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Problem 01:

As the pizza comes in two packets of 340g, therefore,

Total mass = 680 g = 0.680 Kg
The value of nutrition per 100g in the pizza will not play any significant role in the calculations,
therefore, we will ignore that part.
Here we have,
As the mass decreases after baking, therefore
Total Mass = m = 0.680 - 0.027 = 0.657 Kg
T1 = -10 oC
T2 = 220 oC
Time for baking = 15 min = 900 sec
Total Cp (Summation of all given Cp) = 6.65 KJ/Kg.k
1. Amount of heat required to bake the pizza
We know that,
Q = m Cp T
Q = (0.654/900) (6.65) (220 (-10))
= 1.11 KW
2. Time to bake the pizza with oven power of 3000 Watt
Since we know the relation,
Q = m Cp T
3000 = (0.654/t) (6.65) (230)
Time = t = 33 sec
3. Difference
Yes this very different. As a pizza takes much longer than that.
4. Simply, the power of the oven is too much as to that of the mass of the pizza. Such kind of pizza may
only require 1500 Watts maximum to bake them.

Problem 3:
1. Since the diameter of the concetrate side is double to that of water side, and according to formula,
The flow rate of the concetrate is given by,
Qc = AcVc
And similarly, the flow rate of water tube side is given by,
Qw = AwVw
Now, as the both the fluids have to fill in exactly the same time, therefore, their flow rate should be
Qc = Qw
AcVc = AwVw
dc2 /4 (Vc) = dw2 /4 (Vw)
But the situation is that dc = 2dw, hence in order to keep the flow rate same, the velocity of concetrate
would be 2 times to that of water. i.e.
Vc = 2Vw
This is the relation that can be established if we want to fill the carton can at the same time with both
Qc = Flow rate of Concetrate
Qw = Flow rate of water
2. Firstly, it was obvious that if the diameter increases than there would be decrease in velocity as
velocity and diameter of the tube are inversely proportional. Therefore, the answer suggested
pretty much satisfied the condition that if the carton can is to be filled at the same time with both
fluids than these fluids should be coming at that velocity that their flow rate remains same.

Problem 2:
Part 1)
Here, according to given conditions,
1 mile per gallon = 1.6 km/gallon
30 miles/gallon = 1.6 x 30 = 48km/gallon
1 gallon (4 liters) = 48 Km
So, 40km would require = (4/48) x 40 = 3.33 liters = 3 liters approx.
3 liter of petrol was approximated as the possible petrol station which the kind family suggested is near
and it would require less than 3.33 liter of petrol and also we need a round figure.
Part 2)
Assume that the velocity of the petrol flowing through the pipe will be 3 m/s.
The time required can be calculated as;
T = V/Q
V = Volume = 3 liters = 0.003
Q = Mass flow rate = Av = d2 /4 (v) = 3.14 x (0.005)2 /4 (10) = 5.88E-5
T = 0.003/5.88E-5 = 51 Sec
Part 3)
As density of Gasoline: 719.7 kg/m3
As P = g h = (719.7 (9.81) (2.75) = 19.415 Kpa
Part 4)
The losses may occur due to the turns presence of sharp turns in the pipe which is used to deliver the
petrol from the tank of car to the gallon. Previous calculations of the time were dependent upon ideal
conditions with no losses in the flow of fluid through the pipe. However, in this case, due to presence of
losses, the time may reduce to about 75% of ideal time.
Part 5)
The pressure at point 3 is due to its height at that point. It can be further reduced if we decrease its

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