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Content Outline

Artistic expression reasoning and significance

Flower: When the flower is closed and all parts are not revealed, this represents the patient up
initial meeting. There is not yet a relationship of trust and exposure. As time goes on, the
healing process continues, and a professional relationship ensues the flower begins to open
and bloom and functionality is restored.
o Layers of petals

Outermost (blue): physical, BODY

Middle (yellow): mental, emotional, MIND

Innermost (red): faith, SPIRIT

o Choice of color: moves from cooler color to warmest color to symbolize the
proximity to the persons core and value/beliefs
o Choice of material

Light (center): shines and expands from the inside out, symbolizes what
makes each person an individual and those differences affect the display
of mind, body, and spirit

Petals (tissue paper): translucent, allows the line to shine through to the
next layer

Personal philosophy

Basic concepts portrayed through art

o Nursing: operates in a holistic manner to look at the whole person and not solely
address physical needs; use of alternative therapies
o Person: client is the focus and others are included in the nursing process when
needed or desired

o Environment: internal/external, tangible/intangible can cause stressors that act

as barriers to healing; constant interaction
o Health: highest level of wellness in regards to mental, physical, spiritual,
emotional, and social aspects of the person harmony of systems
o Tie to own values/beliefs: we are multi-dimensionally in the sense that we are
made up of mind, body, and spirit

Nursing theories
o Betty Neuman Systems Model: there is constant dynamic interaction among all
parts of a patient being influenced by actual or potential stressors that cause a
wide range of effects with use of different combative defenses (Queennie, 2014)
o Open Systems Theory: system is more that sum of its parts; interaction is key;
ever-changing system (flower can open and close fluctuate)

Qualities of practice environment necessary for philosophy: long-term care, ongoing

relationship, and availability of full range of assessments (mental, physical, social, etc.)

Professional outlook

Goals for own nursing practice: life-long learning not necessarily in the sense of going
on to higher education but always being eager to learn about patients story,
background, culture, how to work with different age groups, and learn from cohorts
around me

Challenges to nursing now and in the future: working with a patient who views his/her
own quality of health as purely physical and does not acknowledge the influence of
stress, nutrition, spiritual awareness, condition of relationships, acceptance of self

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