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The safe place for all to grow in friendship, body and mind within the foundations of the

Christian faith.
These are the last set of awards for this year as we have the Christmas Fair tonight and other events
going on the next two Fridays.
Last weeks awards went to:
Super Work

Positive Contribution


Amy Wright brilliant phonics work


Alfie Mann for settling well at lunchtime


Joshua Millichap and Dorothy Fielding


Alex Ellison and Thomas Edwards excellent

excellent instruction writing


George England working hard in Literacy,

concentration on his work


especially in writing

Alfie Adams for being thoughtful and



Ethan White outstanding shape maths


Joshua Clowes for a brilliant effort in


Sophie Avery amazing maths work


Ethan Auden and Ewan McQuair including

improving handwriting
Lily Nicholson amazing literacy work

people in their group

Abi Simioni motivating and leading the

girls football team


Celebration Worship
As a staff we have become increasingly convinced that last thing on a Friday is not a good time for our
celebration worship where we give out awards, celebrate the good things that have happened in school
and invite parents. The children are really tired by the end of the week and have been very restless
recently. Consequently the time of Celebration Worship will change after Christmas to 9am on a Friday

morning. If you are attending you will be able to go straight to the hall after dropping your children off
at school. We aim to be finished by 9:30am.
NSPCC Fundraising
The final total was a magnificent 535.70 Thank you all for your tremendous support.
Diary dates for the next two weeks:

Monday December 8 Andy Avery leading Collective Worship

Tuesday December 9 KS1 Nativity 1:30pm

Wednesday December 10 KS1 Nativity 6:00pm

Thursday December 11 Carols and Mince Pies afternoon for Parent Helpers

Friday December 12 Choir performing at Oak Grange 11am

Friday December 12 Wider Opps Performance for Hummingbirds parents 2:30pm

Monday 15 December Hummingbirds bag packing at M&S Cheshire Oaks

Monday 15 December - Christmas Party for Reception, Y1 and Y2

Tuesday 16 December Christmas Party for Year 3 6

Wednesday 17 December Choir singing at M&S Cheshire Oaks 10am

Wednesday 17 December School Christmas Dinner

Thursday 18 December Christmas Church Service 2:30pm

Friday 19 December School closes for Christmas at 3:15pm

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