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Instructor: Dr. Nancy Juhn
GR 2.410 – Office hours – Mon & Wed 12:00-12:50 PM


Prerequisite: College Algebra MATH - 1300, or MATH - 1306, or MATH - 1314

Abstract: This course is designed to introduce students to basic statistical methods for the
design and analysis of psychology experiments. Subject areas include: measurement,
graphs, descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation),
elementary probability, simple correlation and regression, distributions (e.g., normal, t,
Chi-square, F), and inferential statistics (e.g., hypothesis testing, criterion, sources of
error, power, effect size, and an introduction to analysis of variance and factorial

Course Requirements:

Required Materials
• Required textbook
Aron, A. & Aron, E. N. (2003), Statistics for Psychology, Third
Edition, Prentice Hall
• Required homework forms (see next page for directions)
• A simple pocket calculator.

Optional Materials
• Online study guide that accompanies text –
• Copies of lecture transparencies are available (see next page)

Experimental Credits: Because this is a core course you must complete 2

experimental credits by the last day of class, November 29. Please refer to the
handout for complete information. If you do not turn in your experimental credit
sheet by this time you will receive an incomplete (X) for the course. Your course
grade will be posted when you complete the experimental credits. If you have
concerns or questions about your experimental credits contact Kent Mecklenburg
(972) 883-2360 or

• Tests (90%)

Ø NO Make-up tests are allowed*

Ø You may use notes and homework for all tests

• Homework assignments (10%)

Ø Homework must be done on homework form

Ø You must put your name on each page and staple pages together
Ø NO Late homework – two lowest homework scores will be dropped

You may purchase homework forms copies at the copy center located in
the front of the UTD bookstore.
Homework forms may be downloaded from the following website
Select PSY2317, select homework for correct chapter, and print the form.
Forms will be available in Word and PDF formats.

Copies of the transparencies used during the lectures are also available on the same
website for downloading or purchasing at the copy center.

Grade Assignment Policy:

Grades will be assigned based on your numeric average of the tests and homework.
• 93 – 100 = A
• 90 – 92 = A-
• 88 – 89 = B+
• 83 – 87 = B
• 80 – 82 = B-
• 78 – 79 = C+
• 73 – 77 = C
• 70 – 72 = C-
• 68 – 69 = D+
• 63 – 67 = D
• 60 – 62 = D-
• Below 60 = F

* If you have an emergency, you must provide a medical certificate or other

appropriate documentation in order to take a missed test. I do not provide extra credit
Statistics for Psychology: Fall 2005 SCHEDULE

Date Lecture Homework Reading

08/19 Introduction Chapter 1

08/22 Tables, Graphs

08/24 Frequency distributions

08/26 Measures of central tendency HW1- Chap 1 due Chapter 2

08/29 Measures of dispersion

08/31 z scores

09/02 Correlation HW 2 - Chap 2 due Chapter 3

09/05 ----------HOLIDAY--------

09/07 Correlation

09/09 **TEST 1 (Chap 1 & 2)** ------------------------ -----------------------

09/12 Regression Chapter 4

09/14 Regression HW 3 - Chap 3 due

09/16 Regression

09/19 Normal Curve HW 4 - Chap 4 due Chapter 5

09/21 Population vs Sample

09/23 Probability

09/26 **TEST 2 (Chap 3 & 4)** ------------------------ ------------------------

09/28 Intro to hypothesis testing HW 5 - Chap 5 due Chapter 6

09/30 Intro to hypothesis testing

10/03 Hypothesis testing HW 6 - Chap 6 due Chapter 7

using means of samples
10/05 ”

10/07 Hypothesis testing

Date Lecture Homework Reading
10/10 **TEST 3 (Chap 5 & 6)** ------------------------ ------------------------

10/12 Power and effect size Chapter 8

10/14 Power and effect size HW 7 - Chap 7 due

10/17 Power and effect size

10/19 t test dependent means HW 8 - Chap 8 due Chapter 9

10/21 t test dependent means

10/24 t test independent means HW 9 - Chap 9 due Chapter 10

10/26 t test independent means

10/28 **TEST 4 (Chap 7 & 8)**

10/31 t test independent means

11/02 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) HW 10 - Chap10 due Chapter 11

11/04 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

11/07 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

11/09 **TEST 5 (Chap 9, 10)** ------------------------ ---------------------

11/11 Factorial designs Chapter 13

Pages 451 – 463
11/14 Factorial designs HW 11- Chap 11 due

11/16 Chi square Chapter 14

11/18 Chi square HW 12 - Chap 13 due

11/21 Chi Square

11/23 Review

11/25 ----------HOLIDAY----------

11/28 **TEST 6 (Chap 11,13,14)** -------------------------- -----------------------

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