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MOSCAP Fabrication

12th INUP Workshop at

IIT Bombay

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

The fabrication of the oxide of an MOS structure is one of the
critical steps when fabricating MOSFETs
MOSCAP is used as a diagnostic tool for determining the
quality of the process used
Electrical characterization and monitoring is critical for
maintaining gate oxide uniformity
Many electrical characterization techniques have been
developed over the years to characterize gate dielectric quality.
However, the most commonly used tool for studying gate oxide
quality in detail is the Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) technique. CV test results offer a wealth of device and process information,
including bulk and interface charges and many MOS device
12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

What all we can get from CV of a MOSCAP ?

Oxide (dielectric) thickness

Charges in the oxide
Oxide breakdown strength
Conductivity type
Doping concentration
Doping profile in the silicon
Work function differences
Interface trap densities
Properties of electron and hole traps
12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

MOSCAP Structure


Top Metal
Cross section view

What is the desired structure

Si - body

Top view

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

MOSCAP Fabrication
Steps involved
Wafer identification (2 Si wafer)
Four probe measurement (optional)
Cleaning of the wafer
Ellipsometry (optional)
Metal dot deposition
Foaming gas annealing
Back side etching
12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Identification of starting Wafer

2 (diameter of the wafer) Si wafer

P type or N type depends on desired structure
Front side is shining while back side is rough

In this experiment:

P Type (100) Si wafer having flat in <110> direction

Do the four probe measurement
To confirm the type of the wafer
To find the resistivity of the wafer

Four Probe

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

P type Si (100)
( ) Planes
{ } Eq.Planes
[ ] Directions
< >Eq. Directions

Cleaning of the Wafer

Various types of cleaning procedures are available

RCA cleaning ( Radio Corporation of America) is universally accepted
Most rigorous cleaning procedure, Industry standard

RCA cleaning
Two step procedure: SC1 & SC2
HF (Hydrofluoric Acid) clean

To remove any native oxide

Wafer is dipped for about 30 Sec in
2% HF solution
Glass beaker is not used for HF solution

Standard Clean 1 (SC1) To remove the organic contaminates

NH4OH : H2O2 : H2O ( 1: 2:7)
Solution is heated at 750C 800C for 10 minutes
Again HF Clean

To remove the oxide formed on the wafer after SC1

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Cleaning of the Wafer (contd.)

Standard Clean 2 (SC2)

Again HF Clean

To remove the heavy alkali ions and cations

HCl : H2O2 : H2O ( 1: 2:7)
Solution is heated at 750C 800C for 10 minutes

To remove the oxide formed on the wafer after SC1

Other cleaning procedures:

Piranha Cleaning

Mixture of H2SO4 and H2O2

Removes the organic contaminates
Less rigorous than RCA

BHF etch

To remove the oxide

Typical etch rate is about 110nm/min.
SiO2 + 6Hf => H2 + SiF6 + 2H2O
12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Thermal Oxidation of the Wafer

Thermal Oxidation
Wet oxidation
Dry Oxidation

Furnace Oxidation
Rapid Thermal Oxidation

You will be doing

Furnace Oxidation
Target Oxide Thickness is 10nm

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Metal Dot deposition

Al is deposited by means of evaporation on the front side

Cross Section
Top view

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Back etching and Metallization

After the Al deposition
Strip the back oxide by 2% HF
Do the back metallization

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Stable at high temp >900 C
Good Si/SiO2 interface
Silicon dioxide (SiO2) as a gate dielectric
*SiO2 layer is formed on heating Si in O2 or H2O ambient
The Deal- Grove model of Oxidation
*It works well for predicting the oxide thickness for thermally
grown SiO2 larger than 30nm

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Oxide growth
Oxidation of Si proceed by either Si atom diffusing to the
SiO2/gas interface or Oxygen molecules diffusing to Si/SiO2

At room temperature there is native oxide of thickness ~ 12.5nm due to the presence of oxygen in air
12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Dry Oxidation
The Si wafer is heated in the presence of oxygen
Si + O2 -----> SiO2
It gives a dense oxide hence is suitable for Gate dielectric
Thickness < 100 nm
Beyond Deal - grove model requirement

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Thickness limiting factor

For sufficiently thin oxide the
tox (B/A) (t+)
B/A is linear rate coefficient
*It depends on orientation of Si, it is higher for (111)
compared to (100)
For sufficiently thick oxide
tox2 B (t+)
B is parabolic rate coefficient
*It does not depend on Si orientation

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Oxidation rate constant

Ref: Gary S.May, Simon M. Sze ,Fundamentals of Semiconductor fabrication

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Wet Oxidation
Oxidization in the presence of water vapor
Si + 2 H2O -----> SiO2 + 2 H2
Due to higher diffusivity of H2O as compared to O2, its
oxidation rate is higher as compared to dry oxidation.
Oxide grown are less dense
Dielectric insulation and Masking

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

SiO2 thickness as a function of reaction

time and temperature

Ref: Fundamental of semiconductor fabrication by May, S M Sze

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Oxidation system

*double wall Furnace in which a cooling air stream is flow able to provide fast cooldown of a load of wafers
12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Process requirement
Dry Oxidation
For Thickness ~ 15nm
Time = 2 min
Temperature = 1000 C for all three zone
* Ramp up - Constant- Ramp down
High purity O2
N2 for cleaning the inner side of furnace tube
* N2 is an inert gas, it does not react

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Process steps

Set temperature of all zone to 1000 C

Wait till temperature reach the required set point
Place wafer on boat vertically between two dummy wafers
Face of the wafer should be opposite to gas flow
Push the boat in oxidation chamber and close the door
Set the oxygen flow time
Than stop the oxygen flow and ramp it down
Remove the wafer from chamber when process done
Now do the thickness measurement using Ellipsometry

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Thickness Measurement
It is a non-destructive and contact less measurement tool for
the characterization of thin films.
Measuring the change in polarization state of reflected or
transmitted polarized light.
The polarization of reflected light depends on the thickness
and refractive index of the oxide layer

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Procedure to measure thickness

Select model - In this
step select and the no.
of layers
Simulation of the

Measuring and editing

the data -Assign optical
functions to each layer
Fitting the SE data to the
model using desired
parameters as a variable
to obtain the best fit.
12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Basic equation of ellipsometry

Light pass through the Polarization State Generator (PSG)
* Sets polarization state for the light beam incident
Reflected light is then re-polarized and detected by the
Polarization State Detector (PSD)
Ellipsometry fundamental equation for Measurement
= (rp /rs) = tan () ei

amplitudes after reflection are denoted by rp (parallel

polarized ) and rs (perpendicular polarized)

Ellipsometry measures two parameters, which are

conventionally denoted by (0- 90) and (0- 360) where
tan () is the amplitude ratio upon reflection, is the phase
12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Following Parameters can be extracted

Thin film thickness

Refractive index
Absorption Index (extinction coefficient)
Material composition
Surface & Interface roughness
Uniformity of films and layer stacks
Band gap of material

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay


Stephen A. Campbell, The science and engineering of Microelectronics

Gary S. May, Simon M. Sze ,Fundamentals of Semiconductor fabrication
Lecture slide by Prof. R. Rao
H. G. Tompkins and E. A. Irene (Editors), Handbook of Ellipsometry
Manual for Spectroscopic Ellipsometers , SENTECH instruments

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Metallization PVD techniques




Electric Field




12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay


Metal Sputtering
In sputtering, atoms are physically extracted
out from a target.
1. Using an Electric
field or Magnetron
field or RF field
metal target is
bombarded with
Ar+ ions are

2. Ar+ ions knock off

the Metal atoms.
They lands on the
wafer and
everywhere else



12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Sputtering (vs Evaporation)

Sputtering can get better uniformity over a large size (from
larger targets).
There can be tighter (and easier) control over alloy
Pre-surface sputter cleaning of surface and deposition/
etching processes to control uniformity are possible.

Certain sputtering systems (glow discharge plasmas)
require a medium level vacuum that can increase
contamination over evaporation!

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Evaporation (vs Sputtering)

Advantages: Highest purity (Good for Schottky
contacts) due to low pressures.
Disadvantages: Poor step coverage, forming alloys
can be difficult, lower throughput due to low
Evaporation is based on the concept that there exists
a finite vapor pressure above any material. The
material either sublimes (direct solid to vapor
transition) or evaporates (liquid to vapor transition).

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Evaporator System

A. Coil heater
B. Dimpled boat

A. Electric heating

B. E-beam heating

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay


Contact Patterning
Photolithography technique
Shadow masking

Back side etching

Using Buffered HF 1:5, oxide on the back side
of the wafer is etched out before
12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Forming Gas Anneal

Forming Gas Annealing (FGA) at 400oC for 30
min is performed for passivation.
This will make Ohmic contact for Al contacts.

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

Thank you..!!!

12th INUP Workshop at IIT Bombay

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