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High fructose corn syrup is a liquid sweetener that is used in a vast array of food
products (White, John S. 2008). There are two major types of high fructose corn syrup
that are on the market today, those being, HFCS-42 and HFCS-55 (John, White, S.
2008). The high fructose corn syrup is procured by mixing corn syrup with enzymes to
produce the high fructose corn syrup (Healy, Amber M. 2013). Roughly 90 percent of
the glucose is converted into fructose by the enzyme isomerase, which is produced
from Streptomyces (McWilliams, 2012, pp. 157). Although this enzyme can convert
about 90 percent of the glucose to fructose, typically 45 percent to 55 percent of the
glucose is converted to fructose (McWilliams, 2012, pg. 157). The remaining
ingredients in these sweeteners are free glucose and minor amounts of bound glucose,
a majority being maltoriose (John White, S, 2008). High fructose corn syrup is
composed of 42 percent sugar and HFCS-55 contains 55 percent fructose (John, S.

The sweetener is currently under great debate due to some claims that it can
lead to serious health complications. One topic that fuels the debate is the suggestion
that high fructose corn syrup can lead to obesity (Bray et al., 2004). The study showed
that after 10 weeks of one group consuming artificially flavored (non-caloric) soda and
another group consuming sucrose sweetened soda, the sucrose group gained more

weight (Raben Anne, 2002). The other side of the argument looked at the satiety that
high fructose corn syrup and sucrose offered (Sonen, Stijn, 2007). The study showed
that there was no difference in the amount of satiety that a product with high fructose
corn syrup offered and a product with sucrose offered (Sonen, Stijn 2007). The verdict
on high fructose corn syrup being responsible for the increase in obesity is still being
debated. HFCS is also being studied to see if it is responsible for the rise in diabetes. A
study was conducted and showed that countries that use HFCS have a higher percent
of people with diabetes compared to the countries that do not use HFCS (Gorana,
Micheal l. 2012).
The sweetener has many attributes that make it attractive to food production
companies (White, John, S. 2008). High fructose corn syrup is very cheap to make
since the price of corn is low, it is stable in acidic foods, provides better shelf life, and
due to its liquid nature can be easily pumped into trucks for easy transportation (White,
John, S. 2008). Some foods that contain high fructose corn syrup are canned fruits,
dairy desserts, soft drinks, fruit drinks, candied fruits, yogurts, baked goods, cereals,
and many jellies (Bray, George A. 2004).
Another characteristic is being debated is whether or not high fructose corn syrup
is sweeter than regular sucrose. There are many contradicting studies when it comes to
this topic, some studies suggest that high fructose corn syrup is sweeter than sucrose
while some suggest there it is not sweeter than sucrose. In a comparative study for
sweetness where sucrose sweetness levels were set at 100, fructose had a sweetness
of 173 and glucose had a sweetness of 74 (Bray et al., 2004). A study showed that
HFCS-42 is 1.16 times sweeter than sucrose and HFCS-55 is 1.28 times higher in

sweetness than sucrose (Bray et al., 2004). Other studies propose that there is
relatively zero or only slight differences in sweetness between high fructose corn syrup
and sucrose. A study done in 1971 determined that fructose in the crystalline, beta-dfructopyranose anomreic form has 1.8 times the sweetness of crystalline sucrose
(Daniel & Whistler, 1971). It is important to make note of the fact high fructose corn
syrup does not crystallize (White, John, S. 2008). It is this difference in sweetness
between fructose and sucrose in crystalline samples that is often confused and
incorrectly attributed to HFCS (White, John, S. 2008). After the beta-d-fructophyranose
is in solution it undergoes rapid mutarotation to give rise to a mixture of several
tautomers with lower and differing sweetness intensities (Schiffman et al., 2000).
Sweetness levels of liquid and syrup samples relative to the sucrose standard were
tested (White, John, S. 2008). The results showed that in syrup form HFCS-55 and
sucrose yield the same relative sweetness (White & Parke 1989). There are more
studies that suggest there is no difference in sweetness when comparing sucrose and
fructose. An experiment was conducted that calculated by regressing Schiffmans data
(mentioned above), for fructose and glucose to 10 percent solid and then substituting
the resulting values into the known compositions of HFCS-55 and sucrose (John, S.
2008). Sucrose was used as the standard by setting its sweetness equal to 100, a
sweetness of 97 was calculated for HFCS-55, showing minuscule difference between
the two sweeteners (John, S. 2008).
There is a great deal of conflicting data when testing the sweetness of high
fructose corn syrup and the sweetness of sucrose. This research tested for sweetness
differences between sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, and regular corn syrup. The

objective of this research was to test for differences in sweetness between high fructose
corn syrup, sucrose, and regular corn syrup by using a ranking test. The research also
was conducted to find any differences in the pH of these three sweeteners. Another
objective of the research was to identify structural characteristic differences between the
three sweeteners, by using a microscope.
Materials and Methods:
Three different types of sweeteners were used during the experiment, high
fructose corn syrup, sucrose and regular corn syrup. Three separate sodas were
produced using a soda stream. The control soda contained 163 grams of sucrose (19.4
%) sucrose, the high fructose corn syrup variation contained 163 grams of high fructose
corn syrup (19.4 %), and the other variation contained 163 grams of regular corn syrup
(19.4 %). Since the enzymes that are responsible to make high fructose corn syrup
were not available, the HFCS was procured by using weights. Since high fructose corn
syrup is 55 percent fructose and 45 percent sucrose, the high fructose was prepared
using these numbers. Since 30 ounces of water was being used in the experiment, it
was calculated that 60 grams of fructose and 103 grams of sucrose could be combined
to yield a solution that contains 55 percent fructose and 45 percent sucrose.
The ingredients being used in the experiment were, water, corn syrup, fructose, and
sucrose. A soda stream was used to produce the soda. A soda stream bottle is used
when making the soda. The soda stream bottle is screwed onto the soda stream, then
a button is pushed to add carbon to the water. A loud buzz is heard when it is time to
release the carbonation button. Obtaining a standardized method of carbonating the

soda was difficult. The soda stream took longer for the loud buzz to sound with some
replications than it did others, so the amount of carbonation in each variation may differ.
Using a digital scale 103 grams of regular corn syrup and 60 grams of sucrose
were mixed together to produce 163 grams of high fructose corn syrup. By using the
digital scale 163 grams of sucrose and regular corn syrup were weighed out and placed
in separate bowls. Next 30 ounces of water were weighed out and added to a soda
stream mixing bottle. The water bottle was placed into the soda stream and pumped
three times. After the carbon was added the soda was placed in a cup and labeled
according to the variation being added. The steps of making the soda were repeated
twice to make three separate cups of soda. The sucrose was then added to a cup, the
high fructose corn syrup to another cup, and the regular corn syrup to the last cup. The
three sweeteners were then evaluated for sweetness, textural characteristics, and pH.
The sensory evaluation was then performed by adding a sample of the sucrose
soda to a cup labeled with randomly generated numbers, 803 contained a sample of the
sucrose which was the control, high fructose corn syrup soda to a cup labeled 963, and
a sample of the regular corn syrup soda to a cup labeled 463. The samples were then
tested for sweetness by using a ranking test. A panelist of 14 was presented with a
ranking test ballot instructing them to rank the samples from one to three for sweetness,
one being the sweetest.
The objective characteristics were then tested by using a microscope. A drop of
each sample was extracted by using a pipette and the drop placed on a slide. The
slides were then placed under the microscope and characteristics were recorded for

each sample. The pH was then measured by placing a pH meter in a sample of each
variation. The pH was then recorded in a pre-made laboratory data sheet.

The results of the sensory evaluation are shown in table 1. This study was
repeated three separate times and the averages of the three replication are as follows.
The results show that the control sample was chosen 100 percent of the time as the
sweetest soda. The high fructose corn syrup average rank was 2.28 making it the
second sweetest soda. The regular corn syrup average rank was 2.7 making it the third
sweetest soda. The results show that the sucrose was undoubtedly the sweetest soda.
Table 1: Ranking Test of Soda

Sweetener Content (%)

Average Rank




High Fructose Corn





Regular Corn Syrup

Tables 2 and 3 show the specific results of the objective test. The results show
that the regular corn syrup had the highest average pH, the sucrose had the second
highest pH and the high fructose corn syrup had the lowest pH. The results of the
microscope test are described in detail in table 3.

Table 2: pH Results

Sweetener Content

Average pH




High Fructose Corn





Regular Corn Syrup

Table 3: Structural Results From Microscope


Sweetener Content (%)



Microscope Results
Circular droplets, lots of bubbles,
Empty black circles, black dots

High Fructose Corn



Many big circles, black exterior

on circle, grey middle layer, no
color in middle of circle, big and
small bubbles

Regular Corn Syrup


Lots of small black dots, lots of

small bubbles with a black
exterior and nothing in the middle

Soda that was sweetened with sucrose was ranked as the sweetest 100 percent
of the time. High fructose corn syrup was ranked second and the regular corn syrup
was ranked third. The results are contradictory to the research that suggest high
fructose corn syrup is sweeter than sucrose (Bray et al., 2004). Testing for sweetness is
a subjective measurement. The same panelist was used for each replication. This
could be the reason the results stayed the same throughout the replication. The high
fructose used in this research was prepared by weight where high fructose corn syrup
that is used in commercial products is made with enzymes. The high fructose corn
syrup that is produced through biological means may have some differences than the
high fructose corn syrup prepared with regular corn syrup and fructose.
Regular corn syrup had the highest pH, high fructose corn syrup had the second
highest, and sucrose had the third highest pH. Although there is a difference in pH, the
biggest difference is only 0.56, when it comes to pH this is not a large difference. The
pH for all three products may have been the same because they are all structurally
similar. They all are primarily composed of glucose and fructose which are
monosaccharaide. The microscope readings showed that the sucrose contained
circular droplets with lots of small bubbles, and some black dots. The high fructose corn
syrup had many big circles with some blacks dots. The regular corn syrup contained
lots of small black dots and lots of small bubbles. The bubbles that were seen on the
slides were individual water droplets. The size of the water droplets could have been

caused by the carbonation of the soda stream. Although each soda was prepared by
pressing the carbonation button three times, more carbon was added to some sodas
than others. It was difficult to add the same amount of carbonation for each soda
because sometimes it took longer for the soda stream to make a loud buzz which was
an indicator to release the carbonation button. The sucrose had many small bubbles
and the high fructose corn syrup had big bubbles, this could be due to the fact the
sucrose had more carbonation. The more carbonation would result in more bubbles
under the microscope. The black dots that were seen under the microscope were
impurities that were on the slides.
An observation was made that there were textural difference that resulted from
mixing the sodas with the three different sweeteners. Although viscosity was not
measured, sucrose caused the soda to be the least thick and high fructose corn syrup
caused the soda to be thicker. This is due to the fact that the sucrose precipitated into
the solution and made a homogenous mixture. The regular corn syrup that was used to
make the high fructose corn syrup is as the name implies a syrup. The syrup caused
the soda to become thicker because the syrup is denser than water. There is not a
difference in thickens when comparing commercial high fructose corn syrup and
sucrose because the commercial high fructose corn syrup is prepared with enzymes
that change the corn syrup structural. The high fructose corn syrup that is produced
commercially is not as thick as regular corn syrup. In future research viscosity should
be tested due to the fact there was a notable difference in texture among the three

High fructose corn syrup being sweeter than sucrose and unhealthy is still being
debated. High fructose corn syrup is given a bad reputation in the media and the
sweetener may not deserve such a bad reputation. Further research needs to be
conducted to see if high fructose corn syrup is as bad as the media portrays it. Further
research should also be done to test for the viscosity among the three sweeteners.
Although this research did not test for viscosity, there was a difference in viscosity that
was noticed when mixing the products. This research suggests that high fructose corn
syrup is not sweeter than sucrose. In order to end the discussion of HFCS being
sweeter than fructose, more studies need to be conducted.

Bray, G. A., Nielsen, S. J., & Popkin, B. M. (2004). Consumption of high-fructose corn
syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity. The American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 79(4), 537-543.
Daniel, J. R., & Whistler, R. L. (1971). Sweetness- structure correlation in
carbohydrates. Cereal Chem, 59(2), 92-95.
McWilliams, M. (2012). Foods experimental perspectives (7th ed.). Prentice Hall, One
Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 07458: Pearson Education.
Michael I. Gorana, Stanley J. Ulijaszekb, & Emily E. Ventura. (2012). High fructose corn
syrup and diabetes prevalence: A global perspective. Global Public Health, 1(10)
Raben, A., Vasilaras, T. H., Mller, A. C., & Astrup, A. (2002). Sucrose compared with
artificial sweeteners: Different effects on ad libitum food intake and body weight
after 10 wk of supplementation in overweight subjects. The American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, 76(4), 721-729.
Schiffman, S. S., SattelyMiller, E. A., Graham, B. G., Bennett, J. L., Booth, B. J.,
Desai, N., et al. (2000). Effect of temperature, pH, and ions on sweet taste. Physiology
& Behavior, 68(4), 469-481.

Soenen, S., & Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. (2007). No differences in satiety or energy

intake after high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, or milk preloads. The American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 86(6), 1586-1594.
White, J. S. (2008). Straight talk about high-fructose corn syrup: What it is and what it
ain't. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 88(6), 1716S-1721S.
White JS, Parke DW. Fructose adds variety to breakfast. Cereal Foods
World 1989;34:3928.

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