometer test
show that variation 3 had the highest viscosity. Refer to table 3 for specific results. The amount
of flour being added to the white sauce could be the determining factor in the viscosity of the
white sauce.

The data shows that when there is one tablespoon added the results of the

Brookfeild Viscometer test is 1,700 cP. When there is two tablespoons of all-purpose flour added
the results are 6,100. When there are three tablespoons of all-purpose flour added the results are
25,750 cP. From this data we can concluded that the more flour added the more viscos the white
sauce. The amount of flour used could be the determining factor in the viscosity of the white
For results of the different variations of vanilla pudding refer to table 4.

The different

appearance, flavor, and texture of the vanilla pudding could be caused by the different profiles of
the milk used to make the pudding. For example the goat milk may have more fat than the soy

milk, therefore giving the goat milk pudding a richer flavor. Also the different types of milk
would cause the pudding to have different flavors. Soy milk has a different taste when compared
to the reconstituted dry milk, thus giving the pudding a different flavor. The results of the test
will be subjective to the person evaluating the pudding due to the fact people perceive
appearance, flavor, and texture differently.
The results of the milk foam test show that the cold bowl treatment took the longest to form
peaks, the exact whipping time is 180 seconds. The evaporated milk gave the highest height of
foam after it had been whipped and let stand for zero minutes, a height of 30 cm. The cold bowl
treatment gave the highest height of foam after 30 minutes, a height of 6 cm. The reconstituted
nonfat dry milk solids gave the most drainage, a drainage of 124 mL.

Refer to table 5 for

specific results. The evaporated milk may have had the highest height after whipping due to the
fact evaporated milk has increased protein and fat concentration making it possible for a great
deal of foam to be made. The reconstituted nonfat dry milk solid are joined together with an
equal volume of water. The dilution makes a concentrated protein mixture that readily makes a
foam with a large volume and limited stability. The limited stability could have caused the
reconstituted nonfat dry milk solids to lose its foam structure therefore having the highest
drainage after 30 minutes. When it comes to the buttermilk treatment it took 10 minutes to make
the butter. Refer to table 6 for specific results of the buttermilk treatment

The results show that different type of milk products vary in

appearance, aroma, flavor, and consistency. The results show that milk can be effected by the
addition of heat and by the addition of an acid. This lab shows that flour content can affect the
viscosity of certain food products and the type of milk used can affect the viscosity. When it
comes to making pudding the type of milk that is used can affect the puddings appearance,
flavor, and texture. Also the experiment shows that the type of treatment given to milk and
certain forms of milk have different foaming properties. These results can be applied to chefs in
the commercial kitchen or to anyone cooking at home. The results show that when milk is
heated it can cause browning or scorching at the bottom of a pan. Also if acidic foods are added
to milk, it can cause the milk to curdle. The type of milk used in the production of a food

product can affect the end results of the food being prepared. Chefs and home cooks can use
these results to avoid running food caused by curdling or browning and it can help the chef or
home cook know what type of milk to use when preparing a dish. It is important to do these
experiments to see how different milk types and milk products react with different treatments.

Brannan, R.G. 2013. Laboratory Manual for NUTR 2200. pp. 19-24
McWilliams, M. 2012 Food Experimental Perspectives Seventh Edition. pp. 46-60
H. N., L., C., Z., H., Z., H. Y., G., P. J., W., Y. B., Z., & F. Z., R. (2013). pH treatment as an
effective tool to select the functional and structural properties of yak milk caseins. Journal Of
Dairy Science, 96(9),

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