UT Dallas Syllabus For Math4302.502 05s Taught by Istvan Ozsvath (Ozsvath)

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MATH 4302.501 Mathematical Analysis II, Spring 2005

Classes meet TR 7:00-8:15 p.m. in CB 1.114
István Ozsváth
Office EC 3.922. Office hours TR 4:00-5:00 p.m. and by appointment.
E-mail ozsvath@utdallas.edu
Ext. 2174


Calculus of Several Variables third edition by Serge Lang.

Our book is intended to serve as a basic text for mathematical analysis, with emphasis on
several variables. While you might already have encountered most topics discussed here, the rigor
and the depth of our approach will certainly be new.

Topics Covered

We will cover the second half of the book: “Triple and Surface Integrals,” “Mappings,
Inverse Mappings, and Change of Variables Formula,” and “Fourier Series”.

Class Requirements

You will have assigned home work problems, which should be turned in within a week. In
addition, there will be a midterm and a final examination. Your grade will be determined on the
basis of your home work (30%) and on the basis of your performance in these examinations (each
Also, we expect you to attend the lectures regularly, participate in class discussions, be on
time with the assignments, and take the examinations at the designated time. If you have any
questions come and see me.

Have a good semester.

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