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Anahi Felix

Reflection Paper
Human Biology 1090, 11am- 11:50 am
Taking this class has really opened my eyes and mind to a better point of view of human
biology. In high school I took medical terminology, medical anatomy and EMS. The moment the
professor began lecturing the class on human biology, he covered most of the things I learned in
high school but explained it and taught it with more common sense and more understandable for
the class to learn. During this class I learned a lot, and I really enjoyed being in this class, there is
a lot of reading and studying needed to be done in this class for the exams we had.
What I enjoyed the most in this class was when the professor would lecture the class and
made it really easy for us to understand, he answered all of our questions. During the end of the
semester was one of my favorite subjects that we were being lectured on which was on human
anatomy such as muscular, respiratory, immune, nervous system. I really liked this part of the
section because it got really interesting to learn about how the body works and why it does that.
The human body is much more powerful and interesting than I though it was. Learning about the
human body was a lot to take in and there is still a lot to learn about.
Overall taking this class was very fun, hard work, and I really did enjoy taking this class
because I learned a lot. I would want to continue to learn more and if I could change anything
about this class is I wished we had a better understanding on how we needed to prepare for the
exams. There is a lot to read in the text book and there are a lot of Power Points and not to

mention online assignments. If anything I learned that I should have focused more on the Power
Points that on the textbook. I think that the power points were a lot more easier to study and
understand than the text book along with the lecture we had in class.

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