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Quick guide - Add new child system in

This quick guide describes the steps necessary to assign a new system to an existing CUA Landscape. This
guide does not contain the full story; in order to get that refer to the Central User Administration
guide from SAP.
The process described in this guide is based around using dedicated CUA User. Another option exist
where trusted RFC Connections is used, normally that will be my preferred approach.
For setting up a CUA Landscape using trusted RFC connection my approach usually is to follow the quick
guide below, and then change the RFC Connection on the port used in transaction WE21.

On the Child system

1. Off course youll need a username and a password for the
new system
2. Ensure that the system has been allocated to a logical
system, this is done in transaction SCC41

3. In case off a new installed system, the required roles for the CUA users isnt generated, in this
case copy and generated the roles
SAP_BC_USR_CUA_CLIENT, this is done in
transaction PFCG. In this case the role
is copied to
Both roles are now generated. This is
shown in the next screenshots.

if no logical system is allocated to the client, you need to create the logical system in transaction BD54

Shift to the tab Authorizations

Push the Change Authorization button

and generate the profile

4. Create CUA User in transaction SU01. This user should be created as a Communication type

This user should be assigned both CUA client roles. The role SAP_BC_USR_CUA_SETUP_CLIENT
can/should be removed again, after the successful assignment of the client to the CUA System.

5. Create an RFC Destination to the CUA Master system in transaction SM59 - Notice! this RFC
Destination must be called the same as the logical system for the CUA Master

6. In order to clean up company addresses in the client system run report RSADRCK2 (in
transaction SA38)

On the Master System

1. Create a logical system for the child system in transaction BD54.

2. Create RFC Destination to Child System in transaction SM59 - Notice! this RFC Destination must
be called the same as the logical system for the CUA Child system

3. Insert in the new child system in transaction SCUA and Save Selected Systems

4. Synchronize User Master record with transaction SCUG - Select The System and press User

On the tabs New users, Different

users and Identical Users and push
the Transfer Users button

5. Before you can assign any new roles in the newly added child system, and before you can
assigned any newly created roles in child system you need to perform a Text Comparison from
the child system. By doing this you execute report SUSR_ZBV_GET_RECEIVER_PROFILES, and all
the roles in the system is transferred to the table USRSYSACT.

The report SUSR_ZBV_GET_RECEIVER_PROFILES can off course be ran directly from SA38 or
scheduled regularly.

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