Script For Animation Hockey Game

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Script for animation hockey game

First period highlights: Already everybody

welcome back to the game. Both teams start their
top lines on the ice, Crosby will try to win the faceoff,
Bozak will try to beat him from him. (Cut) Now a
faceoff in the penguins zone, Bozak won the draw,
Franson shots, rebound Van Riemsdyk scores! James
van Reimsdyk in front of the net and puts home the
rebound to make it one to nothing. (Cut) Toronto
zone faceoff and Sutter wins it back to Letang he
shoots and he scores, (Goal horn). A hard shot from
Kris Letang and its tied 1-1.

Second period: Bernier goes behind the net to play

the puck, He gave the puck away hes scores- (goal
horn) Hornqvist took advantage of a turn-over by
Bernier and Pittsburgh leads 2-1. (Cut) (Cut) Toronto
sends out their top power play unit on the ice. Bozak
won the draw, Franson, Saucer pass to Percy
onetimer scores, His first NHL goal Stuart Percy
couldnt come at a better time. Just before the 2nd
period ended it is now 2-2.

3rd period highlights: Kadri line on to start this shift.

Kadri won the draw Reily shot rebound Lupul shots
and what a save by Fleury coming across to rob
Lupul. (Cut) Leafs with the kadri line out in their zone
Kadri to Lupul and hes gonna take off, Joffrey Lupul
on a brake away, hes tripped and thatll be a penalty
shot for Joffrey Lupul. With only 2.44 left in the 3rd
period, Lupul has the chance to give the Leafs the
lead. Lupul with speed, he shoots and he scores,
Lupul denied by Fleury earlier in the period, And he
scores on him on the penalty shot. (Cut) With only 9
seconds left in the game, the Penguins have one
more push in them. Crosby won the draw, letang the
shot rebound kicked out, Paul martin shoots Robed
by Bernier and Kicked out to center by Polak and
thatll do it. The Toronto maple leafs come out of this
building with the win and in convincing fashion
outshooting the penguins 35-27. (Cut) Well thats
the game everyone, hope you enjoyed it and have a
great night everyone.

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